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Posts posted by Barry



    Hose in most cases has an outer diameter (OD) of 5.0mm and internal diameter (ID) of 2.1mm

    The XT's use the BH90 hose, which has an OD of 5.0mm and ID of 2.1mm.

    The RS785s use the BH59 hose with OD 5.0mm and 2.5mm ID (I think? can't find this answer, just know it's slightly larger than the BH90), however many have reported using the BH90s without issue.

    The only deviation I can find are Tektro and Hayes brakes that use hoses with 5.5mm OD and 2.5mm ID

  2. 25 minutes ago, davidtinker said:

    Tx. Ground anchor sounds like a plan for future.

    I still have my old bike for the trip. Risk is that my wife is tiny (164cm, 50kg) so not so easy to find a bike and then is the setup ok etc.? Might have to do that if we can't find one here in time.

    Your destination is a cycling mecca so I am sure they could have her setup and sorted in no time. If you were meeting with friends or family maybe they can get info on local bike shops and or look online see what stock is available. Take an old Raleigh Rc rolling chassis with you on the plane and bring back a New SL8 

  3. 7 hours ago, davidtinker said:

    The trip to France and Italy in a week isn't going well. My bike (with cracked wheel) and my wife's Orbea just stolen out of our garage. No idea how they managed to get it open.


    Sorry but this really sux. Plus side it solved the cracked wheel problem.  Financial and insurance allowing would it be an option to replace the bikes in France or Italy? Ride them and ship back as you had planned might get a good deal on a high-end bike without all the duties and local markups. 

  4. 1 hour ago, CdT85 said:

    Hi guys and girls

    I have a bad update unfortunately.

    I have been blocked on whatsap again. Seems that Roelof Coertse @Shooter mc gaven has taken a turn to the dark side and have dissapeared with my money.

    Please be weary of dealing with him.

    I have sent him a dm requesting a refund, which i doubt will happen.

    Thus I will see what I can do to open a case of fraud against him over the weekend.

    What a dissapointing conclusion.

    @Nick @Matt

  5. 15 minutes ago, Dirk Stoffberg said:

     <https://specializedstore.shop/email/click?utm_source=event_newsletter&utm_medium=carts_recovery_2&utm_mode=skip_if_exists&task_id=140020460&task_auth=06d04c7157fedcbad9cedc96cf882eb6&id=140020460&ignore_redirect=1&key=3bb9ad2faaaafc63d4df0bff4510c06a&url=aHR0cHM6Ly9zcGVjaWFsaXplZHN0b3JlLnNob3A_dXRtX3NvdXJjZT1ldmVudF9uZXdzbGV0dGVyJnV0bV9tZWRpdW09Y2FydHNfcmVjb3ZlcnlfMiZ1dG1fbW9kZT1za2lwX2lmX2V4aXN0cyZ0YXNrX2lkPTE0MDAyMDQ2MCZ0YXNrX2F1dGg9MDZkMDRjNzE1N2ZlZGNiYWQ5Y2VkYzk2Y2Y4ODJlYjY>                 2024-05-30 15:51:46     

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    More than 3k reviews or is this part of making the site appear legit.


  6. 29 minutes ago, madmarc said:

    I have fixed 3 Campy FD's like this - I drilled some very small holes (1.0mm) in each part and used some carbon yarn i pulled from a carbon matt from my carbon repair kit and kind of stitched it together - Mixed the resin and dabbed a blob on it and wrapped it in Electrical tape for compression during curing - Once it was cured i filed it down and dabbed a bit of black paint on the repair - Works perfect. Before that i did try the super glue thingy which doesnt work, the superglue don't like sticking to the plastic and broke apart after a few shifts. 

    The superglue is just to hold the repair/paperclip in place till carbon it applied If you scuff the carbon side of the derailleur then the new carbon will adhere to the old. Find the paperclip adds internal strength and a solid mount on the non carbon side at the main bolt.

  7. 1 hour ago, JP Ramirez said:

    The tips above did not work.

    Basically with the Thule EasyFold XT2 variation that I have, I need a 2" (50mm) tow ball with a 1" (25mm) shank and 73mm height so that I can lock the bike rack.

    Unfortunately, its hard to find this 50mm x 25mm x 73mm tow ball.  So I am still looking for one.

    I'm surprised that I am having a hard time finding this actual specification in the UAE. 

    its frustrating as the manual didnt specifcy the 50mm x 25mm requirement.  They only indicated 73mm height.

    I found one in NZ 

    Thule Hi Rise 50mm Towball (evocycles.co.nz)


    Grinder and a sanding disk 😆

  8. 18 hours ago, ZamaK said:

    Hi there hubbers. 

    Campagnolo have discontinued this 11 speed Super Record model. The tail of the front detailer is made of plastic (which seems to be a design flaw) as it breaks easily. 


    I need 3 printed, so I can have 1 as a spare. 

    Is there anyone out there who can assist? Or can point me in the right direction. 


    You could also DIY this part with a paper clip and some carbon tow/yarn from Temu. Make a loop in the clip on the bolt side and bolt it in place then bend the clip to the correct shape and superglue it to carbon on other side. Wrap the clip and carbon side of derailleur with carbon and resin till slightly larger than original then file/dremil etc into shpeand correct angle.

  9. 1 hour ago, CdT85 said:

    Hi guys and girls,


    Has anyone dealt with shooter mc gaven recently ( @Shooter mc gaven  - 0832353544 )? I purchased a Rockshox monarch shock from him on Friday and did an EFT.

    Since then the user went quiet, it looks like I have been blocked on whatsapp and phone goes directly to voicemail.

    A quick search of his mobile number brought up a second bikehub profile @roelofcoertse that is disabled (even saw that I had successful dealing with him in the past on this profile).

    He had a few ads up on Friday, but all of them has been deleted since.


    Has anyone had successful dealings with the seller recently? Or did I pay school fees on the classifieds for the umpteenth time?


    He was online few min back and he has read this thread so hopefully he sorts this out 

  10. All we can do is try prepare them on the day. 99% of the kids navigated without incident and those that didn't probably were not prepared. Your boy fell in warm-ups after that and a bit of guidance from you he was able to race, finish and have fun. If other's/coaches parents on the day had taken same steps then less would have fallen. Like you say most of your crashes in your day were your own fault. 

  11. As a parent of a boy that went from nippers all the way to JNR world Champs I do see your side. I do however think that we are overprotective of our kids at that age and it is more about the adults than the kids having fun. With a little advice and race recon your boy was able to understand what needed to be done. He told you he would go slow and didn't want to go home. In the end he finished and probably had an awesome race. As for CSA and comms maybe @Zeffer uncle Charles can advise on procedures. 

  12. Thule have a light/plate board that you can place on your rack although lights are not the issue. Out Centurion/Pta side the cops do on occasion enforce the law especially out BigRed Barn side been stopped a few times they will camp outside a race venue and pull people over just for the plate obstruction. 

  13. 2 hours ago, Jean77 said:

    Hi guys

    I have a Giant Anthem 2016 with a contact saddle and dropper post. The screw in the saddle clamp has worn and I can't seem to find a replacement clamp/screw. The local giant shop suggested getting a replacement seat post, but that seems a like a bit of overkill. Anyone have an idea where I can get a replacement or have suggestions for a workaround?


    I have this clamp you are welcome to try. I don't have the bolt but have the thread/nut side.




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