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The Munga - The Toughest Race On Earth


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Well at least his retirement lasted longer than Purito's [emoji6]


I have never been a big Sauser fan...for no real reason, can't even say why I don't like him, just doesn't appeal to me.

he gets a lot of plaudits for driving the songo charity (must have been one helluva negotiation for him to ride as the songo team and not under his sponsor's name). BUT I think he doesn't get enough credit for being the pioneer of european mtbers being based at stellenbosch. I could well be wrong here, but I think he's played a huge part in it being on the international map.


HV and JD did the decent just before sunset, they have been riding side by side all along, gaps on the dots are mainly due to transponders updating at different times.



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must be really tempting to draft a bit here and there, hey?!!

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Well at least his retirement lasted longer than Purito's [emoji6]


I have never been a big Sauser fan...for no real reason, can't even say why I don't like him, just doesn't appeal to me.

He is Swiss... but he has a big heart - a really nice guy indeed - and can ride....
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Where is anton?

it would appear you've been on a MFAS*. but it couldn't last, could it?


*Munga FOMO Avoidance Strategy

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KevBenky looks shattered... :-(


He's not moved from Sutherland in more than three hours. Any news?

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KevBenky looks shattered... :-(


He's not moved from Sutherland in more than three hours. Any news?

I read that he is planning to have a nap and start again at midnight
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