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Another Cycling incident

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N?dat hy ?n seun op ?n fiets omgery het, het ?n vragmotorbestuurder gister ?n ingenieur van Pretoria aangerand en met ?n staalpyp bestorm toe di? hom van die pad afgetrek en gekonfronteer het.

Di? voorval het tydens spitsverkeer reg voor die East Rand Mall-winkelsentrum in Noordrandweg in Boksburg plaasgevind nadat die vragmotorbestuurder glo ?n seun van tussen 16 en 18 jaar oud twee keer omgestamp het. Hoewel die bestuurder, asook sy twee passasiers glo die voorval erken het, het die bestuurder glo net aangery.

?Ek het gesien hoe hy die fietsryer ten minste twee keer omstamp en het hom agterna gesit,? het mnr. Andrew Mardon (46) ges?.

?Ek het hom afgetrek en gevra of hy gesien het dat hy die fietsryer omgery het. Hy het ges?: ?Ja, maar dit het niks met jou uit te waai nie?.?

Mardon het n? ?n woordewisseling na sy motor gegaan om ?n pen en papier te kry om die voertuig se registrasienommer neer te skryf, maar terwyl hy besig was het die vragmotorbestuurder hom glo van agter af bygedam en hom aangerand.

?Hy het my met die plat hand en die vuis teen die kop geslaan, maar ek het omgedraai en hom skrams met die vuis teruggeslaan.?

Die man het toe sowat drie tree teruggesteier en Mardon het weer in sy kar geklim om die vragmotor se besonderhede neer te skryf.

?Toe ek weer sien storm hy op my af met ?n ysterpyp, maar die twee vroue wat in die kajuit was het hom gelukkig teruggehou,? het Mardon ges?.

Die vragmotorbestuurder het glo n?g ?n keer probeer om Mardon met die pyp te bestorm en het hom glo later weer van agter af aangerand. Hi?rdie keer het hy gelukkig nie die pyp by hom gehad nie.

?Ek het hom gewaarsku dat hy besig is om my aan te rand en het in die kar geklim om die polisie te bel.?

Die man het toe die vrouens ? vermoedelik sy vrou en dogter ? op die sypaadjie gelos en is met die vragmotor vol groot elektriese transformators daar weg. Volgens verfwerk op die bakwerk behoort die vragmotor aan ?n firma met die naam Regcall Freight.Angry

?Die vrouens het my gevra hoekom ek hom gepunch het en ek het vir hulle ges? hy was besig om my aan te rand.?

Teen di? tyd was die fietsryer skoonveld en Mardon, wat s?lf ?n fietsryer is, weet nie of hy beseer is nie.

?Ek sou nogal graag met hom wou kontak maak om te hoor of hy iets oorgekom het,? het Mardon, wat ?n klag van aanranding teen die vragmotorbestuurder wil indien, ges?.

Die maatskappy aan wie die vragmotor glo behoort kon gister nie vir kommentaar opgespoor word nieClap

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Beeld het dit nodig geag om hierdie 'n voorblad artikel te maak.


Ten spyte van al die e-mails en besware teen Maaskaas se berig word daar geen melding enige plek in die koerant gemaak van fietsryers se besware nie. 


 Tong in die kies - Hierdie vragmotor bestuurder het sekerlik Deon Maas se berig gelees en het probeer punte kry deur die fietsryer twee keer om te ry.


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ja kyk, as jy deesdae fietsryer op jou voorblad sit , gaan 'n koerant definitief verkoop, en is Beeld nie altyd heel eerste met so iets nie? Eks baie bly ek koop hulle ou eenkant koerant glad nie. Mens moet eintlik hulle robot- en straathoekverkopers gaan uithaal en die pakke koerante verbrand! O, en dis hulle nuwe Turbo Daily bussie wat my 'n ruk gelede amper van my fiets afgery het. Die ^%^%^ ry soos 'n maniak. Wonder of hulle hom ooit op die voorblad sal plaas vir K%k bestuur?

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Ugh' date=' why is it always in pig latin?[/quote']


Nou weet jy hoekom die meneer gese het jy moet OPLET in die klas......Tongue
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Ugh' date=' why is it always in pig latin?[/quote']


I am beside myself, this is the funniest thing I have heard in a while!!!! LOLLOLLOLLOLLOLLOLLOLLOLLOLLOLLOLLOLLOL ClapClapClapClapClapClapClapClapClapClapClapClap


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Johannesburg - After being pulled off the road for bumping into a cyclist twice, an enraged truck driver waded into a Pretoria engineer with a steel pipe.

The road rage occurred in peak-hour traffic in front of the East Rand mall in North Rand Road, Boksburg, after the lorry driver allegedly had knocked the boy, aged about 17, off his bicycle a second time.

Although the lorry driver and his passengers saw what had happened, they just carried on.

Andrew Mardon, 46, said: "I saw him knock the boy down at least twice, and sped off after him.

"I pulled him over and asked him if he had seen that he had knocked the cyclist down. He replied,'Yes, but it has nothing to do with you'."

Tackled from behind

After an exchange of words, Mardon went to his car to get a pen and paper so that he could write down the vehicle's registration, and the driver tackled him from behind.

"He hit me with his flat hand and his fist against my head, but I turned around and caught him a glancing blow with my fist."

The man staggered back about three paces and Mardon got back into his car to write down the lorry's particulars.

"The next thing, he was charging at me with an iron pipe, but the two women who were in the cabin luckily held him back," said Mardon.

The lorry driver apparently tried another charge with the steel pipe, and attacked Mardon from behind again.

The last time, he wasn't carrying the pipe.

Mardon said: "I warned him that he was assaulting me and got into my car to phone the police."

The man left his passengers, presumably his wife and daughter, standing on the pavement while he sped off with the lorry laden with electrical transformers.

Intends to lay charge

Mardon said: "The women asked me why I punched him, and I told them he was assaulting me."

In the meantime, the cyclist had disappeared, and Mardon, who is also a cyclist, does not know if the youth was injured.

"I would like to contact him to see if he's OK," said Mardon, who intends to file a charge of assault against the lorry driver.

A company name was painted on side of the lorry, but no such firm could be contacted for comment on Tuesday.

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Ugh' date=' why is it always in pig latin?[/quote']


This isn't nice... it's hardly even funny...  Jammer, maar moenie so van my taal praat nie asb.Cry
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Pig Latin is a language game primarily used in English. An alternative British name for Pig Latin is backslang (not to be confused with the backslang used by the criminals of 19th century London, which was based on turning words backwards), or Butcher's Backslang which was common in English Butcher's shops at least until WW II[1]. Pig Latin is usually used by children for amusement or to converse in (perceived) privacy from adults or other children. Conversely, adults sometimes use it to discuss sensitive topics they don't want very young children to overhear.

Hoekom moet almal so kakerig raak?
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Guest Michelle

Ustjay ilesmay... istay ethay easonsay otay ebay ollyjay...


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Geek I wasn't, still think it's the funniest one-liner I've seen in ages... LOL Oh, but I think Gert, Wynand and Johann might be...
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