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Everything posted by 'Dale

  1. Great discipline you have, man! - I am not mad at you. Don't know you. -
  2. Le'me open and say: I do not have the discipline to follow the code of the red light if I turn L at the traffic light or stop street Kinda slip through pretending. Or, I yield at the 4 way stops in ma neighbourhood.
  3. If Burry made an error in judgement or technique, then waiting would not be apt. If it is a 3rd party - unrelated to the contest and not another contender - which created the havoc, then waiting is cool. That's how I see racing, competition, pressure management and so forth.
  4. Wannabe, What about 2 weeks before the Argus? Saturday 30ish Feb I taper about 10 days before the time. Great idea! Nearly met you yesterday morning on the M'bury Ride.
  5. Gimme a set of those Eastons, pleeeeaaassseeee!!!
  6. 'Dale


    It's a pity Ayabonga, the rider in question, isn't here to represent himself. And riders like him. Definitely, his view will bring clearer insights to this discussion.
  7. Fellow Cyclists, There are quite a few bugs going around. A stomach bug is in the air and quite a few people I engage with has been down with spells of nausea and diarrhoea (spell check!). So, take care of yourselves so you can stay on the bike at the peak of season: 1. Wash hands regularly. 2. Wash hands before meals. 3. Avoid contact of your hands with your mouth. 4. Be mindful of public spaces and the risk for infection. 5. Use your knuckle to press the elevator button or ATM keys (from one of LA's books). 6. Above all, don't train when your muscles are sore or you feel fatiqued as you could be infected. 7. Be mindful when you are in the company of someone that is ill as many bugs prefer air travel (wink). I'm sure there's more. That's all for now.
  8. At the end of the day, we are in different socio-economic positions, eh? What is R100 for is not quite the same R100 for me. Like most people, if one loves the sport, one will invest into it as much as one chooses.
  9. Yah, it is tough on the pocket. I am a professional in the world of work and it is tough for me to race often. What about the average working class person that lurves cycling and would lurve to race?
  10. niklasvm, One of the key elements, other than time off the iron horse and excellent nutrition is good, deeeeep Zzzzzzz. Sleep more than normal. If you prefer 7 hrs, add another 1 to 1.5 when in training. Try to get a power nap shortly after training. Extensive recovery happens when in Zzzzzz Land!
  11. I use my Cape Storm bibs for short rides of 90 minutes or less. I use my Assos bibs for longer rides of 90 minutes plus. Both products valuable for different uses!
  12. Laaik the Sky kit. Cool combined colours. Whatcha all think?
  13. Yah. Power-weight ratio is the name of the game in pro cycling - tarmac or dust. Less excess [external weight] weight - not good. Can make the difference between podium or off the podium result!
  14. Schweet! Cool green detailing.
  15. Kit is oraait. The black thermal wear is clashing. Get grey thermals, LanceStrong.
  16. LegTrap, With your vulnerable back, I suggest: 1. Review your setup on the bike to support your posture. 2. Yes, ride lots. 3. Rest more than usual with your vulnerablility. 4. Maybe, if possible, back strengthening exercises. All the best, man.
  17. Welcome, ysfsuleman! To enhance safety: 1. Cycle in a group whenever possible. 2. Be vigilant and aware at all times. 3. Wear an ID tag, sticker. 4. Insure your iron horse.
  18. Kindness is weakness - well in the case of working with a nation that don't give a damm. If you don't put these guys under pressure they will just take over Don't confuse kindness with weakness. If you suffer with this confusion, think about it. Astana, I see where you coming from. It is dangerous out there in the big, big world. I keep it simple. I cannot control when and how World War III will happen. I cannot control the crime rate either. I definitely cannot control whether I will be bike-jacked around the corner from my home in Durbanville. What I can control is how I treat my neighbour, how I greet the man that fills up my car at the garage, how I connect with those I come into contact every day. It starts with me, man. Maybe you have a different way around life.
  19. Me definitely gonna try some of that baby potato protocol! Sounds yummy and effective.
  20. Yah, it has been slow, if not frozen, at times. Periodically though. And most times it is just fine.
  21. All the best, cycleaddict. Agree that cycle is strenous on the backside. Total healing / surgery required to avoid ongoing affliction.
  22. Shorter rides up to 2.5 hrs = apples or two Longer rides of 3 hr + = peanut butter sandwich or ham & cheese sandwhich
  23. Don't confuse kindness with weakness. If you suffer with this confusion, think about it.
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