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Everything posted by MTBeer

  1. might need to take the shock off lock-out for a bit
  2. that bit on the inside of the left hander looks pretty gnarly
  3. No sure about GoT. Never watched it, but try - Ozark Fauda Narcos
  4. I guess he never has a vindaloo the night before a ride....
  5. love it. have done R2R and will definitely be back for the full monty.
  6. was -17degC a day or so ago somewhere along the trail. Yes that's MINUS SEVENTEEN.
  7. I'd like to meet Kate never mind the Contessa. Am I allowed to say that or will someone be offended?????
  8. the people shall overcome the oppressor......
  9. just finished the Polish series 1983. Found it interesting and worth a watch.
  10. I must add, I rode down Blomendaler behind a guy on a gravelbike once. Jeez that guy could handle a bike. I stayed with him but just barely.
  11. did a quick calculation. wife's car plus my car roughly 3% of the non-bonded value of our properties
  12. admin bru. no thanks. I'm one of those ride it till it feels k@k or breaks type of riders.
  13. On that topic, we moved into an apartment the we used to rent out to be closer to the kids' schools. There are a brother and sister that own the apartment downstairs and live there. Early thirties. He drives a BMW M4 and she drives a BMW M3. Apartment is worth 2.5 bar tops. Oh and her boyfriend drives a M4 as well. The mind boggles.
  14. the real question is how do you keep track of the hours on your shock? You as in the general you not you specifically. I have no farking idea.
  15. don't take me seriously dude. I don't care what they ride, I just don't understand it. I understand gravel bikes on gravel roads - that makes sense. But on those jeep tracks - I don't get it. The more people on the mountain the better - from a safety perspective. They can ride 1978 choppers for all I care.
  16. Plum Pudding? Probably the Epic guys complaining it's too technical. I seriously hope not. One of the few bits of proper single track on the mountain
  17. Do you have a hipster beard? no! Please no tar! Rather sort out the dodge sections. That would benefit more people.
  18. 99% of them are bearded hipsters. definitely not from Jo'burg
  19. I see okes coming down from the Blockhouse on Table Mountain (for the up-country guys, it's a high speed rocky jeep track) on Gravel Bikes, getting the sht shaken out of them, and I think to myself "why?"
  20. Wet day on the mountain. But absolutely stunning out there
  21. that is min. With the cold front that just passed (is passing) Cape Town, I hope he has some warm kit there somewhere.
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