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Super J

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Everything posted by Super J

  1. Ok Guys,update. The Doctors are not going to opperate and pin his leg today, all though he is showing small signs of improvement,they feel his body is not stable enough to cope with the op. He is still ventilated but stable,all vitals are good and the bleeding has stopped. He did wake up last night and tried to pull out pipes, so that's also a good sign...... I have managed to trace the driver, she has not reported it to SAPS yet.... And on the system, the reg does not match the vehicle......... Very fishy!!! I have a few friends investigating..... Theresa asked me to thank each and every person for their support,she never realized how many people know Koos! I may need to ask for help regarding what to do if this turns out to be a "dodgy" case....
  2. Hi Guys,Koos is in a bad way,but stable! He is in ICU at UNITAS with a crushed right leg with external traction,they are waiting for him to recover from yesterdays emergency op to try stop internal bleeding at a ruptured kidney,at first they thought they may need to remove the kidney but they did manage to slow/stop the bleeding. He has broken all the ribs on his right side and a puntured lung, he is on a ventilator to help breathing and prevent the lung colapsing. His C1 (neck) vertebra is also cracked. When I left last night he was stable, and they were monitoring his bleeding. He is a big strong lad, I am positive...... And yes, a woman went straight through a red robot at speed and hit him,"fortunately" being 2 meters tall,means his lower torso and legs took all the impact...... He was fully awake when paramedics came and at UNITAS. I will keep you guys all posted and please, look first before you cross a green robot, we clearly have no rights on SA roads....... The woman that hit him left her number and went on to enjoy her day, while my mate is critical and his family are frantic.......
  3. Our road racing in SA is pathetic! Years ago there were atleast 3 to 4 events a week in NTVL alone, and a Summer league on Lynwood rg, a winter league at Swartkops and track..... Along with Rapport tour, Hansom tour,Boland tour, Hill climb champs and inter provincials,and the amazing Sunny park kermesse... all licensed events! Now licensed riders are just a tiny group ahead of A bunch..... I miss those days.....
  4. Rollers are best! I do 1 to 2 hours a day,I start off on 53/21 for ten min,and gear down each 10 min on my pace day. On interval day I warm up and stay on 53/16 but then do 5 3 min interval on 53/11..... I try keep my heart rate as high as possible,basically max, when I get off I am shivering with exertion! I have a better interval work out on the rollers than I do on the road!
  5. Rollers are best! I do 1 to 2 hours a day,I start off on 53/21 for ten min,and gear down each 10 min on my pace day. On interval day I warm up and stay on 53/16 but then do 5 3 min interval on 53/11..... I try keep my heart rate as high as possible,basically max, when I get off I am shivering with exertion! I have a better interval work out on the rollers than I do on the road!
  6. Hi guys! I've recently started training relatively hard for the upcoming Duathlon season,being a relatively good Time trial rider, I am concentrating on putting down a good running base but I am struggling with over pronation, which in turn is causing severe plantar tendonitis,due to my arches colapsing! Are there any really good prosthetic inner soles I can try or a podiatrist that some one can recommend in Pta! Thank you Jay: 0832339674
  7. I've got a set of ITM gull wing aero bars that come off a lotus,and 8 speed Mavic disc off a Lotus!
  8. Super J


