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I'm gonna get all my Harley mates to ride that route on their harleys this sunday' date=' take up the whole road, reving their hogs. Tattoos and rings everywhere!! Not one single motorist will say a word !! The will just calmly drive behind them !!![/quote']

Says who !

Bunch of old farts wearing a Hawain shirt and have never got over their midlife crisis.


Aint that strange? 20 years ago only yobbos and gansters were allowed to owned Harleys - now it's lawyers and accountants. Bizarre...
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Spider Dude' date='

I am past 40 already so being highly strung I guess I am in my bonus years.  I can die a happy chappy is I can crack my planned 3hr WFC on Sunday. Then hang up my bike and go and play with the kids my own age. Bowls is a lot less stressful than cycling although it has a high mortality rate.  [/quote']


I read somewhere you have a better chance of being bit by a snake than to get killed on a bicycle.  Don't quote me on that though.....Wink


Hel, dis maklik om julle ouens opgecharge te kry......ClapClapClap


What I was saying' date=' and here I agree with Eldron, is that in a perfect world, the live and let live philosophy is cool. In the real world though, it just doesn't work. [/quote']


I have seen it work....in a real world.....you just need to take Rugby, Toyota 4x4 and biltong away from the equation.  Big%20smile  Problem solved.  Clap


There is more than enough anarchy in SA as it is. leaving things be is just going to allow it to get worse.




And you were appointed Metro officer when and where?  Who made you (and by "you" I mean motorist) judge' date=' jury and executioner? 


Dude....not your (Again referring to motorist) place to hand out judgment by riding within my 1.5m to try and kill me..........Angry

When?  EVERY F($*%*$ RIDE, EVERY *$(*% DAY. 






In a two horse race against steel, we should be the more patient of the road users for very obvious reasons. And if the motorist do take a chill pill as you suggest, more cyclists will abuse their good naturedness and be even more toopid on the road.


And THAT will be the problem......people taking advantage of other people.....


So how do we SOLVE this??  Cause we can argue to and fro the whole day long!  Big%20smile


I'm rather flexible on the 1.5m thing. I'm happy for cars to pass my as close as 50cm IF they're doing 60kph - the faster they go the further away they should be.


I also live my life my the maxim (cool word huh?) of "practinoid" - which is an ingenius mix of practical and paranoid. As cyclists we need to be somewhere between pratical and paranoid. I employ the same maxim (there's that word again!) - I check both ways before I go through a green light. Same at 4 way stops. Thats about where I draw the line. I refuse to submit to the law breakers though - silly things like not letting "turning lane short cutters" push in front of me.


Somehow through all of this I manage to stay chilled. Hell - I live on a plot with rabbits' date=' chickens and birds. If I got any more laid back I'd fall over.


This thread gives a fair reflection of society - most people are concerned that cyclists are not behaving that well in the cradle but the "check like if you wanna take my rights away and intimidate me with your car I'll like pull you out and moer you ekse" minority exists.




That made me smile......heheheh....good post.

22.....dude......22.....and counting....if you rev it up a bit more, we can get 50 EASY! 


Wait till we bring in "white line crossers are Shimano riders" and "jou pa is Steve en jou boetie is Jurie".

Then it gets interesting....for now I have not opened up the popcorn yet....


I think we need some traffic officials to go have some bagels and coffee on that route to screw up whoever brakes the law...

What you need is traffic officials who actually know the road traffic act.  Not the ones who are only educated in writing speeding and parking fines.  Good luck in finding them. Wink


I think we need some traffic officials to go have some bagels and coffee on that route to screw up whoever brakes the law...

What you need is traffic officials who actually know the road traffic act.  Not the ones who are only educated in writing speeding and parking fines.  Good luck in finding them. Wink
  Damm you are lucky, we need some of those here in the states






tour de France Devil' date=' or just the DEVIL??? LOLLOL


Looking at his teeth I can't help but wonder how many fights he lost before LOL

Or one too many falls at 65km/h + LOL

Jackes17542009-11-10 07:26:48



I read somewhere you have a better chance of being bit by a snake than to get killed on a bicycle.  Don't quote me on that though.....Wink


Hel' date=' dis maklik om julle ouens opgecharge te kry......ClapClapClap[/quote']


Not true at all unless you live in the heart of a nature reserve. I have almost been taken out more times than I care to think about on the bike. Strangely enough, I have less issues with taxis than other motorists.  


Had a run in with snakes (and I mean Puffies and other venomous snakes) like around a handful of times. I think whoever suggested that statistic on snakes and cycling needs to have another bottle of the good stuff and recalculate. He apparently doesn't live in the heart of GP.


Not wound up mate. I get more doff than normal when I get wound up. Apparently anger is the emotion that shuts down one's ability to think and reason.



I have seen it work....in a real world.....you just need to take Rugby' date=' Toyota 4x4 and biltong away from the equation.  Big%20smile  Problem solved.  Clap



I could get into it over a kilo or ten of biltong. You can have the 4 x 4 and the rugby.




So how do we SOLVE this??  Cause we can argue to and fro the whole day long!  Big%20smile



I thought this whole debate was a way to collectively come up woth some ideas.


