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Posts posted by I FLY

  1. After being an absolute Conti fan for many years I bought a 2nd hand bike in December 2012 that was fitted with Racing Ralphs ( Evo Snakeskin).


    As my friends know I am not one to waste money so I thought that I would keep the tyres and replace when worn. Based on comments it was not going to be a long wait to replace.


    After nearly 3500 kms on mainly rocky trails I have finally replaced the back tyre with another RR. The previous owner had ridden this tyre for a few months so maybe another 500kms before I got it.


    Not one puncture. Some of my riding included Lowveld Quest ( very muddy), Mapumgubwe Game reserve (sandy and thorny) and Josi2Kosi ( gravel roads, rocky, sandy).


    In addition I have enjoy the feel of this large volume tyre.


    Needless to say all four of our bikes are now shod with Schwalbe tyres

  2. The worst thing about the 101 is the heat (and maybe the corrugations). Make a weekend of it. Go on Friday, eat at Rubys. Do the 101km. Go to the bar below Hoi Polloi on the main drag and drink beer. They have 50+ labels on the premises. Dinner at Hoi Polloi. Do the 56km. Lunch at one of the other places. Home time. Lekker weekend.


    I done this type of weekend at the Crater Cruise for the past 10 years. :thumbup:

  3. I have a bee in my bonnet regarding rotor rings - I fitted a set to our tandem a few years ago but then sold the bike before I had time to ride with them.


    Now I see that they have a single speed rotor ring listed on their website.


    I am keen to try one out but cannot figure out how it would keep the chain at a constant tension. I have sliding dropouts on my SS.


    Has anyone had any experience with this chainring?

  4. Years ago when we were racing seriously and heart rate monitors first made their appearance (showing my age here) I had an interesting incident. We used to ride in a group of a few okes and regularly did a hard ride up Fishers Hill in Germiston. One of the chaps who was really one of the strongest in the group and regularly blew our legs and minds over the top of the hill acquired a heart rate monitor. First ride over Fishers Hill he bombs out the back. We waited for him on the other side and asked what happened to which he replies that he was close to max on his monitor so he was obviously riding too hard - had to back off a bit. That was when I decided to never use one - EVER. If you start riding according to what your monitor tells you and lose the ability to know in your head and legs how close you are to blowing - might as well take up jukskei.

    Funny - he never was the same rider after that. Sad really.....


    I remember watching Nick Bester running the comrades when HR monitors were the big deal. He did not win that year and afterwards he said he was too busy running according to the watch reading than how he felt.

  5. For those of you who want to see how a bike is locked up on London, here's a picture. I brought my SA lock and the guys laughed. Apparently the thieves here walk around with high tensile bolt cutters that snip SA locks like viennas... This is a Kryptonite New York lock with an 18mm hardened steel shackle and lots of other anti-theft technology. The frikkin' thing weighs close on 3kgs


    Very nice bike. If I had carried on commuting in Jhb I would have bought one.

    I had two of those locks to lock up my bikes at the Gautrain stations. They are damn heavy but they gave me peace of mind

  6. I have been looking forward to World Champs in PMB for about a year now. Am sorted with accomodation, booked leave and a couple of hook-ups with mates and some my "stalkers" from social media...


    Then just 10 minutes ago, a mail landed in my in box inviting me to take part in the Jozi2Kozi. All expenses paid, and VIP treatment.


    Don't know what to do...help?


    Go to World Champs :devil:


    I am doing Josi2Kosi and was looking forward to a peaceful week with normal mtbers :whistling:

  7. We have done 11 of the events on the list.


    Two that I would really like to do are 3 Towers and Lord of the Chainring - however they are in the middle of my annual budgeting exercise so unless I change companies they will remain on my bucket list

  8. What size casette do you guys reckon one should be running? Im not the strongest climber, looking at that profile I'm getting a bit worried....!


    We climbed Spitzkop and Long Tom at the Panorama Tour. We are average climbers and felt that our 25 cassette and 39 chainring was too hard.


    Is it safe to leave your bike at the Gautrain stations overnight? Has anyone ever heard stories of bikes being stolen from a station?




    I used to leave one bike overnight at Rhodesfield Station and the other one at Sandton Station during the day.


    I used to lock them to barrier with this lock. No problems for months.

  10. I bought a 2nd hand Edge 705 a couple weeks ago and found that the unit would not clip properly onto the mount.


    I sent it into Garmin Jhb and they replaced the bottom casing free of charge.

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