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[Event] Carnival City Macsteel National Classic


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I'd like to see a picture of this guy. I was in VC and can't recall seeing him.

I have video footage that was sent to us from the finish line. Let me check and I will post a screen print.



edit: the video starts with Attie crossing in 4th - was another query. Will have to ask for the footage from 40 seconds earlier.

Edited by geraldm24
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Wait a minutes - I took photos of the podium winners, and he is not there - but has claimed a prize (so not sure how he got the envelope).

Edited by geraldm24
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Wait a minutes - I took photos of the podium winners, and he is not there - but has claimed a prize (so not sure how he got the envelope).

Podium photo:




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that's why I edited my post - he wasn't in the photo


Also doesn't show on Cycle Nation's gallery. According to Racetec, he crossed the line 4 seconds ahead of Attie.


The plot thickens... watch this space.


CSA owe me two explanations for results - I will be back.

Edited by geraldm24
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Honestly, that group could have gone sub 3 if more than 2 people did some work.


It amazes me that open seeded bunches want to ride for time, but then leave it up to only a few to pull and dictate the time that is then achieved. This is very silly. By only letting 2-3 guys do most of the work, people effectively reside themselves to those guys times. 2-3 guys pulling into a headwind will tire them out so quickly.


Top tip for groups going for time. Help the stronger guys in your group, even if it is just a bit, it will give them some recovery time and they can then pull the rest for longer and harder.


Ja, what you say is true.  


Me and Hameez (i think that's his name) rode with you for a long way in that bunch.  

I finished immediately behind you and thanked you at the finish for doing a lot of the work.


It was hilarious at one point when a guy came sprinting past, as we were riding into the headwind, to *** us out for "guttering the bunch"...only to drop back immediately.



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I posted some weeks back about the "cheats" in another post https://community.bikehub.co.za/topic/150014-another-adverse-analytical-finding/?p=2988809


Seems the same rider managed a 3rd place VC finish for this race too. Now if he was racing down here in the Cape with that result there would be more than a few raised eyebrows :whistling:

Think its time we just say the name.


Looks like this guys came 3rd, is that him in the pic?



Edited by Patchelicious
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I see the cheat has entered 947. I think he will be in VE(50-54). So the guys must watch out for this skelm. 

Just a thought, Anyone know if he is on strava?

He will probably skip the kayalami lap at 947.

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that's why I edited my post - he wasn't in the photo


Also doesn't show on Cycle Nation's gallery. According to Racetec, he crossed the line 4 seconds ahead of Attie.


The plot thickens... watch this space.


CSA owe me two explanations for results - I will be back.


I can tell you that the podium is correct. I see the same dude also listed in Shova results. Also didn't see him. Look forward to seeing a picture.

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One step closer to resolving this - thank you to the guys that have queried it here, but also to the podium for confirming it.


Next step - CyclingSA officials to lay an official complaint.


edit: There was a bit of a mix up with the claim forms handed out to VC, so a mail was sent to explain the error. Just as well, as the "cheat" may have been paid.

Edited by geraldm24
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I see the cheat has entered 947. I think he will be in VE(50-54). So the guys must watch out for this skelm.

Just a thought, Anyone know if he is on strava?

He will probably skip the kayalami lap at 947.

Does anybody have a pic of the cheat? As I would love to be able to recognize him.

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I would love to post the comments on email, but will do the responsible thing and provide proof first.


Suddenly I feel guilty stoking the speculation

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