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I'm not reading this thread anymore. Card will be locked away somewhere and I won't have the key!!


Spent enough this month already...

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Môre aand is ek weer in die ***.

You know....


It's better to ask for forgiveness than to ask for permission ????

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Maybe i should let another one slip...... def gonna get stick from "oom" chris

Shhhh you.. don't say another word.. we are already all trying to figure out how we are going to justify buying all these specials we haven't even seen yet
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Wish that helped me, most of the damage will be for what she wants for her bike... :huh:

Nooit bru, you do so much for her. You deserve a groupset and wheels upgrade.

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Keep telling us what's on your wishlist ... 


Super excited for 00.01am ... 


I don't need a crystal ball to see this sale classified as a denial of service attack by the web server ;) :P

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