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Everything posted by #Pete#

  1. Day 1: Mostly uphill somehow, with lots of heat (upto 45 degrees at one stage in the afternoon), lots of slow jeeptrack sandy rocksy type stuff found nowhere else such that the 70 or so km's felt like a 100km. Tough day, but nice camp site at the end (esp vs last year's desert camp). Day 2: Lovely ride, even the climb up to Eselbank was almost rideable for mere mortals. Shorter than advertised, which is alwyas good. Again - camp site worked (pity the bags and food weren't there though - beers made up for it) Day 3: A downhill dash to the end - just so one feels like the legs have recovered and ones actually improving (less than 2 hours for the leaders). Organisation almost as crap as last year - these guys have a long way to go to touch other 'leaders' in this genre such as Sani2c or The Epic. But great route this year and good vibe largely made up for it.
  2. Agree - awesome bike and what an experience to actually get one. I 'lived' through this one being built on mtbr: http://forums.mtbr.com/showthread.php?t=140117 ...maybe one day (yeah sure)
  3. I'd agree with Johan that most tyres can be succesfully converted, but I disagree that a R220 tyre is just fine. I've ridden tubeless conversion for 6 years now. When living in the Scotland I was fine with normal tyres, but when riding in Spain and here I'm not, and neither are many others (just ask the leaders in the Epic that kept ouncturing what they were on). The reason - rocks! We just have too many rocks at least here in the WC on our trails to run normal tyres. I have had several side wall tears from rock damage on Schwalbe's RR and NN and others before it got too expensive and I switched to UST - no problems anymore. Anecdotal evidence is still evidence if we all have the same anecdoets to tell.
  4. Jeepers - amazing how quick fake rumours, if that's indeed what they are, spread over the internet. Maybe the rumour's about Contador...... #Pete#2007-07-28 05:31:08
  5. Who can read Danish? (Doesn't look good....) http://www1.vg.no/sport/sykkel/tour-de-france-2007/artikkel.php?artid=154113 #Pete#2007-07-28 05:16:55
  6. German ( http://www.spiegel.de/sport/sonst/0,1518,496995,00.html ) and other European mags suggesting it is Soler - 11am news conference! Oh-Oh! #Pete#2007-07-28 03:08:24
  7. Thanks for the advice Pete, the only problem is that he could only get an appointment with a cardiologist in two months time! Two suggestions: 1. If it happens again try to get to an Emergency Unit ASAP to try to'catch' it on an ECG. Obvioulsy this is ultimately the best way to ID the rhythm, which will help with advice given. 2. If he's in Cape Town I could try to get him an earlier appointment - pm me.
  8. If his heart rate was truelly irregular and fast it is most likely that he developed atrial fibrillation - a problem with generating the sinus beat in the right atrium of the heart. This is a not uncommon probelm in athletes (for e.g. Mario Cipollini developed it training from Gordon's Bay and had to be cardioverted (heart rhythm restored to normal chemically or with a shock) by a Somerset West cardiologist. It may occur even with a totally normal heart, but can be quite bothersome if it recurs frequently. It may be that the flu had predipsosed him to such a rhythm. I agree that he needs to see a cardiologist for an expert opinion on his ECG and an ECHO test to look at the heart valves and chambers - at the very least. It will also give him a point of contact should it recur. He may well not get a definite diagnosis now, but normal tests are good news. There are more serious heart conditions that can cause more serious arrhythmias - it would be wise not to cycle hard till the check-up. Hopefully it was just a once off.
  9. Not quite as impressive as the new flyweight Spesh....
  10. Motolite or 5spot - you know you want to. (For value for money what about a Giant Reign - tried one and was surprised by how nice it was - I didn't say that) http://www.bikemagic.com/news/article/mps/UAN/4864/
  11. My major issue with my Edge: battery life is 6-8hrs max. You have to charge it after every long ride - thus can't be used in for example the Epic where you're not near a plug point.
  12. Here's my data: My computer started with the 'go' (Garmin 350). It showed 3 secs of no motion (started about 10 rows back), then kicked in: Here's my winningtime time: Race Time Position Gender Gender Position Age Position Start Group Group Position Avg Speed 03:00:39 1420/28706 M 1336/22341 222/3256 H 13/568 36.2 km/hWhere's the missing minute? Aaaaargh
  13. Grrr, why's their time 1" slower than mine? (the vital 2.59.33 on my stopwatch to their 3.00.39). Nooooooo!
  14. Agree - start with chain and see. If that doesn't sort it out move to cassette + chainrings. IMO the new SRAM chains are suffering form some sort of quality control issues and I've moved back to Shimano. The SRAM link works just fine with shimano. XT and LX are chainrings both aluminium (lighter but wear quicker) except for the LX small ring which is steel and lasts longer. Not much diff between them otherwise. If you want them to last longer than 6 months get a steel one (deore, blackspire) or perhaps RF or Middleburn. Expensive damn hobby this.
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