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Absa Cape Epic 2017


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Big George and Cuddles first Masters at WP2 !!!




did anyone else notice David George in top 30 ...

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Vettes - Just HOW am I being disrespectful by pointing out what may have happened?!


I'm gutted that Joel is out, personally. I wanted him to do well again this year. He's certainly been working on his prep for the race. 


I don't want ANYONE to crash out. The prep that they put in is remarkable, and i personally wouldn't be able to do it. But at the same time, people should also concentrate more on skills over and above their fitness, in order to prevent instances like that. In my opinion, there would be far less carnage on the prologue and in general if entrants concentrated on skill AND fitness. 



That's a valid point.  SA riders are SUPER strong and fit but [generalisation alert] not as strong when it comes to skills.


We simply do not have the focus on skills at junior level like the Euros do, preferring to "train harder".


My one riding mate kicks my butt on tar...but, as soon as it gets even slightly technical on the mtb, i have to wait for him.  This seems to be the case for  [generalisation alert] many strong, experienced, superfit riders in SA.

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My work blocks streaming :/ But not twitter :P

There is your problem - I think the live video is pretty cool / works well.


Agree on the Twitter side - it worked better in the past, than watch the stream on a web page.

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That's a valid point.  SA riders are SUPER strong and fit but [generalisation alert] not as strong when it comes to skills.


We simply do not have the focus on skills at junior level like the Euros do, preferring to "train harder".


My one riding mate kicks my butt on tar...but, as soon as it gets even slightly technical on the mtb, i have to wait for him.  This seems to be the case for  [generalisation alert] many strong, experienced, superfit riders in SA.

Exception to this? Guys who do XCO. Mostly. You do get exceptions, like the guys who want the one jump on the XCO line at Bloemendal to be removed. When there are TWO alternate lines. 



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Oh man.. Shurter has to wait for Sternimann as he went down in the soft sand[emoji53]

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