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Everything posted by FCH

  1. Only applicable to bikes bought in RSA??
  2. Sorry for the slight "hijack" but its relevant to a certain degree; more aimed at the admin team. Is it not worth the effort to look into a "verified" function on the hub; something like the blue tick next to your name on twitter. How it possibly can work is like a good old pyramid scheme; John knows James personally, so he can verify this is a above board chap, James knows Jessie and Jake; he can tick them as verified. 1: this does not exclude anyone else from buying 2: its not a gaurentee that the deal with James wont go according to the sellers wishes, but its unlikely to be a scammer; 3: if it trickles down from the most "senior" hubbers there is a very high probability that those that end up verified are actual bonafide cyclist 4: getting verified is not dependent on how long you have been on the hub or post counts; if you know someone that is on the hub and that can verify; they can tick your name 5: the person verifying is listed next to said person, so there is a responsibility on this person to use it responsibly. Long winded, but just a thought.
  3. Think I pretty clearly stated, ultimate responsibilty stops with the athlete a page earlier.
  4. Hence assume in inverted commas; if he is so certain it was due to the meds they gave, he should surely be able to name it?
  5. Thats my though exactly, ultimately; yes its the atheletes responsibility. But if its not life pr death treatment, then the meds should surely be vetted before being stocked.
  6. One would 'assume' they can name the meds given to him for the chunderi then?? which begs the question; whom should take responsibilty on this- the medics stocking meds thats on banned list; or should the riders sit and google each pills ingredients before popping them....
  7. For all the medics and doctors commenting. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/24184695
  8. nice bit of perspective what these guys put themself through. I was lucky enough to do a spot of adventure racing with Jeannie, just as she got into the sport in early 2000's; she is a bloody machine!!
  9. cant wait to see what Nino makes of this type of long distance racing; no doubt he is as fit as a bionic man; but this is very different to his current focus. will be a blast to check these guys gunning it out.
  10. Making all weekend warriors 20 seconds faster and 200% cooler looking
  11. for roughly the same Randelas..... know which one I will take. https://www.canyon.com/en/mtb/exceed/exceed-cf-slx-9-9-pro-race.html
  12. I was very much pushing up that little segment!
  13. Bloody hard work terrain, but loved it
  14. if aramex can get their merde together..... global shopper with a forwarding address outside of their vat zone.... there is always a solution, global business will not be dictated to by a bean counter or wishful thinking. ps :https://www.bike-components.de/en/ problem solved, and their prices are better than crc.
  15. very tempting lifetime warranty; if I was a Muskrat. " lifetime warranty of up to 6 years."
  16. a rhetorical question; did Nino use his 12th gear a single time..... the entire season..... (ps- its not to compare any of us (the peeps I know anyway) to his caliber, more a reference to commerce in general, let the worlds best roll and swear by it.... yet they don't actually even use its supposed added benefit.
  17. more bling than a Corolla in Chatsworth main road.
  18. Agree with Gerhard, if the penalty was wrong and that cost you the race; then throw your toys. But he was wrong, plain and simple, told to serve his penalty and then thought it charming to show up-yours to the organizers at the finish. Leave that nonsense to those overpaid hissy fitters, called footballers. It was poor form, plain and simple. The same rules apply to all participants, there is nothing "special" about you just because you are racing at the front.
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