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Posts posted by Idiot

  1. I usually ride from Milner up Alida, then Frederick, Hearn, Rocky and into Lois, then up Lucky, and around the loop in the view park, then reverse out and go down the south side - Musilis and De Wet - sometimes I do it in reverse. The one I don't like is 4th Road up to Hollywood.... not too bad on a geared bike, but the SS is a beast...

    I know they have them for a reason, but those speed bumps going up Frederick are hectic when you have a heavily loaded car. Slow down for speed bump halfway up the hill and wait to rev up enough to go up more.. Not me, but was stuck behind a delivery truck the other day.. Killer!
  2. GT-SA this thread is only 2 pages long so far. You making it sound like there are pages of moaning.. :D.. I do agree with you on Conrad. We have only had good dealings with him so far. :)

    ah, edit.. I see you have only 1 post. So either you have no clue on how long a thread can be dragged out, or you dont want us to know who you are? ;)

  3. A buddy of mine gave his old 26 inch bike to his gardener. A week later the guy brought it back and said that no matter where he rides, people were accusing him of theft. He could not even sell it to buy a less conspicuous bike to commute on as the shop that he went to to sell the bike threatened to call the cops.


    My buddy went to the same shop with the old receipt in his pocket to show to the buyer, but the buyer did not even ask for it, as he was nicely dressed (branded T-shirt and strops beats the gardener's chino and button down shirt apparently). Sold it for R4k and gave the cash to the gardener who bought a cheapie for R3k, got a helmet and lights with the change.


    Pity that a guy now has to ride a makro special because the XT-specced sub 11kg bike he got as a present was putting him into so much difficulty.

    its no different to women... if you have a nice set of .. um.. mammary glands, then everyone thinks they are fake. People are just so judgemental.
  4. And you guys think women talk a lot of crap... wow. 6 pages of sh ite just because someone wanted to check up on something suspicious. Just for everyone to know... I live in South Africa.. I was not born here but my mind has adjusted to the criminal ways of this place. I am suspicious of someone running even. I check to see if they are carrying some womans bag, a knife, is anyone running behind them? THEN I notice the taxi that they are running to catch. In this country, be suspicious first. Could help a lot of people.

  5. Accident my ass. A 9 year old with a gun. RIDICULOUS. If you think a 9 year old can control that weapon then i am afraid you are going to get what is coming to you. The parents should be charged with that mans murder. Apparently they took the video on their mobile. Plain stupidity. I don't see an accident at all. I see a murder.

    Can't figure why the "expert" that put the weapon in her hands did not figure this out. And these okes are licensed to train/hold a weapon themselves?

    I do understand people wanting to protect themselves etc, what I don't get is the crying when accidents happen. Look at Oscar, if he didnt protect himself with as gun, Reeva would still be alive, the father who shot his own daughter who ran up the passage to get protected by her father, an associate of mine that nearly shot a cop that had jumped her wall to race after the intruder from a robbery... etc etc.

    I have lost huge chunks of my home in the last 4 years to 3 theft incidents. No insurance, so the goods are worth a lot to me. All I am grateful for is that no-one in my family was hurt....

  6. I would not trust kids of today cycling to school. Too dangerous. Our side of town has not many cycle paths so the kids have to hug the side of the road. How are they going to cycle, bbm, 9gag and listen to music whilst keeping out of the way of cars?

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