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Everything posted by Barry

  1. A nose badge that has been around for almost 80 years.
  2. 2023 Ferrari Daytona with a 1930' logo. @Titan Racing Bikes hey bud i am not trying to be an ass i am just saying be proud of where you come from and your roots. An icon is somthing built over many years it should also have visual part that is stuck in peoples minds your logo.
  3. The Nissan logo is much the same as it was in 1930's. FNB and Jan Smuts airport 😂. Iconic/ Legendary companies with a rich and proud heritage like Ferrari, Lambo, Campy and many others are decades old and in no way boring. Celibate achievements by adding a gold livery for that year or SA color stripe through the logo. Many ways to celebrate a milestone and still keep your identity and be proud of your roots.
  4. Now i don't need to search SCRAM as a separate item from SRAM. Edit: Ok i still need to search SCRAM separately.
  5. Would be nice to have some on the ground test or feedback. European safety standard is set high. They look cool but do they work who knows. https://www.facebook.com/velosock
  6. If you find any old design R100 notes in you wallet amongst all the new notes i will take them off your hands.😂
  7. Hi Nick, on the classified side. If i click on the name it just underlines it and nothith more. Example attached.
  8. Unrelated but while i got you on the subject of changes. I see the link to user profiles is not working. Before i could click on a user name and it would take me to the profile but now it does nothing.
  9. Hey, i get this 100%. Titan has always been an iconic brand in my opinion and i am happy to recommend it to any potential customer. Campagnolo or Colnago amongst many have stuck to a logo for decades and they are recognized buy the logo. As i said maybe i was mistaken about the 3 logo changes but i see 4.
  10. Has anybody used a Velo sock. It was spoken about in another thread and the possibility that it could be a huge air brake. But if you on the dirt and not doing the Ken Block thing (RIP) then this should work. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://velosock.com/&ved=2ahUKEwiH8r6s3ZKBAxXNTaQEHWR0BOkQFnoECA0QAQ&usg=AOvVaw2LhORKP9qfsEPBFJNCsXnu. Seems to be popular amongst the American RV community.
  11. 3rd time for this brand if i am not mistaken. Choose an identity and stay with it.
  12. Cup and cone are still used in high-end wheels. The new Campagnolo Bora disc have cup and cone.
  13. Maybe a neo retro build. But still a 2017.
  14. Frame design, colours and spec will give you the year model. Regardles of upgraded components the frame would be the model and year.
  15. All good. Have a good trip and good luck on race day. Let us know how it went👌🏻
  16. Bling always makes you faster. 😂🤣
  17. It shouldn't have any affect on gear ratios. The front chainring will turn the rear wheel according to tooth count. The pully is a chain guide. A rollout using old cage and new cage should be the same.
  18. If i recall it was the same with FNB paid for the whole trip with a credit card and got the insurance including cover for world champs in Pontevedre.
  19. Maybe make enquiries with international insurers. Someone like global Albatross. See if they can sell you day cover for the event.
  20. Insure the bike for what it would cost to replace the bike with somthing similar.
  21. Check if the centre lockring it torqued correctly also use a the paper thin washer on the lockring if washer is worn then replace it ( similar to washer on cassette). There is a hack on GCN for placing a small piece of velcro at the end of the pad to stop pad movement.
  22. Yes Oliver is the founding member and Roger Federer is a sponsor and investor in the company.
  23. If i recall correctly he had 55 stars. 1 was 1 star 3 were 4 Star and 51 were 5 star.
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