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Ok' date=' sorry for those who got dropped when I just followed Geddan and Branco (and then helped in the move)...but thats racing. Some days you hurt, some days you're doing the hurt!


TooHOT! Don't be a pussy and quit. If I can have the form to do well in races then anyone can. All it takes is some decent training and commitment. For two years I slaved and finished last in the SV's, but never ever wanted to quit.


Now shut your pie-hole and go train Thumbs%20Up


ClapClapClap Well said fatty! If you dont have the commitment you''ll never amount to anything. Cycling is a tough sport and requires alot of dedication. You''ll have your bad days but they only make you stronger.


I second that .. anything less than 100% will see you hurt in that league.


Got to say Too Hot that I am not surprised you are getting hurt at the moment - you have missed a god few of the races this season I think - the only way to survive is to race consistently as well as get the training right.


Hope to see you back some time - by the look of that lead A/B group yesterday it ain't gonna be a walk in the park for you there either.


I have to agree with you on that! That A bunch was not hanging around, although by that time I was already mentally beat.


You hung in well up hells with them, which is very impressive cos those youngsters weigh like 2kg LOL


Thanks for all the support though.


I think i will stick to funrides every now and then.


Ciao for nowSmile


Thanks TH - I was actually shelled by the front guys about half way up and then was on my own until the lead vets break caught me after the climb and I got a ride to the finish.


Keep well.


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C/D was riding hard because they new the Met-train was starting behind them. E was also not doing to bad infrond of F. We caught them at the food of Helshoogte. Lucky for them one of the terrible 4 wasn't feeling to hot on the climb and we dicided to help each other to the top. The race was on from there on and we picked up a couple of stranglers long the way. Pacing going directions Franshoek was ok' date=' but the real ride only started when we turned left.


I was feeling strong the whole race and managed to get a second place in the bunch. After setting the pace for a big part of the ride. Must say that the first guy in F shouldn't be in F. He'll come thru the ranks and hopefully suck wheel less.


I'm still searching for Naas. Were you there? Fanie joined us in F, but I think the pace in the first part got to a couple of F riders.


Sunday we'll be at it again, but not sure where we'll be starting. Nice and flat.


Hope all are fine after the crashes, one let us take on the oncoming traffic. Bid scarry. Let me have a bid of a rest at that point.




smallrebel het gekook gister.  Miskien is dit die Lab-DC trials wat hom so sterk gemaak het, maar gister was hy unstoppable. 


I sucked pretty badly thoughEmbarrassed.  New shoes and roadie pedalsBig%20smile.  Ek dink my seat hight was die probleem.  Dis al verskoning wat ek het, so I'm sticking to it OK!EmbarrassedEmbarrassed


Dankie aan smallrebel en Betus vir die wag op Helshoogte.  En dankie veral vir daai m03rse tow met die wind van agter, waar smallrebel ons lekker seergemaak het.


smallrebel, geluk met die 2de plek in "F"Clap.  Jy verdien die eerste plek want daai wheelsuckertjie het niks gedoen voor Helshoogte nieThumbs%20Down.
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Omg, also had a really bad racing day. It started the night before already, not making excuses but my throat felt a little sore, so the next morning before the race I took my RHR over 8mins and it was 3beats higher than usual so I don?t know if that would make a significant diff in performance??<?:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />


The start was fast, we AV 39.2km/h for the first 10km?s?I only stayed on for 9more before I popped off after pulling in front as per instructions, Robby will be the death of me hiehie, of he?ll make me his nr One bitch!!


TooHot, I felt like you did yesterday after the race, thinking I should just quite this League racing, but you know what. When I started racing I could not even stay with the Highstreet Old ppl, steadily I started to hang on and now I have to use my Mtb riding with them or I?ll just be waiting my time training with them. Then I started working my way thru the seeding groups just like every1 else and now I?m at my final challenge after almost 2years.


This is a big Challenge I must admit, but f*ck that, that?s what I want, I need to challenge myself and that?s essentially what cycling / life is about, you not going to get any better riding with ppl of the same strength, you need to suffer, you need to get dropped, you need to be brought back to earth, hard! Every now and again. Like Fatty said, Riding for Robby for 2years, he got dropped on almost all his rides but now all that hard work is starting to surface, I?m so happy for him, it just goes to show hard work do pay off one day, for some it my take a longer and for others maybe faster, but I do firmly believe we can all become great cyclists, it?s just a matter of time!


Hang in there buddy!Cry

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smallrebel' date=' geluk met die 2de plek in "F"Clap.  Jy verdien die eerste plek want daai wheelsuckertjie het niks gedoen voor Helshoogte nieThumbs%20Down.


Ek sien vier uit die eerste 5 plekke in die F groep is ouens met B tot D seeding......wat verwag julle van 'n ou met 'n "F" seeding?  Dat hy moet voor vat as 'n klomp veel sterker ryers die pas aangee?Wink
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smallrebel' date=' geluk met die 2de plek in "F"Clap.  Jy verdien die eerste plek want daai wheelsuckertjie het niks gedoen voor Helshoogte nieThumbs%20Down.


