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The 3de most obese country!


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Do you think SA fit the profile or not? If you see all the people starting to jog and cycle in spring I wonder. What’s your opinion?

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Yes, have you seen what the drive-throughs look like at KFC, Mcdonalds... I'm quite suprised that the lawmakers havne't looked at this in terms of killing people. Obesity kills more people than anything else, including smoking, but nothing's being done about that? :angry:

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Nothing beats a braai with lovely, fatty wors, marinaded chicken sosaties, succulent beef cuts, cripsy lamb choppies, potato salad, potbrood, mielie brood, coleslaw, beers (and that other funny green looking stuff,...oh salad ja!). And then some Cape brandy pudding with cream. Ja, its hard to imagaine us being fat asses!

But seriously, someone mentioned to me that PT is no longer compulsary at schools? Maybe this is part of the ever 'growing' problem?

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i was waiting for someone at a gas station with an express shop, the other day....skrikwekkend hoeveel ma's koop vir hulle kinders PIES vir lunch, na skool!!!!! no wonder!!!!!

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There are definatly loads of fatties about in SA - They eat too much fast food(fried chicken) and there is way way to much meat in out diets :)

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What the source for this data?


I'm sceptical that we are the third most obese (BMI ≥ 30) nation in the world. There is an article on a GSK survey that shows that 61% of our population is overweight (25 ≤ BMI < 30), obese (30 ≤ BMI <40) or morbidly obese (BMI ≥ 40). The articles give no breakdown of how many of those 61% fall into each of the three categories.


Edit: To put this into context, I am 1.89m tall. For me to be considered overweight, I would need to weigh more than 89kg. I weighed about 92kg in 1st year at varsity. I would not describe how I looked at the time as being fat, maybe just a bit chubby, but I was definitely overweight.

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Also, many out there work long hours, or have to leave home very yearly to sit in traffic, and then another 2 hours in traffic on the way home. By the time these people get home, they're not in a mood to cook proper food. Sad but true, I've moved into my house 7 years ago, next door to a blonde, single...a bit 'stewig' but not too bad. Now she's almost 25kg overweight.

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Do you think SA fit the profile or not? If you see all the people starting to jog and cycle in spring I wonder. What’s your opinion?


Do you have a link to the artical?


Basicaly its down to the slapgatmodernwesternlimperialistic lifestyle we are hoodwinked into living...and yes it's also bill gates and steve jobs fault to...

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Ok I'm ducking for cover right now, I don't want to sound sexist or racist but realistically overall population wise I believe black woman over the age of 20 have got a lot to do with this figure (no pun intended)

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Also, many out there work long hours, or have to leave home very yearly to sit in traffic, and then another 2 hours in traffic on the way home. By the time these people get home, they're not in a mood to cook proper food. Sad but true, I've moved into my house 7 years ago, next door to a blonde, single...a bit 'stewig' but not too bad. Now she's almost 25kg overweight.


I guess she ate all the pies then. You should have helped keep her slim ;)

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I guess she ate all the pies then. You should have helped keep her slim ;)

Don't get along with her...moved in, have a dog...dog barks at strangers and she complained-not in a nice way. Very miserable person.

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