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Warning points!!


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OK...gimme a couple of points!!! Just so that Ii can SEE where it appears on my profile....


can you see now ?

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I am ashamed to only have one point....Thought I am all controversial and stuff...

It's like hectic man! My whole like Wednesday is like ruined man!

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Points makes it sound like you have achieved something! I have zero, so i'm an underachiever.....but thats been taken already!



I am ashamed to only have one point....Thought I am all controversial and stuff...


Same here, were not tryng hard enough (see smolster's post)

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Warning points score LOL good idea...we learn something new everyday


Agree, there is a feature which if you click the warning points line opens another screen with a “More Details” button which then has a facility for the moderator to record notes i.e. an explanation of the offence. It just needs to be used by the mods…..

Thats what I looked at, but no actual reason besides that it was offensive. When I look into my crystal ball I foresee a very sterile Hub environment in the future.
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I don't give a stuff about the noddy badge points and demerits.


BUT why when I now search for my content it doesn't give any results? That was the main way I kept track of active threads I posted in.

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Thats what I looked at, but no actual reason besides that it was offensive. When I look into my crystal ball I foresee a very sterile Hub environment in the future.


Yes, it is becoming very churchlike since I started. I am chatting much more on the 4xforum. There might be a rugby forum opening up soon as well...

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Mine is showing on the thread side of things.

Just below my post count.


Everyone else is 'blocked'.

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Yes, it is becoming very churchlike since I started. I am chatting much more on the 4xforum. There might be a rugby forum opening up soon as well...

My mates starting a bird watching site, can chat there as well.
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I am outa here before I get awarded the A$$hole of the year. :cursing:

Naaahh. I already got that.

Took it away from Oom who had it for a number of years.

I seem to be winning the TROLL wars. Post one snydish comment, get flamed for it, personally attacked for it AND get a pooh point. WOOOHOOOOOO :clap:


and the chap who attacked gets nothing :eek:

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can you see now ?


Yay!!! yes...thank you .....now I also don't feel so left out anymore...


PS: do i get a "free" get out ouf jail cuss now??? {can't think about something appropriate to say now...but I'm sure it will involve a porche...}

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Same here, were not tryng hard enough (see smolster's post)






Same here, were not tryng hard enough (see smolster's post)


He he he...you should just ask ...and they can be awarded...it's a question of WHO you know...me, I'm connected bru!!

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Yes, it is becoming very churchlike since I started. I am chatting much more on the 4xforum. There might be a rugby forum opening up soon as well...

Start a cycling one too where the grown-ups can chat.....

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My mates starting a bird watching site, can chat there as well.


San Parks has an awesome forum as well.

Edited by Octavian
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