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Cape Epic Battle Plan ...

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I do, I drink Stella Artois and then I pee supplements.

I also chow cabanossi on the bike and eat at least three Big Al's sputniks every night before bed.


This allows me to fart Carmina Burana which in return paves an N1 highway for me (@Sometimes, that should answer the orchestrated transport conundrum)


Pfft - Stella Artois is for sissies :whistling:

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Let' see if we can get better.





Can you get me and Spinnekop on any podiums ?


I can guide your preparation but performance is in your hands. If you're a "jersey cow" you will never beat a race horse, but you can be the best "jersey cow" around of you follow a plan that works.

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I can guide your preparation but performance is in your hands. If you're a "jersey cow" you will never beat a race horse, but you can be the best "jersey cow" around of you follow a plan that works.


I am more of a hippo but want to be like a cheetah, can you help ?

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I am more of a hippo but want to be like a cheetah, can you help ?

Fancy that I am a landras vark. So @enticement if I am destined to be a vark what's the point of breaking my balls to become a fast vark, or am I missing something, can you even guarantee that this vark can finish the epic

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Fancy that I am a landras vark. So @enticement if I am destined to be a vark what's the point of breaking my balls to become a fast vark, or am I missing something, can you even guarantee that this vark can finish the epic


That's my goal, if enticement can get me that finishers t-shirt, I will go off the beers.

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Fancy that I am a landras vark. So @enticement if I am destined to be a vark what's the point of breaking my balls to become a fast vark, or am I missing something, can you even guarantee that this vark can finish the epic


You're missing something - I can provide you with an individualized/customized Epic Battle Plan that works. If you stick to it - results guaranteed for as much as us mortals can control our destiny. If you don't, no guarantee. Interesting research indicated that 2% of mishaps are the result of AOG, more-or-less 8% mishaps result from conditions but 90% are the result of not doing what you're suppose to do.

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Enticement I'm doing my first Epic next year so I'm trying to get as much free advice as I can get from experts like you. So could I please ask that you write in English not management consultant speak?


Thanks in advance.

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What is AOG?


99% of my mishaps are because of talent....the ol vark genetics chestnut you know


AOG = acts of God. Regarding your 99% - we bow to your superior knowledge :thumbup: but you can still perform at your personal best.

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AOG = acts of God. Regarding your 99% - we bow to your superior knowledge :thumbup: but you can still perform at your personal best.

I wanna ride the epic....like a boss! I want a plan for that



PS its my lack of talent

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