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Lower back pain

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Is it just me does everyone get lower back in the end ....

Before every ride I stretch and warmup but still get lower back pain .

I recently got a bike fit and swapped saddles and still didn't help .

I find it it only starts to hurt when I'm pushing hard or it's an uphill . 

I take a rest for about 1 min off the bike and its gone😁 when i get back on and start pushing it comes backs

Does anyone have any advise ???????

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9 minutes ago, buckstopper said:

This is probably more about your back and the supporting muscles in your body (core)  than your bike fit. Speak to a biokinetisist or physio, and you may get to the seat of the problem.

This is the answer. In my case it is under activation of the glutes. Exercises to activate the lazy ass and physio.

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I'll strongly suggest you have this properly checked out. 

I had a lower back giving me hassles for years, with intermittent bouts of discomfort, ranging from mild to severe, when on the bike. I thought this to be a fitness/bike setup thing, but it gradually got worse, until end of Feb this year when my back finally let go.

Turns out it was a shifted L5/S1 vertebrae that pinched my Sciatic nerve, the result of a minor fall I had in 2016 and which I ignored.

One Laminectomy and 12 weeks later I'm still off my bike. Final Dr checkup is on 22 April 2024 where I hope to get the greenlight to slowly start training again.

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I am no pro in the field but have struggled with severe back pain as well and have seen quite a few physios and biokineticist. what almost all of them told me is the back is not necessarily the cause of the back pain but as mentioned above it is a symptom of supporting muscles. One thing that is quite common in cyclist is the shortening of hamstrings due to the position when cycling. 

I would suggest getting a proper stretching routine in place and focus on hamstrings and then him flexors, the other issue might be a weak core.  If you did not have any serious back injuries in the past this might help a lot. 


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5 hours ago, Wannabe said:

I'll strongly suggest you have this properly checked out. 

I had a lower back giving me hassles for years, with intermittent bouts of discomfort, ranging from mild to severe, when on the bike. I thought this to be a fitness/bike setup thing, but it gradually got worse, until end of Feb this year when my back finally let go.

Turns out it was a shifted L5/S1 vertebrae that pinched my Sciatic nerve, the result of a minor fall I had in 2016 and which I ignored.

One Laminectomy and 12 weeks later I'm still off my bike. Final Dr checkup is on 22 April 2024 where I hope to get the greenlight to slowly start training again.

Thanks ..how you recover soon😁

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1 hour ago, Prince Bucket said:

Thanks ..how you recover soon😁

Thanks. I'm much better than before the op. 

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Too many unknowns here. How much training are you doing? Have you ramped up training recently, how old are you, what kind of cycling etc etc etc. 

without a complete picture it’s difficult to ascertain any facts. 

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29 minutes ago, IceCreamMan said:

Too many unknowns here. How much training are you doing? Have you ramped up training recently, how old are you, what kind of cycling etc etc etc. 

without a complete picture it’s difficult to ascertain any facts. 

I train once a week usually only Saturdays and am generally fit and flexible ...I am 16 years on a road bike 

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8 hours ago, Irvin85 said:

I am no pro in the field but have struggled with severe back pain as well and have seen quite a few physios and biokineticist. what almost all of them told me is the back is not necessarily the cause of the back pain but as mentioned above it is a symptom of supporting muscles. One thing that is quite common in cyclist is the shortening of hamstrings due to the position when cycling. 

I would suggest getting a proper stretching routine in place and focus on hamstrings and then him flexors, the other issue might be a weak core.  If you did not have any serious back injuries in the past this might help a lot. 





Typically 3 possibilities:

1. Bike fit ... sounds like this is sorted

2. skeletol structure .... (for a lack of better term)

3. Everything @Irvin85 said .... a GOOD bio will do a range of tests to hone in on the issue at hand.  It is a PROCESS, not a quick fix, depending on the individual and how many muscles are involved in the cause.  

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22 hours ago, ChrisF said:




Typically 3 possibilities:

1. Bike fit ... sounds like this is sorted

2. skeletol structure .... (for a lack of better term)

3. Everything @Irvin85 said .... a GOOD bio will do a range of tests to hone in on the issue at hand.  It is a PROCESS, not a quick fix, depending on the individual and how many muscles are involved in the cause.  

I can and a 4th item, possibly the most important one....

Old age

I looked at my bike last week and tweaker my back, needles, cups and chiro have so far no helped much.

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