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Lance Armstrong Banned and Stripped of TDF Titles


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I guess no one will really know. If they really had all the evidence they say they did (positive A and B samples) it should have been straight forward as with Contador and Schlek.


Lance gave up his case before going to arbitration so that the mass of evidence against him would not come out. In doing this and accepting the ban it is clear that he is guilty.


As was everybody else who won anything during that period. I've got nothing against him, (& i thought he was great in Dodgeball) just the poor reasoning of some of his defenders.


Who could you give those titles to who wasnt a doper?

Edited by Joe Low
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Hey holy:


Some other opinions


Quote Triathlete.com


" Spectator support for Lance—racing in his first triathlon since being banned by USADA—was unanimous at the SuperFrog Triathlon.

Twenty minutes before the start of the SuperFrog Triathlon, Lance Armstrong emerged from the RV that served as his early morning hideout. A swarm of videographers, fans, support staff and cameramen buzzed around the embattled former cycling star as he walked to his transition spot marked with the number he specifically requested for the event—seven. Dozens of spectators trying to catch a glimpse surrounded him with cell phones. Once the crowd realized Armstrong had arrived, all the clanking, buzzing and chattering of a typical transition area quickly came to a stop. The space around Armstrong was dead silent.

SuperFrog was Armstrong’s first triathlon since USADA banned him for life—because it isn’t USAT certified, SuperFrog don’t have to honor the ban—and his impact on the grassroots event was palpable. Whether you like him or not; believe his version of the story or USADA’s; support his right to race or want him out of sport, Armstrong’s presence is an undeniable force"


See the full article here








Swiss, this poll is hardly surprising. Big Tex had just broken his worldwide sports ban to grace their event, he has over 3 million fanthings on twitter who no doubt lap up his propaganda AND the septics turned up to watch him race. I'm surprised they found anyone against him. A fairer question might have included a question like "Do you follow him on Twitter or Facebook?" and given us the results of the yesses and the nosses.


He has also grown a bit of a belly.

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Even if his conscience is clear. Says more about his morals than his innocence.


Here is comment from the former head of UCI anti-doping, when they actually caught a few people!


Gripper: Cycling cannot move forward until Lance issue is resolved


UCI must support USADA in Armstrong case


Former UCI anti-doping chief Anne Gripper, who played a major role in the introduction of the blood passport system as well as a number of doping cases during her tenure from 2006 to early 2012, says she is satisfied with the USADA investigation, charges, subsequent lifetime ban and stripping of Lance Armstong’s seven Tour de France titles.


Gripper had remained silent in regard to USADA’s case against Armstrong and the UCI’s position until recently. She has since voiced her confidence in USADA and more specifically its chief executive Travis Tygart’s ability to manage such a case. While Gripper is unfamiliar with the full details of the case and was unwilling to comment on Armstrong’s verdict specifically, she commended USADA on their structure and reputation.


"I really can’t speak about [Armstrong's] guilt. I don't have enough information," she told The Sydney Morning Herald.


"But I trust USADA's ability to investigate a case like that absolutely, implicitly. USADA is one of the best resourced, best set-up national anti-doping organisations in the world. I know Travis Tygart personally. I would trust anything they decided was correct."

Gripper was further confident that no allegations would surface in USADA’s report that involved her time spent with the UCI however, UCI anti-doping panel member Robin Parisotto noted that if the governing body became embroiled in any claims by USADA, that it would be logical for the parties involved, including Pat McQuaid to stand down while proceedings took place.


"Any organisation that is the subject of allegations such as these... in normal circumstances you would probably step down while an investigation was happening, not be driving it," he said.


"You need to be impartial... [or] it will never go away. Pending what comes out of this report, if those allegations are substantiated to a degree, the investigation would have to take place and all parties would have to step aside," said Parisotto to Sydney Morning Herald.

Gripper was keen to point out that it will take some time before the sport of professional cycling is completely in the clear and that the Armstrong issue needs to be resolved before it can truly move forward.


