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Captain Fastbastard Mayhem

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Everything posted by Captain Fastbastard Mayhem

  1. The Platform. Spanish film on Netflix. Excellent movie.
  2. https://www.cwcycles.co.za/product/shimano-zee-brakeset R3k and arguably the best deal you'll get on a set of stoppers. The Zees also seem to have a bit more modulation than normal shimano stoppers, according to reviews.
  3. 98.2 this morning. Controlling the intake and a little bit of stress. ????
  4. BAHAHAHAHAHA! Just checked your profile pic. Please no punterino, Jimmer!
  5. It it's just the bearing, it should be a standard size. It's the outer diameter of the headset itself that varies.
  6. RedBullTV have a 24h channel pumping out some of their stuff. Yesterday was 24h of MTB racing vids (like following Curtis Keene etc) and today I'm not sure what they have on, but it'll be good. Otherwise, GCN, GMBN, VITAL, Pinkbike has just listed some feature length movies, there's no shortage at all.
  7. LOL. Understandable, man. We're all learning here, one day at a time.
  8. It remains relevant, and will be relevant still when the lockdown ends.
  9. Scubes, none of this misguided rant has anything to do with the current situation. Do your bit. Stay at home. Do not take unnecessary risks, or put yourself in the position where you could face forced quarantine or jail time due to non-compliance during a pandemic. If not for others, then for yourself and your family's sake. Take the bold bit and stand by it. You are in lockdown for the sake of your community and yourself. EDIT: I say misguided, because you've just exploded at a perfectly sensible post, and are bringing completely unrelated issues into this. Just because others are flouting rules, doesn't give you the right to. In fact, flouting htem would land you in serious trouble. This is not the time to rail against govt spending and corruption, or at least say that that is reason enough to not abide by the lockdown rules. EDIT 2: To be fair, I understand your frustration. I think of the ban on outdoor exercise (outside your property boundaries) is a tad over-zealous, but it's not up to me to decide if it's required or not. I would have LOVED to go for a ride this morning, 'cos I missed my last chance yesterday and the day before due to various factors, but it is what it is. We can only adapt to the current situation and make the best of it.
  10. That dude at the end is gonna have mighty large problems if his wife sees this!
  11. When I'm at home, yes. When I'm out and about I obv don't come home first and then walk to the shops. Also depends on which shop I want to go to, or if my closest one doesn't sell what I want.
  12. TBC. The only way I can think of doing it is to go to the shop at the same time. BUT. I'm fine with him being at his mom's for this time. I saw him this morning for a last few hours, and he's set up there with my doggie (who is now showing his age more and more ) and a "work space" on my ex's desk and under his bunk bed. I'll definitely miss him and be calling him, though.
  13. I'm going to be walking to the shops. Checkers is 300m from my gate, so driving is a waste unless I'm doing a big shop. As a guy living alone, I just need to take a bag to the shop to get my provisions.
  14. BAHAHAHAHA! I haven't got a smart trainer, or rouvy / zwift etc but I'll still be on the trainer, Garmin will confirm.
  15. Hooooly cow. The only time I've seen The Mall so deserted is... well, never!
  16. That flowy singletrack is "safe" and "low risk" It's not. It's the most dangerous of all, due to the speed you can carry. On technical trails you need to go slower, therefore lower inertial damage to your body if you come off and you have more time to react. If you come off on a flow trail, you're more likely to be going fast and come off very badly.
  17. From Friday at 00:01 yet to be determined. Hoping to be allowed out, but planning for no ability to go out to exercise. In the UK you're allowed to ride / run etc but only in a max group of 2.
  18. My commute home from Fleet St used to take me past those 2 places... Never was there a time that they were like that, even in the dead of the night.
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