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Everything posted by BDF

  1. Had a short jaunt at Waterberg Game Lodge to test my hand out after some surgery.
  2. All things working out, should have it by Christmas.
  3. I ordered the 2017 970 RSL... Now the wait..
  4. NF is a great venue and caters for beginners and more. They also have guys patrolling but I have never felt unsafe there (except where my skills run out...)
  5. Compared to what I produce, that looks like Michelangelo!
  6. BDF

    Dopers suck

    The guy who invents a "Pre-Race" screening system whereby when one enters a start chute there is some sort of scan that detects all these substances will for sure get rich and win a Nobel prize!
  7. Compression socks don't fit him. his calves are too big. and he rides barefoot anyway!
  8. BDF

    Dopers suck

    Remember Hubber Mugabe? He was always quite vociferous about this topic.
  9. BDF

    Dopers suck

    And I don't even see Cortisone there?
  10. BDF

    Dopers suck

    That was fast Savage! This looks like a shopping basket for some people! Thanks for the info. Half life? what about the other half?
  11. BDF

    Dopers suck

    For sure! Not that I am remotely close to placing anywhere near the podium but I would not like to cheat in any shape or form. (halo appears here!)
  12. BDF

    Dopers suck

    Help me with something, I recently underwent surgery on my hand. During that surgery i was given a steroid (Cortisone) injection into a joint. How long before I can race legally?
  13. BDF

    Dopers suck

    Unfortunately in these times people crave instant gratification with little thought of the long terms. I doubt they think it through. Thing is, if consequence is the driving force behind making a decision to dope or not, the battle is all but lost. #whatabouthonesty
  14. Are you wearing the watch far enough down your wrist? Too close to the hand and it won't read. (This pearl of info comes as a result of me getting my wife a VivoSmart HR - this is what happened to her)
  15. My Ryder pump is also similar. Have seated up to 2.35 650B with it no problem.
  16. I don't mean to pry into your personal life or anything but how did you start a race with a loose front wheel?
  17. Hope it goes well. At least the rain has cleared the air of all the dust for the race. What's your start batch?
  18. Please tell me that's not why you entered the race...
  19. Looks like you really were climbing!
  20. Whaaahaaahaaa!! That's almost like saying that it's important to pitch up with a bike at a bike race
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