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How the heck do you manage to wake up in the morning...

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been doing some spinning, boring as all hell (not if there is a looker next to you in tights), but you sweat like a pig.


chubba you make me laugh!!

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My shoes & helmet are still waiting by the door, they have been there since last week Mondays early morning training attempt :lol: Tomorrow come hell or high water I will get up, my plan is too leave my alarm outside the bedroom so I have to get up.

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I have not gotten up early to train since 2 weeks before last year's 94.7.


:lol: - Yeah, its way overrated in my opinion.

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I prep my kit the night before and then set my alarm for 5mins before sunrise. I make sure the alarm is placed somewhere I need to get up, walk to it, then switch it off else I am too tempted to hit the 'snooze' button and carry on napping..


this morning the sun rose at 7h13 ?? I wish I could ride that late in the morning :lol:


I set a minimum of 3 alarms at 15 minute intervals (the last being the time I must get up) and I also lay my kit out the night before. having a picture or a print out of your goal somewhere next to your bed helps. for me I have a print out of last years SA Duathlon Champs top 8 results (top 8 go to worlds) next to my bed where I can see it when I wake up, it reminds me why I want to get up, to be in that top 8 :D going to bed at 21h00 doesn't hurt either :)

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Get a Two Year Old.

I'll raise you a 20 month old, with German measles. Achtung!

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my wife kicks me outta bed.really, my alarm goes off, and if i dont get up she wakes me up, and says: "well your alarm did not wake me for nothing, get your lazy ass outah bed and go train!!!but it takes a while to get into a routine, and once in it, it becomes automatic like brushing teeth.i digress, i have not been training in the morning since this cold has started in ernest. But i did get some nice gloves to keep my hands warm as a pledge to start training in the AM again!!brrrrr


Yep, that rings true :rolleyes:

Pretty bizarre but I have also just done the "buy some winter gloves" thing but in order to literally kick-start early am rides I need toe warmers and there seems to be a shortage of them in the northern suburbs...


The key is riding buddies. No one wants to drop a buddie standing under a lamppost at 5am freezing his bud off waiting for you.

Too true - even worse when you're the one under a lampost :o

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There's an app for that - SleepCycle for iPhone


If I had an iPhone it might help. I've put it down to the cold in my house, so heaters is the motivation.

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easy if you must go to the gym. To force myself I just turned off my geyser. Now I have to go to gym to shower in the morning so I just do a workout while I am there. FYI I go to the gym at 04H00 in the mornings :)

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