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Everything posted by An3

  1. Nice bike. I cannot figure out if its a 26" or 29er. I assume you do not have insurance? Buy a new frame and rebuild or your components onto new frame. The risk associated with using this frame is not worth it.
  2. ... Congrats! She is gorgeous! Have you decided on a name yet? s'pose Zaskar?
  3. I saw The Serfas XCR3 add in new ride mag. Serfas Al lot of kit for R7999. Includes tubeless tyres and Stans. Not WS but I think a lot of kit for price. Has anybody seen these bikes?
  4. An3

    Need a kidney?

    I may need one soon. Look after yours in the meantime.
  5. One of the 2011 bikes that I cannot wait to see is the 2011 Giant Anthem X 29er 1. I love the polished finish.
  6. do you know if your one leg is longer than other one?
  7. is it sore when you put pressure on it ? (Use thumb)
  8. Had ITB release operation 16 years ago. (road running) Saw my Dr 4 weeks ago. Cortisone injection sorted pain out but itch is still there. I am doing a lot more cross training and stretching - seems to help.
  9. My ITB started as an itch. Itch starts normally after about 10km.
  10. In my mind the problem is not the fact that it uses bushes. (SLX OEM also using bushes). I do not like the fact that it is an universal kit. There are a different sized bushes available for different applications. (see sample image)
  11. Don't want to hijack your thread but I recently had to replace my jockey wheels. Top one broke in half 20km into Hazeldean race. Chain jumped so much that I choose not to finish race. Why would this happen? LBS only had a pair of BBB wheels in stock. I did not like idea of all the bushes. LBS stripped a new Shimano SLX and sold OEM wheels to me for R200.
  12. Stunning Photos Good LuckScott_CR12010-05-10 15:19:51
  13. Jy wissel met Dura Ace, jou meisie wys vir my haar muis.. Scott_CR12010-05-10 13:49:52
  14. Thanks for sharing the photos.
  15. Good luck getting one at $6,150 with only 250 produced: Scott_CR12010-05-03 15:45:30
  16. You must eat more. I am a downhill CHAMP!
  17. Any local Kona dealers in SA? Who can service these bikes? (stock suspension spares etc)
  18. Thank you for the hard work guys. I didn't know what to do with myself today - realized how much time I spend daily on the Hub.
  19. An3


    Ok. All info double checked. Phoned drugfreesport and reported the matter. Cyclist over 18.
  20. An3


    www.drugfreesport.org.za - Website under construction. Form not working. They said that I must email: fahmy@drugfreesport.org.za I know name and category of cyclist but considering the fact that I got secondhand info and that my statement about the prize money was wrong - I would rather let drugfreesport do their investigation. I do not want to ruin an innocent cyclist's career because my facts were incorrect.
  21. An3


    Hi All Suddenly I've had my doubts about my statement on the Prize Money. I do not like it when I'm wrong but it turns out that I was way off. Phoned one of the organizers. Prize money for 75km winner was R500. Sorry
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