    I've got a "old" hoyt up for sale, ideal for a biginner with arrows,and trigger! R2000. Buzz me for a photo 0832339674
  9. I could easily contribute to a fund to put a "hit" on savages like this! There is no excuse or explanation for this! Plain Barbaric!
  10. Ever heard of Miguel Indurain? at 6'5" and 90 odd kg he took the Tour 5 times, Boonen,well over 6 foot and well over 80 kg, Marcel Kittel, 6'4' and 90 kg...... its not about size but power to weight ratio!!!
  11. i have done some of my best training on rollers, a secret is to tape some insulation tape about 10cm from the edge on either side of the front rollers, as soon as you start drifting sideways on the rollers it makes a noise and you can correct. I place my rollers next to a wall on one side, which you can learn to "nudge" against, like in a bunch, and I put a chair on the other side with a bottle and small towl on. After a few weeks, youll easily learn to ride very smooth, handsfree, and even stand!! Time really goes faster than a ststionary trainer as you have to concentrate........ i love em!!!!
  12. Hi Guys,can anyone recall years ago there used to be a "sun block" tablet called SylvaSun that contained lots of Vit A and Beta Carotene that would increase your skins UV resistance,is it still available or can I make my own? I recall it being "tested" on us during national service?!
  13. This **** all started with "compact frames"!! I am 2,2 and don't even try Mtb cos I can't find a frame,my road bikes are perfect though,all custom Merckx and Colnago!
  14. Mr Chris Froome was at our dealership last week, Jag SA Logo'd a vehicle for him to use for his SA stay! Great guy, very pleasant and easy to chat too!
  15. Ok,I am totally lost but live about 5 km away,so gimme a buzz and I'll intro you to the Pta bunches. 0832339674 Jay
  16. I slipped 3 discs on Easter sunday,badly trapping the nerve to my left leg while on me bike, but cycling is not the cause! I have degenerative disc disease,I was rushed to hospital and had an emergency op,just remember,nerve tissue cannot regenerate! They removed the 3 discs and added a few pins and rods and fused S1,L3,4,5...... I was in high care a week,home in bed for 3 months! Started on the trainer in week 4,watched the entire TDF from my trainer! The healing process is a tad slow but I am now 7 months post op and training like a machine,running and feel better than I have in years! The secret is to listen to your body. Gimme a call if you wanna chat! Jay 0832339674
  17. I have never been a Lance fan, but what he did for cycling was awesome,from a 20 min midnight slot to full live coverage,he brought millions of dollars into a primarily Euro sport,enen the UCI now have big flashy cars,not clapped out Fiats..... Yeah,I believe he doped,do I care,no,why,cos they all on something,Pantani will always be the best climber,Ulrich was a beast,Contador was like an angel up a climb,Festina had the best team tactics and I will still love this sport,Lance beat the best at their own game and the UCI knew and kept it quiet cos they were benefitting too. How come Arnold,who openly took steroids can be Gov of California without questions, or Stallone can make millions from his juiced up body,isn't he also bettering himself by using drugs or the no 1 show in the states, the WWF wrestling? No questions there either! The UCI are screwing over this sport trying to look good,they never caught Lance and they are bitter,what's the point of trying years later.... Do you really think a cancer patient is really concerned whether his hero is "using", to fight cancer you have to use something! Lance is a hero to millions and has given millions hope...... Leave it right there!
  18. I am a big lad too,2m and just under 100 kg,here is my advice based on 27 years riding! Avoid carbon,your weight and tubing length will flex it too easily,stick to alu,all my bikes are alu and just as light as carbon! Avoid compact or sloping bikes,the frame is smaller but the seat post is longer to compensate and will flex more! I suggest looking at Cannondale,Merckx or any other good brand!
  19. Hi....... There was a long thread a while back on this topic..... I ruptured 2 discs in April and had an emergency fusion,my legs both used to go lame, believe me,if your discs are worn or degenerating,no amount of core strengthening will help, and nerve tissue,like brain tissue does not regrow!! See a specialist,have a CAT scan..... I had a fusion and feel awesome,I am on the bike again and actually feel worse if I don't ride! My lower back is stiff but no pain or lame legs anymore...... The op is *** but mine was a success! Gimme a shout if you wanna chat. 0832339674
  20. I agree,I did fridays Pta one and I felt it was very dangerous! And the speed is so slow that some riders actually struggle to stay upright, and there is absolute confusion at red robots,as riders continue through...... The idea is great, the actual ride was far from.....
  21. Hahahaha........ Mine hates it too,I don't think so much the actual cycling,more the fact that I am out with me mates enjoying myself.... But I do try ride with her too,we do short rides together and rollers from 5 to 6 daily with the radio on full!!
  22. Supersport daily from 15h50!!
  23. Pal,the only reason the tour seemed so "boring" was that Wiggo and his team were so dominant,he never needed to attack,and no other riders could attack,he dominated like Indurain used too, he took time in the TT and made the pace so hard that no one dared attack on the climbs!! He is a very smart and calculating rider........... Sure as hell not boring!!
  24. Try Thys Fourie in Constancia park,physiotherapist for the Springbok rugga team,I use him!And he does that "muscle facia massage" which hurts like hell!! 0129986974
  25. Me too!! I made one,or get a "old" type bike pump hose,but that L valve adaptor,eish,like hens teeth!!
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