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Everything posted by Stiggy

  1. How does this compare to Magalies Monster (big hills or more free flowing?) What is best thing to wear?
  2. Always wear your trisuit when training, even if it is in a spinning class! Also always assume the tri position for the whole spinning class!
  3. Why consider a road bike if you not going to do any road races. Sounds like you already made up your mind.....
  4. I work in Jhb CBD and need to pop into the nearest LBS to fix a spoke during lunch hour. Where is the nearest LBS? Any suggestions welcome! Please help
  5. Thanks for the feedback. Have sent requests for quotes so waiting replies.
  6. Thanks dude. Will have a look and contact Jannie!
  7. My mates and I wanna design and make our own cycling kit. Does anyone have info. on a local manufacturer/designer that has some good quality gear but is not too pricey. Any help would be great!!
  8. So some mates and I wanna design our own cycling kit. Does anyone have info on local manufactures who aren't too pricey and offer some good designs. Please help!!
  9. What time was it? And where about did this happen? Cyclists (including myself) need to be more aware that we are not the only idiots on the road!
  10. Listening to 702 this morning, heard a rider was knocked down in Linden. Does anyone have any news on the matter??
  11. This happened to a mate on DC last year. Not too sure the outcome, even maintenance couldnt help. Good luck with it!
  12. I can't wait! Will be my first stage race. I am super excited......... What are some of the things to look out for?
  13. The dude in the red, white and black top is involved in 2 crashes!! (Pic 1 and 4)
  14. If you have your bike serviced often, then no worries. Don't service your bike a week before the race like everyone else. Have it serviced a couple weeks before and do a couple ride before the 94.7. Also just go out there to enjoy the day, it sounds like you will be more then prepared for the race! Don't replace the chain, you only looking for trouble (just my suggestion)
  15. Brutal, thats all I can say! Great event but gees I'm just damaged goods at work today
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