"I don't think cycling is completely out of the woods yet. I think the sport is on a pretty stable footing now and that there is enough behavioural change. [but] it's [about] letting more time pass and more distance pass between cycling as it is now and cycling as it was then," she said.


"There will still be little eruptions coming from the past. To be honest, the biggest one of those is Lance. Until the Lance issue is resolved one way or the other, the sport can't move forward."




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Lance gave up his case before going to arbitration so that the mass of evidence against him would not come out. In doing this and accepting the ban it is clear that he is guilty.


This is why I am saying that there is something dodgy as the USADA should have cleared their own name at the same time and provide the UCI with the evidence when requested (not more than 1 month late). If someone denies doing something and you have more than enough to prove them wrong, would you not want to increase your own credibility and show your cards?


I'm not sure how they are going to do it, but all the cycling bodies around the world really need to get a grip on doping in the sport!

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Swiss, this poll is hardly surprising. Big Tex had just broken his worldwide sports ban to grace their event, he has over 3 million fanthings on twitter who no doubt lap up his propaganda AND the septics turned up to watch him race. I'm surprised they found anyone against him. A fairer question might have included a question like "Do you follow him on Twitter or Facebook?" and given us the results of the yesses and the nosses.


He has also grown a bit of a belly.


They are both open polls on a triathlete website dated a weeks (if not months) apart, i dont think the trialthlete web site is followed by LA fans only.


IMO the polls indicate that he still has a lot of support and that a lot of people dont really care for the USADA banning.




As for the belly, hahaha +40 yr old syndrome or a result of belly breathing?

I suppose it depends which side of the fence you sit LOL

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he has over 3 million fanthings on twitter


His real twit or his fake twit? Or is that all his accounts combined?

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This is why I am saying that there is something dodgy as the USADA should have cleared their own name at the same time and provide the UCI with the evidence when requested (not more than 1 month late). If someone denies doing something and you have more than enough to prove them wrong, would you not want to increase your own credibility and show your cards?


I'm not sure how they are going to do it, but all the cycling bodies around the world really need to get a grip on doping in the sport!


I think you're asking the wrong question... which should be why Lance didn't go to arbitration.


These things take time unfortunately, with procedures and regulations, and it's not like in the movies where the FBI swoops in and takes all the papers. It has to be prepared in according to some or other policy and/or framework. As far as I understand, they have all the information, but it wasn't ready yet as one official document. That would've been prepared after the arbitration, but that of course didn't happen.

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Even if his conscience is clear. Says more about his morals than his innocence.


Here is comment from the former head of UCI anti-doping, when they actually caught a few people!



I'm still sad the she didn't take over the UCI completely.

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I think you're asking the wrong question... which should be why Lance didn't go to arbitration.


These things take time unfortunately, with procedures and regulations, and it's not like in the movies where the FBI swoops in and takes all the papers. It has to be prepared in according to some or other policy and/or framework. As far as I understand, they have all the information, but it wasn't ready yet as one official document. That would've been prepared after the arbitration, but that of course didn't happen.


You do have a point and I do understand. My opinion is admittedly a blurred one as I see how many millions of peoples lives he has changed and how many people have renewed hope because of his accomplishments.


The latest is him breaking his ban to raise money and awareness for cancer getting 300 people to compete in a triathlon and the organisers saying screw you to the USADA (this is the power this man has!)...something I don't see previously convicted dopers or non-dopers doing. This is why I have the restpect for him I do because be it good or bad he has touched and influenced more people in this 1 race than any of us would in a life time, never mind throughout his life journey.


Here's the article http://www.bicycling.co.za/news-people/lance-armstrong-competes-in-triathlon/

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Hey holy:


Some other opinions


Quote Triathlete.com


" Spectator support for Lance—racing in his first triathlon since being banned by USADA—was unanimous at the SuperFrog Triathlon.

