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Posts posted by Reece_Rower

  1. He may not be a climber but he can still make it over the bumps in the Argus, being classified as "not a climber" means he's not a twig and cant hold over 6w/kg for an alpine climb. Will be interesting to see how the race goes this year, if he races elites other teams will have to do a lot to get a split before the finish. May be a more punchy winner this year and not a bunch sprint.

  2. Thanks for the replies.


    I tried looking into getting an 11 tooth cassette or a 52 tooth big ring, but its hard to find a 9spd 11 tooth cassette, and the 11 cassette would give me a better ratio than a 52 - 12.


    I am quite a numbers geek (studying BSc in Human phys and Biochem) and read quite a bit on training techniques and how to analyse power, so I don't think that the analysis etc. using the power meter would be too much of a problem. I won a free program at Cadence Cycling centre in Durbanville and have been using the Cycleops there, which is the first time I have ever ridden with power. I find it much better than just heart rate, especially when doing intervals and knowing what w/kg you need to sustain for certain events/races. Also monitoring actual training improvement based on outputs at heart rate vs just feeling better. Some days i feel bad but still produce good numbers while others i don't produce so well but feel good. It just seems like a much better investment.


    Does anybody know someone who can get hold of a 9spd 11 tooth cassette please?


    @Thomo - roughly 14k if i save up until November.

  3. Just need some advice.


    I can either buy a power meter or new groupset.


    This may sound like an obvious answer, but my current groupset is old and a compact tiagra, which isn't ideal for wanting to start racing.


    On the other hand a power meter will definately improve my cycling, but then i have the crappy tiagra.


    What would you do?

  4. Hi guys,


    My girlfriend was driving passed Blue Route and saw a very run down character riding on a Giant racing road bike with aero wheels going pretty fast and looking in a hurry, and said it didn't look like he could afford it or own it at all.


    Has anyone's bike been stolen at all lately in this area or know of a Giant which has been stolen?


    Just thought I would mention in case it could help.



  5. Yes nice and still till about 8:30, and then it picked up. (I think you jinxed it.. :ph34r: ) If it does that tomorrow I will be beneficial to people starting at 7:00. No wind until Smitswinkel, and then a tailwind after Smits.

    Wind is starting this evening (as I am sure you can feel), and will be this strong if not stronger throughout the night.. nobody gets shelter tomorrow
  6. Aussies just made us play the ball more.. look at the stats. They made us play at least 20% more shots, resulting in a higher possibility of a wicket. Our bowlers need to hit their lines and lengths and make the Aussies play at the ball, especially when its new.

  7. @ Woofie - I was in that crash, thankfully wasn't too bad.


    I have been cycling for 6 months and find CAT 4 so fun.. the small attacks and tactics simulate what the elites do but obviously not as strong or decisive. The pace does get quite hot if we step it up but it is a great learning platform while enjoying the racing with a friendly environment.


    Definately come and join in the next league!



    If you break away from B then you will probably catch A / VB / VA / % as all of them start one minute earlier than B lol.

    Are you then going to attempt another break-away?

    Na the % to A bunch has about 2 - 3min.. don't think i will get that far ahead seeing that they will be pretty quick
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