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Cape Times Vigne-a-Vigne 2011


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have i got this wrong now or what???


i live in somerset west and will obviously cycle to lourensford and was just informed there will be NO tog bag facilities!! huh??? wtf??? i have no where to put my stuff???


of reel hulle nie dit nie???huh.gif

Can't say I'm surprised - falls into the "bad value for money" rides but Lourensford is so beautiful that I couldn't resist entering.

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na alles - vrek lekker roete, baie opdraand, great singletrack. waterpunt bo in die nek was nogals lekker gestock met verskeidenheid :thumbup:


dis duur vir entry ens ens, maar dis altyd lekker om op Lourensford te ry

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How is the timing done, manually? I only received a race no at registration

Good question - when it came to prize giving they had no idea who came where. The route is stunning but they do need to realise that in organising an event and charging R180 per entry, there is an obligation to give some sort of value in return and sharing the same finish venue as the Cape Epic doesn't quite cut it :(

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I sadly had to abandon the long route after tech problems at about 33 km, however until then I really enjoyed the route. Certainly much better than the Argus MTB.

Only, as mentioned above, the organizers should realize that they have to offer at least some organization for that entry fee. If they just want to attract mroe people to be at the finish when the epic guys come but give those guys something to do before, then make the entries 50 bucks. No one would complain about the oragnization then.


Very nice venue.

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and sharing the same finish venue as the Cape Epic doesn't quite cut it :(


I dont quite get what you are trying to say?

The Vinge-vine only exists because of the Epic


What better finishing venue with that vibe, food, beer, music, showers, entertainment and beer do you want?

Oh lets not forget about the couple of mtbikers that did an epic ride for 8 consecutive days?

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Tankman i think he means that For R180 per entry you can expect better organisation. The fact that it finishes with the epic does not give you a excuse to skimp on the


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Gee Guys - what bad organisation!! "Seeded" riders and casual guys mixed up together caused some frustration. Only one guy at the start - him being the commentator. No groups - all started together, and on top of all the 50km started 5 min too early !


Some 27 km riders started with the 50 km race, due to them not using the timing chips, this will go unnoticed. And as we had with the Argus MTB (long rides) too many rides sharing the same routes, the markings happen to be confusing at times, resulting some of the leaders to do a few extra hundred metres in the process.


I think the organisors realy have to concentrate on what they can do and what they can't. The kiddies race seemed to be hit !!!!

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oh yes and the 50km ended up being 54.6km. Surely no that hard to get the distance correct.

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Ok Here is my rant and Rave. Firstly the Rave. Lourensford is an awesome venue, the route 55km was brilliant , great singletrack, mean climbs, crazy decents , rocky, muddy, the works a proper MTB ride. That being said , i almost missed the start due to traffic and they started early, the start was a bit of a mess but i just made it so i was happy. My biggest gripe was there was only 2 water points i saw in the beginning and at the end which wasnt good as it was a long ride but that was liveable. The fact that the race was not timed and we really got zero value for the R180 besides an awesome route would mean i am coming back again next year but it does leave a bitter taste. For that price at least give us a goodie bag or free beer and burger at the finish. Something to show for that entry fee. All in all though it was a good ride and i managed to time my finish with Stunder and Sauser, i was wondering why the chopper was following me to the finish line now i know.

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It really amazes me how much people can bitch an moan about goodie bag, seeded groups, starting time, route markings, prize money - you'd swear you were all pro's or something.

This is a FUN ride. Not the Epic - that was that other event going on, on the day.


Ya, R180 is steep - so if you have a problem with it, don't enter.

No goodie bag, shame - i bet you'd throw most of the stuff away anyway.

So they started early - so make sure you are there on time.

54km instead of 50km - the last 5km were downhill and flat - seriously???

The timing was manual, as it has been every year.

There were 4 water points, plenty of good route markings - better than some events, beautiful climbs and single track and the views are always spectacular.

If you road the race and finished it, be thankful that you could, and stop complaining about the tiny details. You have your health.

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This year they took out 2 big climbs so it was a little easier but it was technically challenging though. The terrain was hectic! Saw at least 2 riders clutching their collar bones on some downhill sections.

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did the uphill race, this year was more technical and some added great single track:)

but yeah..what was all of that R180 for?

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neeee broer, when you go and pick up race number before hand(at lourensford), there is a table where you can pick up a few things..nothing to write home about and the medal is in the form of a bottle opener :)




ek reply nou ma op my eie post...went to pick up race number at WW in the mall en dit was ma dit! 'n race number...niks goodies nie thumbdown.gif ma ek het 'n great ride gehad....




BTW: waar check ons race results?? racetec site???

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It really amazes me how much people can bitch an moan about goodie bag, seeded groups, starting time, route markings, prize money - you'd swear you were all pro's or something.

This is a FUN ride. Not the Epic - that was that other event going on, on the day.


Ya, R180 is steep - so if you have a problem with it, don't enter.

No goodie bag, shame - i bet you'd throw most of the stuff away anyway.

So they started early - so make sure you are there on time.

54km instead of 50km - the last 5km were downhill and flat - seriously???

The timing was manual, as it has been every year.

There were 4 water points, plenty of good route markings - better than some events, beautiful climbs and single track and the views are always spectacular.

If you road the race and finished it, be thankful that you could, and stop complaining about the tiny details. You have your health.



Nix you dont get it so i will clarify for you. Nobody is bitching and moaning we just pointing out a few things that we found off kilter. If people want to host events surely a bit of critiscm wouldnt hurt, actually it helps the events become better and makes customers happy.



Ya, R180 is steep - so if you have a problem with it, don't enter. So you do agree it is steep, vs other rides, thats all we pointed out. Dont come with your slapgat attitude that if we dont like it dont enter wake up boet customers dont like being ripped off.



No goodie bag, shame - i bet you'd throw most of the stuff away anyway. Nobody gives a **** about a goodie bag it was just mentioned that for that price give the punters somethign in return, i agree goodie bags are crap i wish they would rather donate a portion of entry fees to charity than give us those goody bags but to give niks nudda for a hefty fee was a bit offsides.


So they started early - so make sure you are there on time. People were there on time the traffic was crazy , but starting early knowing that people are queing to park was not lekka, You say 7 30 is the start then start at 7 30. Would you like it if you bought tickets to a concert for 8 and they started at 7 ??? Mate your attitude sucks



54km instead of 50km - the last 5km were downhill and flat - seriously??? Agreed if anyone saw the profile it was 55km all along



The timing was manual, as it has been every year. Not sure it was timed i never saw anyone at the finish taking down times i hope im wrong but i never saw it.


There were 4 water points, plenty of good route markings - better than some events, beautiful climbs and single track and the views are always spectacular. In my post these were non issues and i praised the route plenty


If you road the race and finished it, be thankful that you could, and stop complaining about the tiny details. You have your health. -- Boet your arrogance is astounding its like me saying if you came to my restaurant and you complain about the food or service i turn to you and say you have your health and you lucky to be eating as some people cant eat so stop moaning, DOes that make it right??? Guess what keep pissing people off then there wont be an event in the future your take it or leave it attitude belongs in the dark ages.

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