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Wonder Woman

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Everything posted by Wonder Woman

  1. I think Bardet is really feeling this tour now and will struggle today. But let's see.
  2. Team Sky have had the worst tour ever. Richie was very disappointing throughout and they all seemed to have fallen apart without Froome. It has been a tough tour without the heads there as every day there have been attacks and high speeds throughout. No rest time at all. I have enjoyed it thoroughly. Like you said, it is nice to see what the other pro's have and hear new names and get to see what they can really do, as I never get to watch much cycling but try make the tour a little bit of my time.
  3. Well in my household as soon as cycling goes on daddy falls asleep and my 4 year old gets ratty. Though this week she has been awesome and let's mommy what her cycles. And then makes the comments that Paul Sherwin is saying....Slowly training her.
  4. Yes sorry, I missed a couple pages. And kinda been out of racing for 4 years. Even any serious training. Real pleb these days.
  5. I think testing is fantastic for the people who are racing for money. So in the older days this used to be for anyone holding a licence. Now however they make everyone take out a licence and I guess that is why they now test anyone and everyone. But to be honest, when I was racing with the pro ladies I was very aware and careful what I took. However if I went and did a tour now and had flu or something, having paid in a fortune to ride this event and just to go and experience it and enjoy it. I wouldn't hesitate to think twice whether my painkiller was a banned substance or not, I would just take it. So yay for testing but seriously, if you are going to do it, do it properly and test the people who need it, hence those racing for the prize money.
  6. Surely he must be up for one who has ridden and completed the most tours. Love this guy. Always sooo composed.
  7. Amazing what the tour can do
  8. Long time since been on the Hub. Long time since actually did any real riding. But doing really really good thanks. Healthy and fit but not so fit, ha ha. The Tour has made me nostalgic.
  9. I think the polka dot and white jersey are going to be the highlights to watch more than the yellow this year. Would love to see Voekler fight for it day after day...I think he has something special. Don't normally like frenchman.
  10. I know I'm 11 stages behind but are they seriously only have one time trial the entire tour. Seems a bit rigged for a mountain goat to win the tour this year? What happened to at least a TTT or two TT's?? I only got to see the second half of Monday's stage yesterday and was very disappointed with Richie Porte. You think he's abiding his time or he doesn't have it?
  11. I think I need to do this in my bathroom and kitchen. Problem having kids...bath and dinner time when the tour is exciting
  12. The one year I actually don't watch any of the first flat days not expecting much and look what happens. Time to start watching the tour me thinks.
  13. This ride ALL depends on your partner, if you guys get along well and have same motives, then it is a fantastic tour. Flyluis, you'll be fine. for men I say a 25 cassette is more than enough and for females I'd rather say go for 27 if you can. There's lots of climbing and you need to try save the legs. Go and enjoy the scenery, it's an awesome ride and great vibe.
  14. Yes, and that was until your shoes let go
  15. Make it a getaway and stay over there for one night, you won't regret it.
  16. I'm 1.61m and ride a 48cm road bike. My first one was also 50cm and even though I have set it up as close as possible to my 48cm it is just not the same or as comfortable.
  17. You will fall in love the first time you meet it
  18. I was actually thinking of dusting my road bike off and going for a toddle. Will update you when I get it right. I think it's great being able to do both. Just need to get fitter though as the roadies will drop me in 2 seconds flat. At least on the mtb I usually don't mind being dropped.
  19. I think both times I've done somersaults my bike has gone with me.... Awesome to hear you are all okay . Good excuse for new shoes, wife can't now complain
  20. I think they'd report me as well
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