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Posts posted by Fisan


    According to the SRAM website: SID World Cup - 1366g; RS-1 1666g.
    I'm not sure Jaroslav will ride an RS-1 in Rio. Here's a video of him without one in training:



    So my Reba (1662G) is "lighter" than a fancybutt RS-1 (1666g)? Apart from the appeal (it really has that drool factor..) what's the point of the RS-1 again?

  2. I stupidly typed it in on the application forum. I retrospect I should have scrolled down to the t&C and searched the 10-page document to find the section about costing. That is how their role. They know people don't do that


    Palm meets face.




    Never EVER everEVER EVER EVER put your banking details on a website that is not your own bank. Ever. ever.

    BUT, we are human, and if humans did not make mistakes, the scamming industry would not exist.



    On a sidenote:


    I got a call yesterday by "Telkom" or some "anti-telemarketing agency" that is "aware of all the nuisance calls I've been getting lately". It's smarter than 'ye old Microsft Technicians trick. They know we are irritated their calls, and they use this  annoyance to their advantage: by claiming to stop the telemarketing by simply asking for your "VISA" details.


    Some people...

  3. I actually don't like shopping on "One Day Only" purely due to their stupid policy of "If we need to pay for shipping, so should you" or something like that and the fact that there delivery time is really ridiculous...


    Some nice bargains to be had, but their shipping time and policy puts me off...

    Their shipping service is a bit below standard, but I do like thr fact that they are partnered with Pargo - meaning you don't have to be at your delivery destination when the delivery comes... (but I guess thata only neccescary due to the long / inconsistent delivery times).


    You should also do your market research beforehand: a lot of their "deals" aren't deals at all.

  4. One would think...  but the tweet was in reply to a comment about power and TSS being ignored...  Basing on TSS would be a good option...  power not so much given limited number of power metres out there...


    Also spotted this, which means my OH could possibly get some points once again at some point in the future...:



    Discovery (@Discovery_SA)

    2016/06/09, 12:44 PM

    @kevin1craig Hi Kevin, we are looking to re-integrate with Strava, however there is no details available in this regard as yet.


    Oh great!


    The said the same thing of Movescount (Suunto).


    Suunto came up with a working platform integration.


    Discovery denied it, because...Discovery.

  5. Ramadaan for me now so no exercise.

    Looks like im gonna be forking out an apple watch installment this month.


    have you tried contacting Discovery about this....surely they must have thought about it?


    Bit of a confusing article from our resident anti-unhappy activist.......

    How does that work......"no penalties"......"but".....


    Discovery Vitality has since said this: "Members can apply for the formal exceptions process by e-mailing vitalityreview@discovery.co.za with valid reasons why they can no longer participate in Vitality Active Rewards with Apple Watch."

    Reasons could include a change to the member's health or fitness, or "due to the rules changes impacting their exercise regime in a manner that they are unable to accept".


    A review committee will consider either cancelling or pausing their Apple Watch benefit - no penalties will be charged but, in the case of cancellation, what's still owing on the watch will have to be paid.

  6. Or most people could do with some coaching????? I think my point was really that if you have an ok technique you should be swimming 1:40s pretty easily. (1:40s is just the number I picked....I'm sure there are people who will disagree with me)


    Edited: This is the internet, people will defintitely disagree with me!


    Yes, I totally agree with you on the coaching part. Especially with swimming. But the bike maintenence (offorad), running shoe costs (trail and road), race costs and swimming costs count up :( I had single coaching session not too long ago just to get the basic pointers. Too expensive to do weekly.

  7. Get a coach. Seriously, swimming is so much about technique, and my guess is that if you are swimming slower than 1:40ish then technique is likely the limiting factor.


    A little better technique can go along way vs just fighting the water with more effort.


    So most people here do a sub 27 mile?! I still have a lot of minutes to shave off  :eek:


    BUT I'm biting the bullet and sinking some cash into our super-special pool(???) - I had a whole thread dedicated to it - by increasing training frequency: swimming 3 times a week (instead of 1)... for 2 weeks now showed some "instant" improvement. Kind of common sense seeing I only swam once a week.


    I can get start to get the sense of glide - but more on one side than the other. Dunno if it's a OTB-shoulder-ACL injury still nagging. But the point being: improvement!

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