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Cycling Major

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Everything posted by Cycling Major

  1. This ridiculous!!! We as the consumer, have to pay an output VAT for imports anyhow... Why bring the non residents into this? Now they wont go to the trouble to comply with all the regulations of ANOTHER country and we won't have any benefit of competition between suppliers to keep our prices low!!! Don't understand why they will bring something in on money they already get?!?
  2. I have been riding mine on the trainer for a long time... As well as a few of my friends. Never had any problems. I do however try to keep my rocking to a minimum when I stand up (which is not a lot) but just saying... You'll be fine
  3. And that is how you win the Tour... with pure power and class... not hiding behind someone else the WHOLE way... Froome you BEAUT
  4. And that is how you should win the Tour... with pure power and class... not hiding away behind a great team!!!
  5. Also had a claim from them after I forgot about the bike on the roof and tried to get my car into the garage!?!?! But had the payment into my account within 3-4 days. Rode the new bike by that weekend...
  6. I see where you are coming from BUT the first generation of GPS that came out back in the day (not the cycling ones) had that problem that it did not pick up elevation gained and lost. But the newer ones do, so your problem is NO PROBLEM... Good luck
  7. Not a definite answer but I think maybe there was a different route or part of the route than could make it a bit faster... But like I said I only started cycling after that so its only a guess...
  8. Have a look at the Campy Khamsin wheels... I have a set of those. They are the cheapest Campy wheels but are still bomb proof. I have ridden about 5000km on mine and the wheel is still perfectly true... Another reason why I got these specific wheels is because they are also the most heavy. For training I would suggest getting the heaviest wheels possible as if you going on racing the difference in weight of the wheels will make a bigger difference (provided you have race wheels) So I would suggest Campy Khamsim (long milage, and the heaviest in Campy) - The freebody makes a HELL of a noise though (when freewheeling) but you get use to it
  9. http://www.bikesafe.co.za/ I have one of these on that site... A bit bulky but the best protection for any bike you need... It straps into the case and can take any size bike without adjusting anything like handlebars or taking of the pedals... Works like a charm
  10. Jeeeezzzz c'mon guys... Why does everyone feel the need to make snotty comments on everything someone else posts... If you think it's SPAM then DON"T READ IT and get on with your life... Nobody forces you to read ANYTHING!!! Thinking you are better than everyone else and that everyone should jump when you say something is being more of an asshole than posting an "advert" or whatever... Just let people be and take your nose out of peoples business, if you feel the need to stick if somewhere, stick it in you arse and see that yours also stinks
  11. I haven't read the all the replies so if it has been mentioned sorry for the repeat. Protein shakes are a great way to put back all the nutrients that was lost or burnt up during training. You can never in your whole like eat enough to get the protein that is in one shake... Another thing is that your muscles cannot develop without protein or even grow so without protein (From food or shake) you are basically breaking yourself down!!! Another thing that people don't know is that carbs can only be converted into energy with protein. So if you are on a lekka carbo loading session without protein, your carbs will be useless as they convert very very slowly... I also do a daily dose of protein shakes. It keeps me from eating something that will put on the pounds but is also great for helping muscles to recover and also get stronger... Just my 2c!
  12. Oh okey cool, thanks for clearing it up... Never knew 100% as I can't really remember where I heard it... Nice to have importers close to ones home... Even though you can't really buy directly from them, a few of them are always ready to help you out and getting stuff done quicker!!!
  13. I know they had two branches with the one in Springs being the head office but I heard somewhere that the one in Springs closed down and they moved so probably the one in Somerset West then coz Cytek is the correct people
  14. 0114652717 There is their number.... Can't remember their name now of the top of my head but they are in Springs since the last time I checked... Hope you come right
  15. Yea but that is also for the first time, nobody knew about this other hotshot and if he didn't have the balls to try and go for the normal Olympics then he is the only one at fault...
  16. This is not at all a debate just stating what I am thinking, which does not count for much The reason why normal athletes cannot compete at the paralympics is that there is nothing wrong with them... They don't have a disability and that makes it totally unfair. But the reason disabled athletes can compete at normal level is due to the fact that there may be 1 or 2 of them in the world that has the ability to run the same times as normal athletes. Oscar is still a disabled person and hence he can compete at the paralympics, and if he is good (fast enough) give him a shot at the BIG TIME!!!
  17. Hey Guys I do understand what you are all saying about don't be a noob and try and spoil everyone's fun and and and... But I think what the OP is trying to say is that AT LEAST once a week there is a thread about some dumbass idiot that skips a red light somewhere in the morning where all of the above posters drive to work... Then everyone jumps on the wagon and wants to kill the guy and stop him because he is the reason why motorists hate cyclist... Now all of a sudden because it is not someone else on the bike you justify your own riding by "its having fun, and you "just don't get it" I wanted to join the PTA one but got hung up at varsity but will most definitely be joining the first one I am able to. But just remember that you are the people that bitch and moan about people not riding carefully and now this is exactly what is happening in the masses...
  18. This sounds a bit like someone wanting some acknowledgement for their achievement... Are you perhaps a new world champion? Maybe want a "HubSA trophy" ??? Yea its nice for the people contending and great for SA to have such awesome results... But I doubt that hundreds of new cyclists are born due to Oom Sakkie winning the world champs... Most people don't even know how to change a tube, never mind who the VETS are.
  19. I also say scott... I currently have a the Scott Addict but my dad brother has the cr1... Scott is incredible value for money and awesome bikes to ride. I would not go for the Bianchi Centostrade reason being is for 20k you get the bianchi with veloce groupset. That bike weighs over 9kgs... Its a very heavy bike especially compared to the scott
  20. Selle Italia SLR Gel Flow... The 2012 models is a lot better than the previous one... BEST saddle I have ever ridden and doesn't hurt one little bit...
  21. Just checked and all of my setting are still fine and no blocked domains or anything Please Admin help
  22. Still not getting any mail... And why now all of a sudden? nothing changed on my side
  23. Hello guys maybe it is just me but for some or other reason I don't get anymore emails when people reply to my posts or send me a PM This is frustrating as I normally dont hang around on the hub the whole day so would like to know what is going on Please admin shed some light on this
  24. HAHAHAHAHA I have never even heard an idiot speaking so much sh#t... You are the steriods of IDIOT!!!!!!!! Having protein and supplements is just a way of giving food to your muscles... The same way that you give food to your body! There isn't enough carbs and protein in everyday food to keep you healthy and strong enough for hours and hours in the saddle or whatever training you do. If you go days without food you will die, ad if you train hours and hours a week and just eat the same as under normal circumstances you will break down all you have inside... Maybe that is why you are the Idiot here because you took no food and no supplements so your brain started to dry up... You should hydrate a bit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  25. I have no idea...!!! Quoted it from the above mentioned post
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