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Everything posted by coppi

  1. dunno really, just feels like a finished project after 10.........ocd?
  2. I am doing my 9th in a row this year.............my aim is to do 10 then call it quits
  3. But FNB Steve are such a great bank, have you not seen/heard all their great adverts ................................NOT
  4. I WAS in for it too, but have broken my wrist.................they are willing to keep my entry for next year
  5. 3 towers stage race done from Mankele..........28,29,30 September ! You can still enter I think ?
  6. I have done Sani pass in the snow with an old Nissan 4x2
  7. Remove the blinkers.................
  8. yeah been there done that................... Twice................
  9. Ermmmm...........so that you can look out the windows and see stuff ?
  10. Good stuff............gooi mielies !
  11. They can learn something from 3 Towers ! I would not support them.................
  12. A sign of the difficult financial times, I think. I entered 3 Towers and broke my wrist a few weeks back, asked if they can hold my deposit for next year............they are prepared to do it ! Kudos to them............
  13. Oh you mean the ex-golfers then..................
  14. Real roadies keep tools and spares in the middle back pocket of their cycling tops..........
  15. Huge difference here : Denmark population approx. 5.7 mil - with very good education ZA population approx 57 mil - with very poor to no education for 3/4 of the population
  16. It was reasonable when the economy was growing at a decent rate............definitely not now ! If you get 5% or any be very grateful..................actually be grateful that you still have a job !
  17. There was no such thing as the term " CEO " 10 years ago................it was all " MD" this and that. Just saying.................
  18. Lots of Mtbikers also park at the new Total garage just before the T - junction.............very clean bathrooms and shop.
  19. Old news already but thanks anyway..............nice to have the pigeon pair !
  20. A Bianchi must be Celeste......................or nothing
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