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Everything posted by NielC

  1. I saw this on FB this morning... https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10150561688137510&set=a.385003957509.164894.189734322509&type=1&theater What do these okes take us for?
  2. I, for one am glad. No more spelling lessons either ay?!
  3. Like a drink on a stick he is - useless. Thank heavens for his bright idea to make money out of cycling races. Does this pre-empt the name change of thehub to "millionaires club"?
  4. Thanks! Wanna take part in my race that's gonna make me millions? Special 'early bird entrance fee'...one day only. I've just taken a big fat dump on my director's desk and proclaimed "Why make hundreds when you can make MILLIONS!". Soon my precious, you will be mine! Who needs a job when you can organise races?
  5. Huh? Of course people will pay, Kamakastig says so (and he's the boychie!).
  6. My word, why didn't I think of hosting a race!!?? I could be pimping it with my homies in my yacht in the Caribbean after one single race for the year! Drinking champagne, chowing oysters, having caviar. I have decided to immediately resign my low-paying attorney's job and organise that one race, the 'silver bullet race'. Guys, you've all missed the boat, but there's the yacht! We could even have skills clinics and get those okes to bunny hop over the side into the ocean. We won't miss them. Who's in? Just a bit of a problem organising it, but hey, after the race is done, the millions are in the bank who cares, right?
  7. NielC


    The real G-Spot! We've found it on a cycling trip this holiday! This particular G-Spot belongs to a lady by the name of Angie, who is found at a place called 'De Vlug', Eastern Cape, at the bottom of the Prince Alfred Pass. We rode past it a couple of times but in true heroic fashion found it...
  8. Haha, he was definitely not the Good Samaritan...help, lying in a pool of blood - SMITE CYCLISTS LORD! HAHAH, what a chop he (preacher-car dude) was.
  9. Pack the night before 'cos I am guaranteed to get struck by laziness in the morning. NOTHING beats commuting to work. Sometimes I love it so much I let out a yelp (or two) from excitement! Morning and late afternoon/evening air - amazing. cool thread!
  10. Ya, but on the udder hand...
  11. Just remember to vote first then drink!
  12. Howzit, I've insured with Outsurance and pay R320 a month. I've just had my rear suspension stay replaced after it broke. The excess was R650 for a R10k stay (been on bicycle insurance for a year) and I am VERY glad I have insurance.
  13. The world can't end today 'cos it's already tomorrow in Australia!
  14. just don't yank anyone's chain... if your girlfriend is in the lounge...then you know the chain is too long... unchained melody... alice in chains...
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