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Everything posted by Frosty

  1. 23% - must be the Nivea (for Men) products.
  2. How much (money) do you need to raise to erect another 30 signs?Frosty2007-03-19 08:15:11
  3. Try Bike Scene in Springs - ask for Derek.
  4. Remember one thing... as long as your transmitter is picking up a heart rate, it using battery power. That doesn't mean it (battery) will run-out quicker than the receiver. But I agree, it a good thing to send in the transmitter as well. If your software is older than the current version, they will also update it for you. If you don't have spiral-like image on the display (when in time display mode, you don't have the most up-to-date version.
  5. For a quick response, send it to Polar yourself - it may take up to 2 weeks if you send it through the shop where you bought it. Polar offer a same day service if it's in early enough. Depending on which watch/computer you have, it's not that easy to change the battery yourself, without risking damage to the unit.
  6. I decided to call Gail Heuwel on the number shown on the 94.7 entry form. Was told to call Glen Lottering, who has said that every cyclists who enters a race (race/funride) MUST have a license. So much for 94.7 hoping to over-take the Argus as the biggest individually timed cycle race. Seems their biggest (participant) race will be a thing of the past.
  7. So much to choose from , so little time. Thanks for your recommendations
  8. Thanks for your suggestions... so much to choose from, so little time to do it all. Not too worried about meals before Sunday, but rather for Sunday afternoon/evening, Monday and Tuesday.Frosty2007-03-07 01:12:05
  9. Does anyone know of any decent restaurants in and around Cape Town? I don't fancy eating something found in Gauteng. Cost is not an issue, but taste and ambiance is.
  10. I don't get it... at the bottom of the notice it says, "So enter Joburg?s Safest Race NOW!" Where's the link/button to enter????
  11. Us Gautengers (Northeners) should be used to the rain... wet 94.7, wet carnival/macsteel last year... Frosty2007-03-05 06:34:08
  12. What happened to the saying, "If you don't like the weather, wait half an hour"?
  13. If this is your first purchase of cycling kit, then you're probably spending a lot of time in the saddle in a race, which means you need quality. At first I bought cheap (R170 @ Sportmans warehouse), because I thought R500 was too much to pay for bib shorts. However the difference in comfort was uncompareable. If you're unsure of what to buy (at a bike shop), ask fellow cyclists on the road where they bought their gear - it worked for me. I've bought from Tour de Frans, Cyclelab and Tony Impey, and all three offer great advice. Stay away from non-cycling specific stores.
  14. Somewhere I read that the estimated value of all the bikes at the Argus is R150 million. That's an average of R4,285 per bike (using 35,000 entrants only).
  15. I'll kick it off with choice 2: R5-10K
  16. Training - distance (ridden distance alternates with trip distance after one lap time), current speed, HR%, cadence. Race - estimated time of arrival, time of day, HR%, cadence. thanks to Polar for introducing "ETA" to their computers
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