Apparently I am too doff and too wound up.TongueWinkLOL

I have no vested interest in this topic, but feel the following needs some attention. I find it quite strange that the majority of you are prepared to bash cradleresident. Here is a chap who is making the time to collate the feelings of the majority of residents in the area, use up some more time to remove all the hearsay about whether the cycling crew using the area are ACTUALLY in the wrong and providing the evidence thereof on a site used by us. Not only has he gone out of his way to meet the cyclists' in 'their domain' but used up more than his '18 minutes' too. The least the cycling community can do is show the chap some respect. I dare any of you who feel so threatened by his dealings here to set up a meeting with the residents of the area and go and give them your side of things in an attempt to find some middle ground. Didn't think so.


Really only two kinds of people in the world. Those content to be part of the problem and those looking to find a solution. Quite obvious who is on which side of the line in this topic.


Just further evidence that no-one in this country has respect for the law...

Agree with the rest of the rant' date=' but just a note worth mentioning is that it is against the law to ride in the yellow line, and it is within the law for cyclists to cycle two abreast (although motor vehicles are required to change lanes to overtake), and within the law to cycle anywhere in the left lane.  I'm not saying it would be wise, just that it would be lawful.


I dont know what law you know, but that is not SA law. I downloaded the law awile ago and i can gaurentee you the law says you have to ride single file. It also says if there is a cycle lane you are not allowed to ride in the road. Google it.

I would suggest you not be facetious, particularly when you are in the wrong.  The law is pretty simple - a bike, as long as it has a driver/rider, is a vehicle by definition as it is "propelled primarily on wheels".  S296 of the Road Regs requires vehicles to keep in the left half of the road and "not encroach on the half of the roadway to his or her right...".  A number of other sections provide for how to overtake, always putting the onus on the passing car to ensure it is safe and prudent, and to move to the right half of the road to perform this maneuvre (with a few caveats about multi-lane roads and "undertaking" that aren't relevant).  The basic rule is "shall pass to the right thereof at a safe distance and shall

not again drive on the left side of the roadway until safely clear of the vehicle so

passed".  There is no further mention of where a bike is required to ride (other than the left half), although S298A prohibits the driving of a vehicle (including a pedal cycle) on the shoulder with an allowance, not a requirement, to move over to allow passing.  S311 provides specifically for bicycles, including the much mentioned (and, in your case and others, misread) subsection (2) which requires cyclist to ride single file except when passing another cyclist.  Effectively this gives license to ride two abreast as there is no distinction between passing and riding alongside.


I didn't plan to get involved in your little territorial war, but I would suggest that at least 90% of the reaction you get from cyclists is that you seem to believe that your anger is righteous.  Perhaps showing a little respect to the cyclists may engender a little respect in return.  Most of the photos show nothing illegal, except in cases where the cyclists are more than 2 abreast.  Even in these cases, the photo's you took show a solid white line, so passing is illegal there anyway.  Cyclists have legal right to use the road, they have the historical right (given that bicycles and roads for them preceded the invention of motorised transport) and obviously the moral right in a world searching for greener methods of transport.


Perhaps, but probably not, this article will help you get over yourself:



Finally, you did mention a bicycle lane - I don't see any in the pics.  I never brought that into my initial point as I referred directly to "riding within the yellow line".  There did used to be reference to cycle lanes in one of the guideline docs from the department of Transport a few years ago, but I don't recall it making legislation.  In the UK bicycle lanes are compulsory in terms of their code of conduct, but recent case law has seen that section being removed from the highway code.  The primary reason is that a cyclist should have a choice to ride wherever on the road he feels safest.


That all said, I have no interest in how this issue is resolved, but am concerned that motorists still believe that they have a right to be indignant because their (often illegal) driving behaviour has been slowed for a few seconds, and that cyclists seem to have the ridiculous notion that somehow behaviour of cyclists has any impact on the general perception motorists have of their "absolute" right to the road.


Wow! Clap Clap Clap Clap Well said. It is a simple matter to obey the law, when one takes the time to read and understand it. Unfortunately it is not a requirement for obtaining a drivers licence. Ouch.


Once everyone understands everyone elses rights and duties, all that is required is a bit of patience and understanding. Utopia , I guess.


On a practical note, if CL and Club 100 (particularly) but all the clubs would agree that if there is a bunch that is about to be passed, that they go single file and the passing bunch also go single file, then all remains in the law. Just a suggestion. Of course the bigger bunches may cause this not to work.


Cradle Resident, life is not always as one would like it. My great uncle had a farm in the country where now is Rivonia Square. Change comes. With it comes new things. Not always good, but unstoppable. As long as it is within the law (see above). Should it not be, there are the correct channels to follow. Currently Chucky and AM are talking with you, and hopefully more clubs will be coming to the party. Should there still be a blatant disregard, the police etc could be called in to act.


As for all the comments from many hubbers calling all these cyclists "idiots" and worse, take the plank.....


And funnily, the worst transgressors for being all over the road seem to be riders not wearing ANY club's kit. Hmmmm?


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