Ek sien vier uit die eerste 5 plekke in die F groep is ouens met B tot D seeding......wat verwag julle van 'n ou met 'n "F" seeding?  Dat hy moet voor vat as 'n klomp veel sterker ryers die pas aangee?Wink


Ek sien die F ou wat eerste was het vorige maand nog in H gery. Loop maar dieselfde paadjie as al ons manne wat hoer in die seeding wil kom. Hy was wel sterk genoeg om by E se eerste ouens te hou op Helshoogte. Wonder net of hy enige werk gedoen het daarna. Het niks gedoen voor dit en 'n free ride gekry tot by hulle. Jammer aan die res van F, want ek dink hulle het maar swaar gekry en die bunch het in 100 deeltjies gebreuk. Miskien ook goed, want die ouens wat met wheelsuck daar gekom het, het swaar gekry met die pace wat 'n bietjie hoog was.


Sal die no 1 F rider seker binnekort in C of D sien en dan begin die pret...........Evil%20Smile
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smallrebel' date=' geluk met die 2de plek in "F"Clap.  Jy verdien die eerste plek want daai wheelsuckertjie het niks gedoen voor Helshoogte nieThumbs%20Down.


Ek sien vier uit die eerste 5 plekke in die F groep is ouens met B tot D seeding......wat verwag julle van 'n ou met 'n "F" seeding?  Dat hy moet voor vat as 'n klomp veel sterker ryers die pas aangee?Wink


Homer, as die wheelsuckertjie kon bybly by die Met-Train tot aan die voet van Helshoogte, en toe vir my en Riaan drop soos niks, dan belowe ek jou hy steek lelik lyf weg.Angry  Hy is op pad na 'n "C" of beter seeding teen die spoed van wit lig, dis net sad om te sien hy sal niks self doen voor die groot bult nie...Thumbs%20Down


Considering sy tactic voor Helshoogte en sy finish time, is ek seker hy het na Helshoogte weer gesit en f#$&all doen.  Maar dis net my opinie en jy weet wat Clint van opinies s?Big%20smile
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I am with Marius on this one. I get dropped week in and week out riding Elites, yet I come back for more suffering the following week. Why? Because I think it makes me a better rider. And it sure beats sitting in a pace line for 100kms chasing a fast time with the A group.


tooHot - don't give up - hang in there. You will be the better cyclist for it.


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ARAUMA!!! ARAUMA!!! ARAUMA!!!! Arauma.... arauma... ara... Pzzzzz


Wow, that balloon ran out of steam really quickly. What happened?????????

We were swamped about all this big talk and patting yourselves on the back after a 2nd place at Durbanville... And Now???


Where was Trackie??? Where was The Kid??? Why did Nigel quit be Hels???
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The worst day on the bike this year. Woke up with a headache (no drinking for 3 months) so something else was wrong. No legs, no guts, nothing!

But we will struggle onEmbarrassed

Glad to see I did not suffer alone.
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Shut your pie-hole Kilo...We were there, just this race didn't go as well as planned. If you have beef with the mentioned riders, pm them, don't attack them openly in the forum.

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LOL I dont know why you guys are all upset about nothing. I spent avery late Sunday morning in bed, then lazed round the house, then had a nap!


The moral of this ramble?. Listen to your body. When its tired. Rest. If that coincides with a sufferfest up hells then all the better I say  Wink
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smallrebel' date=' geluk met die 2de plek in "F"Clap.  Jy verdien die eerste plek want daai wheelsuckertjie het niks gedoen voor Helshoogte nieThumbs%20Down.


Ek sien vier uit die eerste 5 plekke in die F groep is ouens met B tot D seeding......wat verwag julle van 'n ou met 'n "F" seeding?  Dat hy moet voor vat as 'n klomp veel sterker ryers die pas aangee?Wink


Homer, as die wheelsuckertjie kon bybly by die Met-Train tot aan die voet van Helshoogte, en toe vir my en Riaan drop soos niks, dan belowe ek jou hy steek lelik lyf weg.Angry  Hy is op pad na 'n "C" of beter seeding teen die spoed van wit lig, dis net sad om te sien hy sal niks self doen voor die groot bult nie...Thumbs%20Down


Considering sy tactic voor Helshoogte en sy finish time, is ek seker hy het na Helshoogte weer gesit en f#$&all doen.  Maar dis net my opinie en jy weet wat Clint van opinies s?Big%20smile


Sounds to me like he rode a very good tactical ride - spotted a train of riders riding as a "team" in a group below their seeding, sat back & sussed it out and then "put foot" where it counted.


He probably had no idea how you were going to go up Hels and was very cautious. If he had worked and expended himself before Hels your "team" would have dropped him without a second thought.

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Well, contrary to just about everyone on this board so far, my race went quite well. Woke up with a mild hangover (standard pre-race meal of a botle of wine), warmed up nicely. Went with a few moves before Hels but tried to stay generally quiet. We started Hels nice and slowly then the pace went up gradually, the front 20 or so riders  were nice and stretched until some bloody joker attacked (thanks Craig), so a break of 4 went up the road, and there I was surrounded by RK riders, again! We chased really hard all the way out to the left turn, with the RK riders alternating attacking me, always fun. They spat me out 3 times but I don't get unstuck that easily and chased myself back onto their wheels, which seemed to annoy them. At this point I was blowing blood out my nose, that's probably bad. Then I got spat out for the last time just before Paarl, joined the next chasing bunch came storming into the finish line and got switched for 5th wheel coming into the sprint. All good.

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Wot the hell is going on here, it's just a race!

So you say Arauma was responsible for my downfall????


mmmmmm...... might have to come out of retirement just to kick some inflated head ego.....




watch out!


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