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Everything posted by Tonton

  1. If a cyclist is breaking the law - skipping a robot or stop then they have no recourse - nobody is fighting this fact and if you do you take your life into your own hands (and fates). But cyclists have a right to use the road. So if you get side-swiped, cutoff, or hit by some person from the back who did not overtake while it was safe then it has got nothing to do with other cyclists not following the rules of the road. I've got a right to a safe journey in my lane - but I don't get it because very few people wait until it is safe to pass before doing it and most people will not ride behind you until the road that they want to turn into. They rather pass you and then cut you off. And if you react in anger (rightly so) they will want to bl$#$sm you or show you signs.
  2. I did not witness the accident as this happened behind us but it appears that his front wheel slip as he went over the bump - he did move left to the lower part of the bump. He then went head-over-heals and hit the road with his helmet , shoulders and back. It is simply a dangerous design with no "escape" area on the bump. One should always try to keep your weight back and do not brake just before the bump.
  3. Klapperkop: Nasty speed bumps coming down from the water tower going east took another victim - broken collarbone. No other parties involved - we always ride there on Tuesday mornings from about 5:20 to 6:00. Never had any problems - but we ride in a big group, between 12 and 15 guys.
  4. It is a buddy of mine. He is in hospital, got a nasty bump on the head and face. We came down the hill and he hit some rocks laying next to the barrier. No cars were involved. The bus driver following drove very courteous and only drove past the cyclist laying in the rode after I instructed him to do so. We had 2 accidents this morning - 1 on Klapperkop and this one. Both gone to hospital. No cars involved. People - be carefull when cycling - concentrate and always wear a helmut - without these two guys' helmuts they would have been in a much worse state.
  5. If a cyclist skip a stop street, red robot or something similar and an accident occurs then obviously like any vehicle not obeying the rules of the road then that cyclists is at fault. But if the other party can prevent the accident and they do not then they are fully responsible - and hopefully culpable homicide will be the charges laid. <?: prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /> In most of the fatal cases - cyclists are hit from behind riding single file during daytime. If the vehicle driver kept to the speed limit and overtook when it was safe then these incidents would not have happened. Wake up people - you are responsible when driving or riding (you bicycle). If you cause the death/injury of another person may you be punished to full extend of the law. Tonton2009-02-16 06:31:13
  6. I still have 0 points
  7. Did Groenkloof on Monday for the 1st time in 7 years - man was I surprised with the single track - good work to the guys who developed it - use to be only jeep tracks - great stuff
  8. Yeah that bit - better to take the single track next to the wall - or actually stick to the tarr when the cars are stop-starting.
  9. It is probably safer on the N1 at that time of day than any of the other "safer" alternative routes. But it is against the law and that is the bottom line - but so is emergency lane driving and who of you holier than thou can say you never did that (in your car). This morning I was on my way to work going around the Waterkloofairbase going towards the R21 and a Corsa came flying past on the gravel - so much for safe cycling even with a MTB.
  10. Daar is geen verskil tussen Nel en die plaasmoorde nie - moord bly moord - of jy nou iets steel in die proses of nie. In al die gevalle is ras betrokke - die verskil is hoe regeer die bevolking op die voorvalle.
  11. Kan mens dan die wedrenne verniet doen - of nog beter word mens betaal om PPA PF te wees?
  12. And how do you control that someone actually entered a specific event - or do I prepay for all events when I get my permanent number - or do they scan the barcode on my number when I enter my pen and send me the bill later?
  13. Ek het dieselfde probleem met my MTB - die rims kan net Presta vat - toe koop ek die presta tubes met die slime alreeds in - vra net vir jou fietswinkel - kos so R60 per tube - nie te sleg as jy dink dat 'n tube R30 min kos en dan die slime ook
  14. Thnx - I'll see you at Rooiwal
  15. Tonton


    Mountain biking trail riding Road racing Road Touring Mountain bike touring Kermesse Urban Racing Riding training rides with the girls Coffee-shop rides Training rides with the gang
  16. Crashed in the front bunch of the D group on the Blueroot and 24 km from the start - straight road, after the downhill section - just saw the guy on the past left about 4 bikes ahead and 3 bikes to my left going right and then down - then dominoes.. took me 3 minutes to get my bike untangled and every thing sort of aligned straight again. Had to do the rest of the race in big blade - but realised that small blade is not needed for this race - that is one does not break a spoke standing on the drops at Suikerbossie - missed the #$#% 3 hours by 1m:27s
  17. How can the national champ have only 1 bike?
  18. My condolences to the family. This just highlights the point made in a few other threads concerning drivers in this country. There must be harsh punishments for something like this - how many times has this happened that a cyclist has been hit in the yellow line - this is plain murder. And don't give me the story about some cyclists given cyclists a bad name with their behaviour - it has absolutely NOTHING to do with people being killed in yellow line. But in this country that guy will probably get a slap on the wrist and drive the same 18-wheeler before long. Tonton2007-02-13 03:26:36
  19. Mense wat moan oor groepe fietsryers kan netsowel gaan betoog om fietse heeltemal te verban van enige teerpaaie. Die feit van die saak is dat die meeste fietsryers wat raakgery word of op hulle eie of in klein groepies was. 'n Groot groep is meer sigbaar en ook nie so maklik om vanaf net weg te jaag as daar iets gebeur nie. Fietse is vervoermiddels net soos motors. Die motors is veronderstel om verby te steek in die aankomende of regter baan wanneer dit veilig is. Daar is natuurlik iets soos ordentlike maniere maar dit het absoluut niks (IMHO) te doen met die hoeveelheid fietsryers wat raak gery word nie. Die aantal noodlottige voorvalle onlangs was meestal in die geelstreep en veroorsaak deur motoriste wat die wet oortree het.
  20. All of you guys who have a problem with people slipping you because of whatever reason (its dangerous, they are not working, etc..) - you probably are not racing a lot on the road and are not comfortable in bunches. The idea of slipping is in essence what road riding is about, slipstreaming and attacking. If the guy sits on you wheel - attack the bugger if you don't like it - else say a friendly hallo and then give them a chance to pace - then you can attack if you really like to. The road does not belong to you just because to be there at that point of time - I always welcome people who want to ride with our training group and when on my own will ride with and in front of anybody.
  21. Interesting article
  22. Tonton

    Bar Ends

    Sort of gives you an alternative position when riding on the road - but I guess that's what roadbikes are for.
  23. Weet nie - maar intussen doen ons dit maar om Centurion 05:00 in die oggende.
  24. Good idea - but tell me - how many registration numbers have you memorize of the car that passed you going at 100km/h? Personnally I think some sort of camcorder device in the helmet or so can work but I never manage to get the license plate.
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