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Everything posted by pbp2007

  1. Congratulations, Matt & Co, for keeping things going. Long may you flourish. It seems I made it through the nervous nineties of The Hub to sneak in as member No. 100 in 2005. I believe I was pbp2007 from the start, which was a commitment on my part - I did manage to ride Paris-Brest in 2007 to celebrate turning 50. I have learnt much here over the years. Perhaps the most valuable lesson has been the addition of the word "suurtiet" to my vocabulary. (Thank you, Big H.)
  2. I’ve been running a SON 28 since 2007. At the time I got it, matched to a Schmidt E3 halogen light, it was state of the art in randonneuring circles. Incidentally, Johan Bornmann built the wheel, using a DRC rim. About 12 years ago, I changed the headlight to a Lumotec IQ Cyo LED and added a Lumotec Seculight LED taillight. This setup is still in regular use. Apparently the drag when switched on is equivalent to about half a kilometre an hour on an uphill. Although comprehensively outgunned for sheer light output by even cheap battery LED designs these days, my setup compensates with clever lens design that throws a clearly defined near-rectangular light patch exactly where it’s needed - on the road. There’s also a standlight function: when you’re stopped, for example at a traffic light, a capacitor keeps the bike lights lit for a while. I really missed that fuss-free operation this evening. The battery headlight I used was great, though I needed Medium to be able to dodge potholes in Centurion’s darker back streets. But the (admittedly partly discharged) USB-charged taillight just died after about an hour, even in flash mode. PS I do have a soft spot for that original Schmidt E3 headlight. What it lacks in output (a 6V halogen … come on) it makes up for in a more natural light temperature that seems to make road features more easily identifiable . One day I ought to take it out of mothballs. There’s even a spare bulb…
  3. We holidayed in Britannia Bay in February. The last few kilometres of road had several stop-gos, the surface was bad and it was too narrow to ride safely. My bike didn’t venture out.
  4. Pedal Power arranges Saturday group rides, usually with a backup vehicle. https://pedalpower.org.za/events/ppa-social-rides/ DM me for more details. I believe this Saturday’s intermediate group plans to start in Newlands, close to you.
  5. Apologies for the cross-posting I am on the lookout for a Mavic MA2 32H rim or built-up wheel - front or rear - to match my other rim. Link to the ad: https://bikehub.co.za/classifieds/item/road-bike-rims/630633/wanted-mavic-ma2-32h-rim-or-wheel The plan is to lace these rims to my Shimano 600 front/rear hubs from another wheel set. On the other hand, it would be nice if somebody were to offer an MA2 rear wheel built on a Campy Chorus hub to match the lone Chorus front hub in my possession, but I am not holding my breath. The intention is to have a suitable period look for my early 1980s Gios Super Record, shown here wearing the GP4s it came with and which I rode for a while. I am considering putting Tufos on this setup. For the sharp-eyed, those pedals are for, er, shakedown ride purposes. Thanks for looking.
  6. A friend has recommended CycleWize CC, which meets at 6:00 at The Pantry, Tokai Junction. They are on Facebook
  7. Speaking of Helshoogte, what’s the safety situation like on the ride up and over from the Idas Valley side? (On the road.) Thinking of parking at the Spar and pedalling to Franschhoek and back. We did this ride regularly a few years ago, but haven’t been back in a while.
  8. An e-bike blasting past unmotorised riders struggling up Chappies is just rude. The least he could have done was offer a tow as compensation.
  9. Having experienced 2009 I'm inclined to agree that the wind then was worse at times, but this year wasn't just about the wind: it was a perfect storm of events, well covered in posts above. And remember that, since WC 2010, the legalities of liability have been tightened up, both on a local and a national level. Being a ride event organiser myself I can see that the hoops we have to jump through increase every year and ultimately the Joint Operational Centre, which is heavily dependent on input from law enforcement, disaster management and traffic agencies calls the tune. A few years ago, if all our marshals were not in place half an hour before the start, the race would still go ahead; now you can be sure it won't be allowed to start. That's changed from the time when it was up to me as chief marshal (admittedly with PPA and Traffic breathing down my neck) to take the decision to call off our race when it was raining heavily on top of Ou Kaaps. The conditions were ridable for a single rider, but in my view a bunch ride could have ended in carnage. The financial loss was significant, but the risk of damage to persons, reputation, etc was too great. One thing I will say is that the CTCC start is a disaster waiting to happen and even if logistically more difficult a safer start away from that damn wind tunnel needs to be found. Everybody in Cape Town knows that place is a menace when it blows. Still, given my lack of preparation for this year's ride I think the biggest gust of wind was my sigh of relief when I got the news of the cancellation on my way to the start.
