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Everything posted by PET3RS

  1. “All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing” Now where have I heard that before...... Couldn't agree more though
  2. I'm in between a small and medium, at the limit of riding a small, but prefer the increased stand over height and better 'agility' of a small frame, and have to agree with the better looks Took it a step further and shaved off all the stock cable routing points under the top tube and re-routed the RD cable and rear brake hose under the down tube, also shaved the FD cable guide, to get a 'clean' look. Custom paint in Ferrari rosso corsa and decals to finish.
  3. Left side also has a fun little drop down
  4. My solution for avoiding the BRT as it goes under the N1, using my mtb of course
  5. Very sad indeed You will be missed
  6. Cycled that exact section this Saturday morning past at about 10:30AM. There were lots of vagrants and their structures right against the fence. Saw a bunch of vagrants standing around completely naked. No other cyclists or commuters in sight, just a few homeless guys walking on the cycle path. Very scary stuff. Much rather going to ride on the verge of the N1 and then Marine Drive.
  7. Awsome awsome pic Gonna try this with my wife, God help me
  8. Loved going to the dam with the kids to picnic, anyone know if that's still possible? Are there shade providing trees surrounding the dam?
  9. Jessie I'm not sure if you've ridden the tar road to the mast yet. I would say the chances of a collision with a free running dog vs a collision with a vehicle is much higher. The road and surroundings are generally eerily quiet and one should be able to hear from a distance any motorised vehicle straining its engine climbing the steep incline, I would also guess that the road is accessible by a 4x4 vehicle only.
  10. Also did the race on saturday, had similar experience with springboks almost running us over
  11. Jeez, been off the hub for a while and now I see this and babse's bike written off Sorry to hear brother, will keep an eye out, I'm frequently in that area
  12. amazing that the girl survived did you guys read the newspaper article http://www.peoplespo...vives-truck-hit? “The driver was playing with us and made as if he was going to drive into us as a joke. He was revving all the time and the boy in front of me panicked and lost control of his bike. His back wheel clipped my front wheel and I fell into the road. I can’t remember hearing or seeing anything else except waking up in False Bay Hospital,” Richenburg says. ??!
  13. Sad news, our prayers are with her. I cycled via Boyes Drive at that time. I almost chose riding via the Main Road...
  14. Sorry Azonic, the centre knobs do not look connected to me??
  15. Jeez Meezo, you're as fast on the keyboard as you are on the trails
  16. Bike looks better in the flesh, it's begging to be ridden hard!
  17. Thanks for the update Zain, Our duas/prayers are with him.
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