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Wayne Potgieter

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Everything posted by Wayne Potgieter

  1. I need to increase my life insurance cover. Any recommendations for a good company to work with on this?
  2. Wow. Thats not cool. Should we orgnaise an all night stakeout to get a rego number next week?
  3. Last week was mentally tough. Lots of work pressure and some major changes on the professional front and I wanted some time to make sense of it all and remember my WHY. Decided to take the kids out of school for a day and go for a nice long hike in the Kaimai Ranges. No cellphone signal, no electricity, just us and the bush. Here is the obligatory photo spam...
  4. So what happens if you take your predeparture test and its positive? Do you need to remain in AU for 10-14 days?
  5. If ever you do decide to upgrade on a Garmin product, I have a loyalty code with fitness.net.nz for 10% of all Garmin products. So if they are the cheapest for whatever you need and you wanna save a little more, let me know.
  6. LOL. I upgraded to the fenix 6X and then they launched the Epix. The fenix was always big on my wrist, but when I saw that OLED screen I really regretted my upgrade. Long story short, managed to sell my Fenix 6X to a mate and then ordered the EPIX, which is...well, EPIC.
  7. Due to a little mixup at Rebel Sport, I have been sent two of the new Garmin Epix Gen 2 watches. These are now fully out of stock in NZ. I am fully entitled to return it to Rebel for a full refund, but thought I would first check if any fellow NZ based hubbers want it. It was $1,598.99 and is still in its sealed box. Let me know if you want it or Ill return it by Thursday.
  8. This is a great point actually. Whether Vegan or not, sometimes the fact that you have made a determined and conscientious decision to follow a specific style of eating, means that you pay WAY more attention to processed foods. The benefits are undeniable.
  9. Your comment about kiwis not taking themselves seriously reminds me of a post I saw this weekend. AS NZ moves into a "Red Light" covid response (it essentially stops mass events at 100 people) a lot of events are deferring to later in the year. I was due to run Tarawera Ultramarathon in two weeks and that is now unlikely. The funny bit though, is this dude that runs a smaller events company put a post on Facebook stating that all of his events will continue because he is really "sheeet" at marketing (his exact words) and he never gets more than a 100 entries anyway. I really liked his honesty.
  10. Facts and opinions are two different things. Also, not every diet is good in its own way. Now, if you want to debate the science behind an omnivorous diet and a plant based diet, that is welcome and a really good idea, but anecdotal posts don't really serve much point.
  11. First morning back in the office and I have a bad case of the "Meh's"
  12. "Camping - it's not a holiday if you have to build your own house" - Wayne Potgieter 😈
  13. No trips for me this year. Kids asked for a spa pool for the new house and a choice needed to be made. The spa pool won.
  14. Bit of a rainy day yesterday in Auckland. I love it when it rains. Always such a good time to hit the trails in the local forests. The forests are quiet and beautiful. The smells are simply incredible. You can hear all sorts of birds and creatures. I ran for 3 hours and saw one human in the last 500metres of my run as I was approaching the car park. Absolutely glorious.
  15. Its not like we live that far from each other. Keen for an early morning swim sometime?
  16. Time to revive this old topic! I have started open water swimming. I consider myself to have a reasonable fitness base. I can comfortably cycle 100km and run a marathon. Sure, I am not going to be on a podium anytime soon, but I wont break my body to pieces either. Tried to do a 1km swim in the ocean and i totally struggled. I have ZERO form and had to stop several times to catch my breath. I need to find a rhythm. That being said...I had a BLAST. Loved it completely and it is now the thing i look forward to the most on an early Saturday morning. It helps that I am swimming with my wife. Pics of us getting ready for an early morning swim.
  17. The open water swimming bug has bitten. There is something special about early morning swims in the sea as the sun is rising. Really good for the spirit!
  18. That was something we learnt very early on. The daily temp means nothing in NZ. You have to look at the wind direction and speed. If its a Westerly or Southwerly wind, you are going to need an extra layer.... That wind has ice on it.
  19. No problemo. I am all for making informed choices and having a critical mindset, but not all sources of information are created equal.
  20. Evocycles will do them on pre order for you. ETA is Jan 2022 https://www.evocycles.co.nz/Product/500600/product?variation_id=500601&gclid=Cj0KCQjw_fiLBhDOARIsAF4khR0dj1SGsfdtgSUlJZyGRxNReDHTyKnJ3QJDLwA3oRLwOzHWa1Iqd4oaAskJEALw_wcB
  21. Regardless of the message in this video, the BUZZ.NZ is a right wing anti vaxx nuthouse filled with covid deniers and ill informed narratives. A simple browse through their website makes my feel ill and I want to rub my screen with disinfectant. I am all for critical thought and holding a government accountable for its failures. But using anything on that site is silly. Take a look at the "who we follow" section of the website and it is quite literally a list of the WORST places on the internet to get information.
  22. There is a popular classifieds site in NZ that does this and it works really well.
  23. if you guys are looking for an interesting (albeit very expensive) way to totally geek out with a Garmin compatible energy monitoring system, have a look at this... https://www.supersapiens.com/en-EN/
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