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Ozzie NL

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Everything posted by Ozzie NL

  1. Top dogs in these races do not ride for the price money... it's nice but not the decider. As mentioned previously most big ultra endurance races do not have a monetary reward for the winner
  2. Surely Doctors should know better than to take part in this type of madness
  3. Similar issue with Mireille Koster ... listed as a male rider..... if correct I'm in for a real shock when she gets back home
  4. Give that man a Bells..... you go mabooi... you only live once >>> make it count
  5. That's the point at which my brain hit the gutter
  6. Ozzie NL

    MAAP kit

    I am working on a potential business opportunity to bring MAAP kit to SA. In all likelihood this would through a direct model with client ordering kit of the website with order fulfilment through couriers, alike Ciovita and Castelli (through Troisport) MAAP is top notch kit with matching pricing, i.e. on par with Assos (~R2.5k for jersey an R3.5k for bib). As part of the research, I need to get a handle on sales potential and hence would appreciate input from the might hub on following: - Would you be interested in the kit at stated price levels? - Anyone has feel for annual sales volumes of Castelli and/or Assos in SA Any other relevant thoughts would also be appreciated
  7. WD40 is a lubricant I think, try some sort of degreaser which does not affect paint job like Ecologic Used it for years on my matt black frame without any issues
  8. Dome 2 dome ... giving your age away on that one oomie!!!!
  9. That's an easy win as no world tour team is riding Bianchi next year
  10. Mostly entry level stuff and fairly old. I reckon R2-3k
  11. Reason mvdp gave team management for requesting a separate room (he was meant to share with Jan Maas is that he arrived in Oz with a sniffle and did not want to put anyone at risk. He did also get permission for his chicka to sleep in same room as him from NL team. By the time he made the request, the floor the team was on was full hence he ended up on a different floor
  12. Management was in the same hotel but mvdp did not contact them and decided to sort things out himself. even at the copshop he contacted Roodhooft rather than cloggie team manager. Quite a bit of discussion in NL regarding communication between team mvdp and national team structure
  13. ^^^^ Entry fees are a great way to keep the rifraf away
  14. Interesting. I got Tradadol after broken ribs and did not enjoy the experience at all....felt like a bad trip
  15. Most bikes come standard with a 32T chainring. The suitability depends on your riding style, strength and the terrain you ride. If you're doing a lot of climbing, the 32 is probably suitable. 34T work well for highveld terrain in my experience
  16. Anyone understood the logic of Moviestar pulling in the group of favourites today?
  17. I'm not clear why Alan finished he race yesterday. Given he was a bit sick and it was clear points were out of range by second lap, I would have thought the sensible thing is to abandon?
  18. Well aimed squirt of water bottle usually sorts them out
  19. Or just ride races without paying CSA license at all... easy as I have never been checked... true anarchist style
  20. Hmm to me this is more about the principle of CSA forcing me to pay for something I do not want nor need and does not do anything with the funds to support cycling in SA but just uses it to pay salaries. That's when the anarchist in me takes over. Know that acting on principle is usually not the financially astute route but it feels better and given my rationale above re day licenses, checking at events etc it is pretty close to break even (joining CSA and ROAG works out to R470, which equates to 9 R50 day licenses)
  21. You can contact CSA and ask for a refund which they do honour (been there, done that).... after trying to convince you to join some virtual club
  22. The rule has always been there but they only started enforcing it late last year. Prior to that you could just leave club blank and go issued a valid licence. Given CSA's permanently cash strapped position, I think this is a daft move. It is designed to encourage people to become club members but I suspect the vast majority of clubless members (which is the majority of the cycling community) will choice to simply let their membership lapse and take out the odd day licence if needed. Break even point between day licenses and annual is ~3 racing days per annum. Proof of membership is rarely checked at events (incl the big ones) and sometimes not even available on their site (such as 2022 S2C race). Moreover, quite a few events choose not to be CSA sanctioned to avoid the associated costs (with very limited upside). I see this move as just another step in CSA's death spiral.
  23. You mean too much visible branding? Does not seem more excessive than any other brand or am I missing something?
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