Hi Guys and Girls, My name is Vincent and I was Lynette's cycling partner/ trainer for just on 6 years. I would like to share with you what actually happened on that sad day, the 28th of September 2012. I like to refer to Lynette as my "Wingman" as she was always by my side. Lynette came to me six years ago and asked wheth I could assist in her fight against 3 cansers... She was just into remission. Haveing lost my mother due to Brain cancer just before, I agreed and so our epic began. I trained Lynette, raced with her, suffered with her for 6 years..... I must tell you that she was the most dedicated cyclist I have ever come across. Lynette never missed a ride, never in all that time. About four months ago I was seconded to Mali. Lynette carried on with her programme, keeping me up to date daily on her progress. We entered the Oudtshoorn race and yes, my 8th one and Lynette's fourth. I travelled down form Mali to yet again race this fantastic race with my Wingman. The morning of the 28th of September we set out and started the race. On the Vergelegen road there where a few good descents. At a certain stage, Lynette who could descend, flew down this gravel road... Focused and with intent. She was on the right hand side of the road going down. There was another cyclist on the decent slightly to the front of her and around the centre of the road. I was approx. 30 meters behind Lynette watching her amazing decent not holding anything back. Then suddenly the other cyclist, who was doing his first cycle race, also travelling at high speed started moving downword and to the right getting closer and closer to Lynette. This was happening at a fast pace. He was not holding his line........ I shouted at him to hold his line but it was to late.... He collided with Lynette from the left. The impact was as I saw it with his hip into her stearing- bar and then taking out her front wheel. Both of Lynette and the other rider went down. It happen so fast, I can tell you that Lynette did not even know.... Her right hand which was on the righthand side bar was even crushed.. It never left the sidebar until after impact. The worst is yes, Lynette impacted the ground with her face.... no rocks, but the other cyclist was ontop of her during impact which greatly magnified the force.... I was horrified, devistated.... My emotions where high...... It was an accidnet... I just wish it never happened. We beat the Cancer hands down... But Lynette left us all in her greatest passion and freedom.... she was cycling... I will mis you forever my Wingman....