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Captain Fastbastard Mayhem

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Everything posted by Captain Fastbastard Mayhem

  1. Dude, Agreed. But Bridal is a case in point - a loooot needs to be done. I reckon it'll just be you, me, D & D, John'o and maybe Crow that pitch in for that one...
  2. Have you tried fitting a slick to the rar? Alternatively, get a cheap ass 26" rear wheel and use tat as your IDT wheel. You don't need it to be the full size of your normal wheel, and it'll be a dedicated wheel you use for training. Also means the idt won't eat up your knobblies.
  3. That's part of the reason that i still support the guy ito his cycling achievements. Kinda like saying that I admire Ritchie McCaw. He's a bare faced cheating piece of scum, but a fkin good captain and he makes it work even though he frustrates the living **** outta me at the breakdown.
  4. Done The sponsors moving off are due to public pressure. Negative connotations and all that. I still question the veracity of the "witness testimony" though. How funny (sad) would it be if USADA were paying for the testimony though?
  5. Dude, quit it with the antagonism. I still support him. Yes. What has happened, though, is far from being clear cut. Until i see something definitive (which the report was not, btw, it read like a days of our lives script) i shall continue to do so. I am not under any public pressure to drop my support of him. Was he a doper? Maybe. Edit: did he antagonize ppl? Probably. But i do not for one second believe anything that has come from usada or LA on the matter.
  6. Yeah maybe, Christie, but I suppose we'll never know who those okes are now. Because no matter what happens, pro cyclists ( not just because of LA, an to believe otherwise is excessively naive) will be labelled as dopers until such time as proper oversight and control can be implemented. And even then, who is to say what i achievable naturally? Some eminently gifted athlete comes along and smokes everyone else. Never doped, but is just freakishly gifted. Will that "force" others to dope just to be able to keep up? Maybe. Wo knows. Whatever happens, a mahooooosive overhaul is needed. And sharpish.
  7. Lol. No, not the only reason to use a comma, but it was the reason for the comma's use in the sentence in question.
  8. No. Read my post again. I'll spell it out for you. Yeha, but the thing is I still support him.(full stop. end of sentence) Regardless of what happened (comma - the punctuation mark used in order to pause the reader, just before presentation of argument or fact or otherwise related point) the fact is that the whole peloton was and still is dirty. There. I never said I supported him regardless of what had happened. I said I still supported him, and then started a new sentence. If I had said "yeah, but the thing is I still support him regardless of what happened." Then by all means chastise me. Seeing as that is NOT what I said...
  9. Ag, piss off dude. All I did was voice my opinion. Yes, I am a fan of his achievements, dope or no dope. All I am saying is that there's an awful lot of bandwagonism on both sides of the fence. Until that is settled, and this matter of he said she said your mothers a filthy dirty ho so i needed to dope but you told me i had to to get big and strong and win and stuff goes away, I will continue to doubt the statements of those who have been included in the investigation. Especially considering that they have also not exactly been squeaky clean themselves. What you clearly do not see though, is that i will also doubt the statements of LA and the whole PR machine behind him. Does that detract from my admiration of his achievements though? No. Why? Because who was he up against? Confessed dopers, alledged dopers and all manner of logistical masterminds. Level playing field - maybe. But then again maybe not. Bottom line - this still has a long way to go before it is finished, and the true version of the truth comes out. So sue me. Because i have an opinion.
  10. Read my post again. Never said I believe his defence. It's just that I don't necessarily believe the prosecution either. As I said, it'll be a long time before the actual FACTS come out. Do i admire his achievements, after the dramatic increase in the probability that he did dope deduced from stilted witness testimony? Hell yes. Do i believe that same "witnesses" had a lot more to lose had they not testified? Hell yes. And that, for me, is motive for a skewed testimony.
  11. Yeha, but the thing is I still support him. Regardless of what happened, the fact is that the whole peloton was and still is dirty. Has been for ages. Even though he may have been a mastermind in terms of doping in his particular team (which I'm still not 100% convinced of, despite all the "witness testimonies" given by guys who have an axe to grind or something to gain by testifying against, even if it is just a 6 month ban the question has to be asked what would have happened had they not testified) Back to t though - even though he may have been a mastermind, it is still just ONE TEAM. He cannot be viewed as the patriarch of the whole doping culture. Fact is, his teams were not the only ones doping. So, by extension, the feats he achieved on the bike are still worthy of attention. IF he did dope. But heck, short of admittance, we'll never know the full truth. There has been too much sensationalism, too much "witch hunting" and too much posturing for it to be 100% definitive.
  12. ROFL. Damn. And it all comes crashing down. But I reckon it has more to do with the reputational fallout and complementary "loss of face" that would occur had they continued to support the oke.
  13. Singletrack.... LOL. Seriously though - don't worry about Tokai. Seems it may have been an inside job (wekka) and it has been nipped in the bud. Plus, the oke that got charged off his bike was riding after dark, by himself - not a smart thing to do no matter where you're riding!) Your Sukuma will LOOOOOOVE Tokai. Especially since the improvements! 3 alpha-numerics. DH1. Divert. OOOOh mama. The trails in Tokai are made for that bike, Uncle...
  14. Over the last 4 weeks - none! Been sick as a dog, and still have the remnants of a bad cough. Not ready to do all out sessions yet. And besides, I was never a die-hard XC okie doing 200km per week. When I am back in the saddle properly, it will be approx 80-100km per week.
  15. Your butt will forgive you, don't worry. I ride a 26" long travel hardtail and I don't suffer from bruised-butt-syndrome. Just stick some high volume tires on it, and go race!
  16. Bwahahahahaha!!! With my R 500 i bought 2 new saws (18 TPI dovetail saw and 20TPI fine cut saw) and a new set of Mastercraft screwdrivers. Far better than a joplin, and guaranteed to last for more than one weekend.
  17. On the spot fine while taking down your ID number, which is on your med aid card / drivers license etc, and if you give false information they can fine you again for defeating the ends of justice. Quite easy really.
  18. Hi all! We are hosting an XC specific build day on 27th October! What does this mean? Well, it's self explanatory, really. We will be working on the sections of the mountain that are considered to be "Cross Country" in style, in order to get them up to spec. The actual site shall be decided on in the next week, as it depends on current levels of erosion and the status of the trails themselves. It is safe to assume, however, that the sections we will be working on are: Boomslang (ruins) - Filling in erosion and adding a few features Boulders - Maybe, although there's not much that is needed there Faerie Garden More may be worked on depending on numbers and how much we get done on the day. Time? 1pm at the gate, as per the normal build day times. What do we need? Cross country riders (and others, it doesn't matter who you are as long as you arrive) but XC riders who use the trails and want to put back in, and have an input on how the trails are designed / maintained. What do you need to bring? Spades. Bush Saw. Axe. If you have a hoe, bring her along as well. The more tools the better. Why do we want you? Well, seeing as we will be working on the Cross Country trails, we want cross country riders to pull in and build. If you're not an "XC" rider and want to come along anyway, SCHWEEET! But seeing as this is an XC build, on XC trails, we thought that XC riders should be there to put back in. So - MTBSurfer and all others, are you in!?
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