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Pocket Knives ?


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in that case we all had knock offs.

I remember that the right knife was HUGELY important to a scout. Of course we all had a swiss army knife of sorts that you would have at the end of your lanyard. The amount of tools on the thing did get a bit ridiculous, the more the better thinking kind of ended with the models that collapsed in two parts as cutlery.


BUT the reason why I remember the bronze and wood ones was because they just had better blades than the swiss army knives, maybe that was just a fallacy in our troop. Our scoutmaster had a massive knife collection that he would bring in about once a year and go through piece by piece. It left an impression on me, especially the safety aspect which is clearly important for 14 years olds.


What has got me thinking in this thread, is WTF do you guys do that you use a knife everyday? Are there a lot of lumberjacks on the hub, or do you need it in your day to day office job? I have enough *** already in my pockets, and sure as hell don't want to justify one more(but I'm open to ideas - the leatherman only really comes camping).



I have been carrying a pocket knife of one sort or another since I was 8 or 9 years old.

I do not think that I would survive if I did not have my pocket knife with me, it becomes an indispensable part of your daily paraphenalia. :)


You will find that you use your pocket knife for all sorts of daily cutting tasks once you carry one on a regular basis, in the begining you will virtually have to force yourself to reach for the knife, but it becomes second nature after a while.


In your case I would suggest that you start by carrying a small light pocket knife to start off with, get one with blade about 60 to 65 millimetres (about 2.5 inches) long, a smaller one is not practical.

A reasonably priced solution would be one of the smaller Victorinox Swiss Army knives, get one with as few "gadgets" as possible, you should be able to get one for less than R200-00, the blades on the Swiss Army Knives are actually quite good.


If you want to spend quite a bit more money,(in like much more money :D ) try to find one of the smaller Spyderco models e.g. a Spyderco Delica.


There is however a huge choice of pocket knives out there, you should be able to find something.


Do not make the mistake of buying a large heavy knife, you will not carry it.


Try carrying a pocket knife on a regular basis, you will like it.


Hope this helps.


:thumbup: :thumbup:

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Let me be honest with you and tell you what I think.

You need to tell me where this knife is, and how much.

I need to check it out for you first.


I think Wayne should share the link ;)


What you doing now?

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I hate this place, the hub that is, last time they were singing watches and I got a new watch.

Now I want another Spyderco.


Thanks to this thread I have imprinted on an L40 model from Andre Thorburn ( http://www.thorinox.co.za ) at a cool R11 000 before personal options - when it arrives I will be lucky if my wife doesnt remove my testicles with it.

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I think Wayne should share the link ;)


What you doing now?


I've run three companies over the last few years. Sold the crime scene one and focussing on the other two.


I take it you both (dangle and gummy) approve of the knife!

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On bid or buy. Its for R1300 (or a little less)


Take it, yeeeeeeup take it.

Look at the pic of my Q, they are precious.

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Thanks to this thread I have imprinted on an L40 model from Andre Thorburn ( http://www.thorinox.co.za ) at a cool R11 000 before personal options - when it arrives I will be lucky if my wife doesnt remove my testicles with it.


Well it should be sharp enough not to hurt :clap:

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I've run three companies over the last few years. Sold the crime scene one and focussing on the other two.


I take it you both (dangle and gummy) approve of the knife!


I do,I do

If you order and they have more than one take a extra one for me.ill sort you out in December.thanks

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A couple of mine. The Gerber compact scout (top left) I carry with me. I like the Wenger(black), the "original Swiss Army knife" :whistling: very nice blade. The BUCK (cammo one on top) is an awesome hunting knife.



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Vrek mooi, bru.

Did they ruk you heavy for that ?


Not too hectic if you compare it to other makes and the steel it's made from. PM sent with price.

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Sharp Edge was open today...and I walked out with this :ph34r:


Congratulations, a very nice purchase, now to get used to using it.


Welcome to Knife Addicts Anonymous, (yes you ARE addicted now, it only takes ONE).


:D :D

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I have a very similar one, that my dad bought for me from Turkey. Execpt it has a Silver handle with very cool engravings. The blade however is a little rusty. He told me it was quite a mission getting it onto the plane.

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