  10. Anybody with a rating lower than "Devil" should consider taking up tiddlywinks instead. (I am assuming that "deliberately forgetting to wear your helmet" is acceptable for #1.)
  11. As per JB's tip, I use engine oil (Castrol synthetic, because I got it for free), 1 drop per link, applied using a matchstick. One container should last a lifetime.
  12. I went through there this morning around 9.30 - saw nothing untoward. But the antennae were on high alert, given the recent incidents. It's time we took back the roads and eradicated these scum. Perfect opportunity for PPA to fulfil its mandate, wouldn't you say? Not to mention the police, local councillor and Sanparks... anybody out there listening?
  13. Funnily enough, after considerable moaning, begging, pleading and cajoling from us the past few years, the traffic department has shown some flexibility. Like the OP, we're still not happy with having to pay at all, but we have managed to get substantial fee reductions because of our charity status. But every year the hoops seem to become more numerous, more complex and just... more. For the record, simply organising Journey 4 Sight n Service this year cost a smidgeon under R100k. And bear in mind that many of us claim no compensation for time, fuel etc. On race day alone, I have clocked up 350 km. (No, I'm not looking for a medal. Simply pointing out that the event costs could be a lot higher were it not for these "donations".)
  14. Jasper, I salute you. I have a dream... that one day, all who ride in cycling events will devote just one morning of their time to marshal/assist at such events... that the scales may fall from their eyes...
  15. Sorry, no Vuelta predictions. Just an idea for some offbeat fence embellishments.We spotted these while on the Infiniti Q50 launch near Barcelona today. But hidden among the spokes was a vaguely disturbing sight. Did Sylvester finally get his comeuppance from Tweety... or did he decide to end it all?
  16. Just curious... anybody here who was riding down 9th avenue towards Fairland this morning about 6.15? I spotted a P-B-P shirt in a peloton of about half a dozen, but was too far to say hi. I'm up in Gauteng for the motor show and was en route from my B&B on a run up Northcliff ridge. if there's anybody in the Cape Town area who is interested in Paris-Brest 2015, let's start a conversation. A few lunatics, er, parties, have expressed interest already and we'd like to get a calendar of rides going.
  17. http://lmgtfy.com/?q=garmin+repairs+cape+town
  18. I use Openstreetmaps on my Etrex Vista HCx http://garmin.openstreetmap.nl/ Some local information here: http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/WikiProject_South_Africa Consider becoming a contributor.
  19. I got my first bike at about 10 and went through a couple, but stopped riding at about 18 when I discovered cars. In 1998 when the mid-life crisis was about to kick in my wife and I blew her severance payout on holiday in France with two friends - 2 weeks of hard riding and barging - and the bug bit hard. Audax, commuting, fun rides, JRA, love them all.
  20. Another vote for the 310XT - I've had one for about the past 2 years now, after a 301 and a 305. My activity profile is currently 1 day of riding a week (I'm excluding the odd commute), running 3 days a week, gym twice a week. I can use the 310 for all of that. I didn't bother with the bike mount. Riding with it on my wrist is fine.
  21. Perfect for reinflating balloon tyres of riders who have run out of bombs. Don't ask how I know. And for making searching medical examinations of the throats of bloodthirsty dogs. 100 psi in as many strokes? Road Morph FTW
  22. Like this one parked next to my desk, sweetie? BTW, my stock answer to "What the *** do you carry in that bag anyway?" is "Your lunch because you're so slow comma."
  23. After my annual physical including ECGs a couple of years ago, the doctor called me up to discuss my enlarged heart (he was new then). When I explained the kind and amount of riding I was doing he was quite happy with the situation. At the time I was a few years older than you are now and about 10 minutes slower in the Argus. As to the chest infections, I noticed a pattern in my logbook of bronchitis at a certain time of year (July). It was always treated as a development of a cold or the flu. Turns out it was actually an allergic reaction to house dust mite, which is apparently prevalent during winter. So now I spray Nasacor year round (until the condition is under control) instead of just in spring.
  24. Not in Cape Town. By the way, care to deal with the issue?
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