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Everything posted by DJR

  1. And on a side note, one of the very best places for kids to learn insane bike handling skills and overtaking is BMX.........just ask Jewbacca!
  2. .........some of those infamous crazy night time Dual Slalom races at the Dirtopia Festivals come to mind as a VERY good school in how to overtake uncooperative people, touch, shove,, bump, and still stay upright........well, some of the time.......... (Just kidding)
  3. The great thing about this argument is that all you have to do is sit and wait for another few decades and all the competition will be in a landfill while that 10 speed Record will be shifting like a Swiss timepiece and sweetly purring away at the kilometres. (In other words, yes, I'm with you on this one, just not sure I'm going to be around then.)
  4. Yes, close to where I live we had the same. Cardboard and plastic city broken up, lots of angry people everywhere and suddenly you have to keep a close eye and call the City Improvement District patrols to move people off your porch or your parking before they get permanent rights to live there, **** all over and create a fire hazard. Also, a sudden escalation of breakins into cars and theft of copper pipes, cast iron and water meters.
  5. I would expect the whole of Sea Point and Green Point to become more of a security problem in the next few weeks and months. When the City evicted the illegal street people in green Point, a large percentage of them did not go to the shelters or the offered relocation site. They simply dispersed before the Sherrif moved in and they moved into the rest of the neighbourhood. Now there will be many single and small group encampments all over, just not one large tent and plastic town. The majority of them are just down and out people and mostly harmless, but the real criminals, muggers, robbers hide among them. So, beware. It will remain a problem until the neighbourhood watch harass them enough to move to other areas.........yes, the problem will not go away because there is currently no way to solve it, just to displace it somewhere else. Sad, but true.
  6. Make then ALL understand who is the BOSS of BRAAI
  7. I agree that the C40 is still a pure race bike despite its age. Mine gets taken out mostly for shortish rides. The longer rides are a bit rough on the old back and neck vertebra. But it is still an absolute delight to ride and at the bottom of a little hill to stand up, give it a kick and feel it jump forward like the purebred it is, even if the jockey is not anymore, maybe never was.
  8. That is how I feel this morning.....like my dynamo isn't working properly and I'm only generating a flou little bit of light........must have more coffee!
  9. Me too, especially if anyone has one of their terrible corkscrews, just call me and I'll relieve you of it for R10 000 (in your, and my, dreams)
  10. Yup, I agrea, ban htem! Speling mitokes aer unaceptibel on HikeBub!
  11. Many years ago Mike Beechy Head caused me to fall out of bed really early on a Sunday morning when he came over at tree top hight in his Electric Lightning. From fast asleep to shock to try to flee to ending up paraletic on the floor in the blink of an eye. (I was till a little touchy after my national service.) My dear wife laughed her head off and then felt guilty about it, but I don't think for long, because I also started laughing like an idiot. Ps. That Electric Lightning was LOUD!
  12. There, I fixed it for you
  13. It reminds me of a fantastic photography project a friend once did. It was called "Where the road ends..........life begins" or something like that. It was all about the remote places in the country that inspired him. Cool stuff.
  14. How on earth did you get it that quiet? You must have waited for hours to get an instant with almost no cars before it filled again to the brim with motoring chaos!
  15. British tourists in Spain face 'pool ban' as 'worst drought ever' hits Catalonia causing Barcelona to run dry - as crisis is declared by regional leaders (msn.com) Hi Bonus Was wondering how the drought affects you? Just say if you need advice from us Capies, we did the whole "Day Zero" thing here in Cape Town a few years ago, learnt how to shower and get clean with just a few cups of water and to accept our gardens dying. Yes, and to ride dusty bikes!
  16. Just use Google Maps to decide on a route, there is a great combination of tar and dirt and the scenery is fantastic. On the flats the Southeaster can sometimes be a real challenge. Time it so that you start really early if you expect a headwind because it is lighter and gets stronger during the day. Start later if you expect a tailwind, and get the most help from it. From Gansbaai I usually take a left at Pearly beach, go through Baardskeerdersbos and Elim (all tar, mostly with a wide shoulder and in good condition)), then right on a dirt road (not sure what it is called, but it is hard dirt and wide, but with potholes depending on the rains, very doable on a gravel bike) that leads to Struisbaai and the last bit of tar to Agulhas. The roads are not busy and there are not a lot of large trucks on it. And don't worry about the white bakkie brigade, they are usually very friendly and not in a rush and always ready for a friendly chat.
  17. Locktite is just an epoxy. And remember that most modern airliners are held together with epoxy these days............enjoy your flying.
  18. Nooooooo, don't go near that place and don't talk to Nils and do not use words like Eroice, Classic or Tour of Ara! Every time I go there to buy something small, like bartape, I see something else that I MUST have. A frame for instance.........and then it starts another bike build. Or, if I really resist, I buy something innocent, like an old derailleur.......and then it starts another bike build. Even just buying a saddle inevitably leads to another bike build. I tell you, that is a dangerous place. My house is overflowing with bikes, I think if I get one more skelmpie, my wife is going to kick me and all my bikes out! Ps Y'all seen my tongue firmly in my cheek?
  19. Agree on Kevin Wilkinson - 082 466 4565 (been a while since I needed him, but hopefully the number is still functional. Otherwise Google is your friend.) He's done all kinds of small precision engineering stuff for me on a number of bike builds. Always came out great. Nice guy too.
  20. The Colnagos are usually quite tight for clearance, but like Loose Cog said, it is totally OK to do Eroica on skinnies.
  21. Agreed. I did my first one on 23s, one year even did it on a set of 21 tubbies (madness, I know, but so cool on the old Shamals). You just have to pick your lines and not let the speed get away from you on the downhills. But it rattled my fillings properly. Last few I did with 28 on back and 32 front. It just makes it a bit more forgiving on all the shoulder and wrist fractures I've had over the years. I also put a double wrap of bar tape on the top of my handlebars.
  22. Agreed. Put the biggest rubber on that will clear the frame and fork and just do it.
  23. Rollers alone and I'm dodgy. Chew gum also and I crash. Add a pistol and I'll probably shoot myself in the leg.
  24. Eland steak is better. just saying, so maybe you just "saw" what you were supposed to see?
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