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Gauteng road and tt champs 2018

Gear the 2nd

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Wait until sometime in January - information is normally only provided the day before the event and it's sketchy at best.

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Wait until sometime in January - information is normally only provided the day before the event and it's sketchy at best.

You make it sound like some illegal underground type of racing :thumbup: .

Lets hope the organising is better next year, I gave it a miss this year due to the stuff ups and entry fee. But from what I hear it ended up going off well. So if they can get dates and venue sorted properly I will enter again.

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  • 3 weeks later...

You make it sound like some illegal underground type of racing :thumbup: .

Lets hope the organising is better next year, I gave it a miss this year due to the stuff ups and entry fee. But from what I hear it ended up going off well. So if they can get dates and venue sorted properly I will enter again.

Nopes, the Jozi Hustle was better communicated than this official stuff

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You make it sound like some illegal underground type of racing :thumbup: .

Lets hope the organising is better next year, I gave it a miss this year due to the stuff ups and entry fee. But from what I hear it ended up going off well. So if they can get dates and venue sorted properly I will enter again.

Its probably as legal as CSA's insurance payments. 

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130km at Rooiwal.
That's 5 laps I think.


Eish.....I don't know man....I like pain like the next guy but 5 laps.......

I think I'll oversleep that morning.  :whistling: 


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Spinnekop I think we are busy that day! As far as I remember. :) :eek:


Please load a map & route profile here for those NOT in the know or is it better not to know and find out on the day :)

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I think its a poor choice. Too flat. 

I think there are better suited circuits but.....

traffic is good

Road surface is good.

The locals are used to cyclists

The route is challenging with a strong break always winning

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