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Posts posted by LuckyLuke

  1. quick question to al the rapide riders, I am currently riding xc carbon hardtail which is on its last leg, been looking at the tigre frames, not racing anymore and not doing any events more then 100km. Just riding and having fun, xco's and stuff. Been enjoing the lightness of the carbon, will the extra 2kg on the steel frames be very much noticeable?

  2. On my way to bonniedale about 5km before there was a medical stop point. We stopped there , I needed something for the headache, they took a bit too long and I decided to head on and get something at bonniedale as my headache was only a problem on the downhills. Grabbed my bike and went downhill, after about 50m I looked down at my garmin only to realize its not my bike...hahaha, had to go back, we had quite a laugh about it

  3. 6 minutes ago, JJ said:

    Are we allowed to receive bottles from family at the spectator points? 

    Is spectators allowed at the waterpoint like pre covid. If your not a pro you can receive bottles anyware you like, and yes if there is spectators allowed you can get bottles from them at the points. If they are not allowed they can just hand it to you before the waterpoint in the road. 

  4. What worked for me and everybody is different, 


    32gi endure works well for zone1 and 2, kick start by taking in at least 30g of carbs in the first 20min to kick start the metabolism and then just sip on it while riding, after 6 monts you will be riding 4 hours with just 1 bottle and water and burning fat all the way.




  5. Go for a bike fit, usually your left leg is bit shorter than the right, then it probably wont be an issue and my fitter agreed, i was going the same direction but got a powertap wheel for cheap

  6. It was slippery as hell from we started climbing the KOM and the desent from there to bonidale was like soap. I had race kings front and back. haha...some adventure. Tried for sub 7 but the wind from bonidale was too strong. Ended up doing a 7:18. Just could not see anything anymore from the last waterpoint.

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