Twenty minutes before the start of the SuperFrog Triathlon, Lance Armstrong emerged from the RV that served as his early morning hideout. A swarm of videographers, fans, support staff and cameramen buzzed around the embattled former cycling star as he walked to his transition spot marked with the number he specifically requested for the event—seven. Dozens of spectators trying to catch a glimpse surrounded him with cell phones. Once the crowd realized Armstrong had arrived, all the clanking, buzzing and chattering of a typical transition area quickly came to a stop. The space around Armstrong was dead silent.

SuperFrog was Armstrong’s first triathlon since USADA banned him for life—because it isn’t USAT certified, SuperFrog don’t have to honor the ban—and his impact on the grassroots event was palpable. Whether you like him or not; believe his version of the story or USADA’s; support his right to race or want him out of sport, Armstrong’s presence is an undeniable force"


See the full article here











wow... he should start a charity and try make money out of it with all that public support...


oh wait

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You do have a point and I do understand. My opinion is admittedly a blurred one as I see how many millions of peoples lives he has changed and how many people have renewed hope because of his accomplishments.


The latest is him breaking his ban to raise money and awareness for cancer getting 300 people to compete in a triathlon and the organisers saying screw you to the USADA (this is the power this man has!)...something I don't see previously convicted dopers or non-dopers doing. This is why I have the restpect for him I do because be it good or bad he has touched and influenced more people in this 1 race than any of us would in a life time, never mind throughout his life journey.


Here's the article http://www.bicycling...s-in-triathlon/

Yeah, you too can go on and win stuff if you dope yourself and your team to the gills....


How many millions exactly? Or are you referring to the money he took from them?


Read this article, pretty clear: http://www.cyclismas.com/2012/10/making-it-stick-why-the-armstrong-cases-turned-out-the-way-they-did/


Making it “stick” – why the Armstrong cases turned out the way they did

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Lance needs to rethink his legal team and their terrible PR.

Armstrong's attorney says USADA acted as "prosecutor, judge, jury, appellate court and executioner" in announcing its decision to ban Armstrong, calling its findings a "biased, one-sided and untested version of events."

Um, dude, your client chose not to test them…


Edit: Adding link http://www.google.com/hostednews/afp/article/ALeqM5g2NXl_-xjU21BqPReRyUvas3VLBQ?docId=CNG.aab2747c2eba806d37f34bb43cd7722a.581

Edited by Tumbleweed
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Lance needs to rethink his legal team and their terrible PR.

Armstrong's attorney says USADA acted as "prosecutor, judge, jury, appellate court and executioner" in announcing its decision to ban Armstrong, calling its findings a "biased, one-sided and untested version of events."


Um, dude, your client chose not to test them…


Edit: Adding link http://www.google.co...bb43cd7722a.581




The letter also goes so far as to suggest that USADA has manufactured evidence against Armstrong. It points to an impending "farce" with the release of the USADA report "written by USADA with the significant assistance of lawyers from one of Big Tobacco's favorite law firms at a time when Lance Armstrong is one of America's leading anti-tobacco advocates. While USADA can put lipstick on a pig, it still remains a pig."


In this case, is lance the pig?

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The letter also goes so far as to suggest that USADA has manufactured evidence against Armstrong. It points to an impending "farce" with the release of the USADA report "written by USADA with the significant assistance of lawyers from one of Big Tobacco's favorite law firms at a time when Lance Armstrong is one of America's leading anti-tobacco advocates. While USADA can put lipstick on a pig, it still remains a pig."


In this case, is lance the pig?


This bit is insane too. Does the Swiss court order prohibit Usada from anything at all?

"A Swiss Court has entered a judgment prohibiting Landis from repeating his false claims that UCI leaders corruptly protected Mr. Armstrong from a doping case - the very claims that USADA no doubt will publish again in direct and knowing contempt of the lawful Swiss Court order."

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"Armstrong lawyer Tim Herman has sent a letter to USADA complaining that they should send their entire file of evidence gathered in a probe of Armstrong to the global cycling governing body rather than simply a limited report."


Is that really too much to ask?

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