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Cyclist killed in front of his Son.

Big H*

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Really? Do you know what's happening in Syria at the moment? Do you know what's happening in Iraq?


Yes i do i been there.....but are you comparing SA to a War/Conflict Zone?

I am comparing it to a peaceful nation.

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Well then call me.


I suppose I could do that,but I do think Sometimes request was reasonable and seeing you wanted to "put it all out there" why dont you just explain it on the thread?

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I suppose I could do that,but I do think Sometimes request was reasonable and seeing you wanted to "put it all out there" why dont you just explain it on the thread?


Why don't you just call me, let's make life easy, seeing that we will be going around in circles forever.

So if you are really that inquisitive, get that file and hit that dial.

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Condolences to the family, and I certainly hope the kid gets the necessary help to overcome what he has seen.


Would like to respond to certain posts...

'They' kill each other for cigarettes, 'they' sure as hell don't give a **** about you.

If 'they' kill their own over cigarettes (R25 a pack?) surely killing for a bicycle cannot be about racism? If it was, they would have left the bicycle, and also killed the kid.


If it wasnt for Europeans, the locals would still be spearing animals... FACT!!!

You are right, they would be spearing animals, for food and clothes. They would be killing as they needed, and there would be beautiful land with unpolluted river water, plenty of animals including quaggas (which the European killed to extinction, as was with the dodo), and no excesses - FACT!!!. Today there are still 'uncontacted' tribes in the Amazon and other parts of the world who live as they have done for centuries, hunting with bow and arrows and spears - does this make their way of life wrong? The excesses of our way of life has us crying over the destruction of the Amazon, whereas these people have lived there for ever in peace with their surroundings - FACT!!!. Maybe a spear is not the bad thing you make it out to be.


There is loads of crime in the Townships and people are killed every day there but why is it that when a white person or family is killed it's so brutal? Why when whites are robbed at home they are tortured with hot irons or boiling water?

There is load of unreported brutal crime in the townships, and those that are generally reported are done so in newspapers that whites don't read, such as Sowetan etc., so would not be seen outside the township. I personally know of non-whites in my area who were tortured with hot irons AND boiling water - so this abuse is not meted out to whites only. We need harsh sentences with minimal prisoner rights as part of the answer. And the death penalty.


It is high time that the government do something about this. Start by taking away prisoners' rights to everything once found guilty

I agree, the rights of victims needs to be put way ahead of the rights of any convicted criminal.


It's not all over the world.

The reference to integration is about race.

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I think it's called an opinion and as far as I know we are all entitled to one.... the last time I looked anyway...... I could be wrong........ that right might have been taken away by some third force......... based on the performance of our forefathers.

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Nice one Azi, I agree with you.


This is a brutal and brutalized society.


The main thing to bear in mind for me is that the great majority of all people here are decent ordinary folk trying to get by under incredible pressure - whoever they are.


And there are enough really bad people out there to make everyone's life a misery. The reason why they are bad isnt so important when you're cornered by them; and i dont see anyone here supporting anyone acting this way.

Edited by Joe Low
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There is load of unreported brutal crime in the townships, and those that are generally reported are done so in newspapers that whites don't read, such as Sowetan etc., so would not be seen outside the township. I personally know of non-whites in my area who were tortured with hot irons AND boiling water - so this abuse is not meted out to whites only. We need harsh sentences with minimal prisoner rights as part of the answer. And the death penalty.



Hi Azi, not baiting but just a question, has it been mentioned as to who committed these crimes ?

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Yes i do i been there.....but are you comparing SA to a War/Conflict Zone?

I am comparing it to a peaceful nation.


Ok - have you been to Brazil or Mexico or Columbia? Their crime and murder stats are on a par or even worse than ours.

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You really are at a loss of words aren't you.


Nope sorry - I'm probably like you - never at a loss for words. But your reply above answers my questions - thanks.

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Ok - have you been to Brazil or Mexico or Columbia? Their crime and murder stats are on a par or even worse than ours.


So does that make it acceptable then. Cool dudes, dont worry, at least we are not the only country with a genociude problem. Dude, your argument holds vukkol water. Seriously.


In principle those countries have much the same problems being corrupt leaders and a case of serious overpopulation.

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Can you guys also explain the logic behind having 24 children (or just a lot of children) in a country that has serious unemployment issues/over population issues?


How is this logic?

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So does that make it acceptable then. Cool dudes, dont worry, at least we are not the only country with a genociude problem. Dude, your argument holds vukkol water. Seriously.


In principle those countries have much the same problems being corrupt leaders and a case of serious overpopulation.


Huh? You need to read a reply in context before asking rhetorical questions. gummibear said the the level of crime and murder in our country does not happen anywhere else and used an example of a SA news website (showing 3 murders) and one from Luxembourg (showing no murders) to illustrate his point. It was in the context of this statement that I contradicted him by saying that our levels of crime exist all over the world and I listed some examples of that.

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Nope sorry - I'm probably like you - never at a loss for words. But your reply above answers my questions - thanks.

Glad it sunk in.

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Ok - have you been to Brazil or Mexico or Columbia? Their crime and murder stats are on a par or even worse than ours.


They are by far worse than SA except for rape but they are run by druglords and gangsters.

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Huh? You need to read a reply in context before asking rhetorical questions. gummibear said the the level of crime and murder in our country does not happen anywhere else and used an example of a SA news website (showing 3 murders) and one from Luxembourg (showing no murders) to illustrate his point. It was in the context of this statement that I contradicted him by saying that our levels of crime exist all over the world and I listed some examples of that.


Oh ok sorry.

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