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Captain Fastbastard Mayhem

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Everything posted by Captain Fastbastard Mayhem

  1. And cadence sensor. Doesn't have one of those in the box, but the 4.0 does.
  2. It's all in the tone. "Mate" is sometimes used in extremely sarcastic ways.
  3. Well, we could do a teardown of the items and get the vendors' line costs for a 1,000 to 10,000 order multiple of each component, assume a certain amount of R&D (and the salaries & running costs apportioned to that amount of hours) and then testing, marketing and so on. Or we could just say "yeah, meh, it's expensive but it's got a PM and that's worth 10k by itself at the very least... " I'll go with the 2nd option, for now. Oh - if you want to see an interesting cost / price comparison (not an actual comparison, but detailing why something costs so much) have a look at the Koenigsegg Jesko vid from Mr JWW.
  4. I'll use my favourite answer to a question such as this, in which there are so many variations it's almost impossible to say with certainty. It depends.
  5. Yup. And you can't not use the prevailing exchange rate in those calculations. The actual cost may be lower, and you can pass that on if you're able to (or inclined to)
  6. I missed a paragraph, I owned it and I amended my posts. I went to the site, read, but didn't read properly. I jumpED to a conclusion because I didn't read properly. That doesn't mean I routinely jump to consclusions without adequate information. Again, the bold bit is unnecessary. As for the italicised text, no, they're not. Their goods are purchased in $. Pricing needs to take cost into consideration, otherwise they'd be on the way to losses. Exchange rate fluctuations are part of the import / export game - you don't always get to choose when you pay for things as an importer, and input costs are a critical component of the pricing construct. ELITE have done the same (as no calves points out) and other brands across all market segments will have to take the same steps, unless they were one of the lucky who were able to secure forward pricing. Even then, they may be affected in the next import cycle, due to the forward pricing
  7. I think mine just changed to emphasis on different syllables and certain turns of phrase, together with either softening or hardening some of the consonants / vowels. Not a full accent, just something that's a bit closer to the local (your surrounding) accents.
  8. Yeah, I made a mistake. Thanks for highlighting the fact that I need more coffee.... It's still 2nd hand, though. Also - the bold bit is unnecessary.
  9. And then the Kickr 4 at 25k incl cadence sensors and a high wattage rating at 25k suddenly doesn't sound too bad, does it? https://www.cwcycles.co.za/product/wahoo-trainer-kickr-40 or then there's the Core at 18k, which is a level lower but you need a cadence sensor to get the full gamut of data https://www.cwcycles.co.za/product/wahoo-kickr-core-trainer And then tehre's the Kickr Snap, which also does those but it's a wheel off trainer. https://www.cwcycles.co.za/product/wahoo-trainer-kickr-snap-20
  10. These would be a far more relevant comparison... https://www.bicyclepower.co.za/product/saris-h3-direct-drive-smart-trainer/ https://www.bicyclepower.co.za/product/saris-h3-ready-to-ride-bundle/
  11. Personal experience, I picked up an accent / accents pretty quickly when I was in the UK back in the early 2000's.
  12. lekker idea. Myles Mayhew / Financial Advisor & part time small business manager / Investment / Med Aid / Life Assurance / Business Assurance / Retirement planning / Estate Planning. I'm not restricted to one particular company's products. No short term insurance, unfortunately, but Looking to get into property when the opportunity dictates.
  13. That's RRP for you. If you sell items for less than the "RRP" just include the RRP in your marketing to make it look more attractive. Let the buyer beware.
  14. Sorry, it seems I got that completely wrong. I presumed you were asking the OP so that we could name and shame the retailer for adjusting pricing based on exchange rate, availability and forward cover for future purchases. Some IDT's are more than 10k, some are more than 20k.
  15. It's a great opportunity for another player in the market to take that slot...
  16. WTF for? There's no need to "name and shame". Forward cover on an imported item like this is logical. Demand / supply / exchange rate fluctuations / amendment of profit & loss due to decreased trade etc.
  17. I hear there's a good market for babies.... But yeah, the dreariness of the IDT is still an important tool in the fight against boredom and insanity.
  18. ^^this. Not much to add here, except we're in for a rollercoaster of a ride no matter how the virus turns out. And yeah, the diff in projections is that large. Remember (@Swift) even though we're an emerging economy, we're still an attractive emerging economy with excellent future prospects, if management is good going forwards.
  19. Ah, thanks! The search has begun, though. Nothing that I'm really invested in at the moment.
  20. Looking for something to replace 12 Monkeys, which I just finished this past weekend. I really got into it recently, despite the sudden character development surprises (people doing what you really thought they wouldn't, based on previous character dev. But then I suppose that's a metaphor for life, isn't it...)
  21. I haven't watched that... But I will be. . . . . . . Holy Crap. When they sing Numb. Tears. How did I miss this!?
  22. Dude, yeah. And on top of that, the lyrical depth of metal is orders of magnitude higher than generic pop and rap. As is proper hip hop (not this mumble rap kaaaaak)
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