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Posts posted by JK7

  1. Are you guys racing snakes and expecting to win it  :D.


    No, I will be keeping the sweepers company. Will take it nice and chilled. Take some photos. Have some snacks. And so on. 


    Really looking forward to it. I do think i should try ride a few times with 1500m of climbing beforehand. Plenty of time  :mellow:

  2. Rode there for the race this last weekend at the reserve. Was a fun event. Very low-key, not very serious. 


    The route was well maintained and I really enjoyed the pre-reversed or non-reversed route again. Was a nice change.  Having the single track down through the trees was epic. Miss that, and the single track down the dam. 


    If i could make a suggestions, even though the route will be back to being reversed now, the single-track through the trees should be kept in the same direction, going down.  With a few tweaks, it can be kept as a down. Just would mean cutting a track to the parallel jeep track before the singe-track in the trees. You would go up the jeep track. Then that single track in the trees could become an extra loop. Would be epic. 

  3. What works for me :


    Sat & Sunday- MTB


    leg strength day (enough time to recover before the weekend)

    Deadlifts (good to mimic posture of lower back on the bike)



    Then finish the day with 4 of the following (I rotate weekly)

    Box jumps (explosive movement like a short burst on the bike)

    Single leg lunges (to ensure no dominant leg bias)

    Jumping lunges (explosive movement....)

    Kettle bell squats / thrusters (anaerobic threshold training)

    Step ups (again working on single leg, and focus on glutes and hamstrings)

    KB swings (again good back posture and works hamstrings too)


    Pair up 2 exercises (superset) to save time. Like KB swings and KB squats


    Tues- rest

    Wed - long slow cycle on watt bike. Base work.

    Thurs - run or spinning class.

    Fri - upper body (rest legs)

    Usually a mix of dips, pullups, face pulls, presses, cleans, push-ups. Legs get a rest before weekend cycling


    Rinse. Repeat.

  4. General consensus from when I was in your position:

    • You hone your skills more on a HT when learning to ride
    • Full sus doesn't makes you a faster rider.  
    • Maintenance on HT is (much) cheaper 
    • Full sus a lot more comfortable, but that doesn't mean a h/tail uncomfortable. As people mentioned above, plenty still do stage races in them. 
    • Component wise, you usually get more bang for buck on a HT. Generally the components on a full sus are cheaper to compensate for the price of the 2nd shock. Even if you go second hand. 


    Scott is a good option. Also check out Momsen too at that price range, and compare the components:  



    Full disclosure: I went H/tail and have never ridden a full sus, but the above is the conclusion I got to after many hours of chatting to many people. You get the odd outlier who says differently to the above, but 80/20 rule. Enjoy!  

  5. Now that the song is stuck in your head, what have you found to work really well when building you aerobic capacity / base?


    So many different methods (long slow watt bike, maffatone method, jogging, just riding more, etc)...


    I have been told anecdotaly that adding a weekly slow jog pays off more than a slow cycle, with less time committed (60 minutes vs say 90+). Scientifically it shouldn't make any difference as its about your heart working in a range for a certain time, resulting in adaptation, but maybe the added muscular stress from running gives an added bonus. Or maybe I'm just over thinking this whole thing.


    Do any of you guys even do the black route? The one leading off from green yellow red by the river? I have never seen 1 other mountain bike on this trail when I have done it. It is huge fun a bit techie but that is why it is such fun!


    I do it from time to time, but preferred it in the other direction to be honest. I was not aware it was a black route though. I thought the only black route was by the top gate, which seems to not be accessible now that the route changed directions. That was over the rocks and down the rock-face. Was a blast. Would be great to open it up again. 

  7. Reading this thread convinced me to go register... but online registration closed and no word on if you can register on the day. Anyone aware?  I did ask on the FB page. 

  8. Hi


    Anyone with this watch experience wildly incorrect (under reading by 70%) elevation gains?


    It doesn't have a manual calabrate option for the barometer or GPS.


    Any suggestions?


    Did plenty of reviews before buying, and all the reviews showed altimeter worked well. I do now see plenty of issues on Reddit about it though.

  9. i have taken a slightly different tack to the norm here and gone with Garmin bike specific GPS units and a Vivo Active 3 HR watch. I do all the bike related stuff using my Edge 520 or if I need navigation I use the Edge Explore unit. I use the watch's HR device to record heart rate and use the watch for running and indoor swimming. When I do outdoor swims I log it as a walk then change the sport to swim in Garmin Connect and Strava. The swim distance however is not accurate but I "fix" it in Strava. Outdoor swims I don't do to often and being a strong swimmer I don't really care too much about this metric. I have now used this setup for multiple Ironman and half ironman events and it works well for me. Battery life on the Vivoactive is pretty good and I got it relatively cheap so for the price of the Fenix I have managed to score a Vivoactive 3 HR watch, Edge explore and Edge 520 GPs unit.


    I stand to be corrected here but I think the Fenix 5 will be replaced soonish ,


    Cant really go wrong with the top of the range units from any of the makes, they all work exceedingly well and do what they supposed to.

    Thanks for this. Exactly the route I was going to go. But likely to wait for the Edge once I saved more money, and use the watch for everything.


    A bit worried about falling with the watch, but same goes for the Edge (and my bones)

  10. <p>


    Got this one just before xmas, its growing on me.


    Do you know if The M model he getting Live Segments?


    Also, why do you say it is growing on you? Did you not enjoy something about it at first?


    Agree on the V price.... Heft. Likely rather get a Phoenix at those prices.

  11. Good post V18. Thanks for sharing. Reminded me book an appointment! Are you in the medical field? 


    The one thing i can add is that cardio can lead to the underlying problem itself. There some studies that show athletes are more prone or at risk to atrial fibrillation (AF) from endurance events.   Just another reason to have a holistically healthy lifestyle, including diet etc





    Heart attack at 35. Very rarely it is the classic chronic metabolic syndrome profile that we all envision. You can be fit as a fiddle and in your prime... If you happen to have underlying predispositions (familial dyslipidaemia/hypertension/asymptomatic prediabetic/prinzmetal angina/long qt syndrome/hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy,rheumatic heart disease etc) you can drop dead from a heart attack or other acute cardiac dysfunction at any race. 

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