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This is Jack. He came knocking at our back door as a skinny barely 6 weeks old in 2010. You could see his bones sticking out. Well, needless to say he stayed. He is the most loving and talkative dog you can ever imagine. He LOVES hubby. And he still thinks he is a lap dog.



Jack a few days after he arrived



Nothing much has change except he got fatter and bigger. Oh and he is super fast. And he loves trail running.



Now there's a cool name for a very lucky hound

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She and yeah i know she is. I have another collie too but little Jett just has too much energy for my poor chickens.


Oops, sorry! :blush:

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Recently got involved in Husky Rescue Bloemfontein. It's basically just a married couple caring for 16 Husky's on their own expense. They are two remarkable people and love each dog as their own. Nearly all of the Husky's was rescued over a period of a year or so.


Dave, the owner, told me about his plans to build a camp next to his house. I offered to build the shelter as I work for a brick manufacturer and can get building material at cheaper prices. Dave built the fence. Here are some pics, I still need to put a roof on the shelter. Going to do that Saturday.


The Beginning


Fence almost done


Fence is up and the Huskys start exporing their new territory post-14677-0-79048200-1394019113_thumb.jpg


There is still alot to do, but we are getting their!


Nice one! Well done!

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The owner of my local Keg's daughter has just got a new border collie-cross. Her name's Malaya (apparently it's Swahili for "bitch").




Naughty wee bugger, she kept on pulling at my jeans…



Thats a cool name! She's a beaut!
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Here's a question to all you animal lovers. Is it selfish to own only one dog and leave it alone day by day when you are at work? Surely that can't be good for a dog as they are pack animals.


In no way am I judging just want to hear your honest opinions.

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Here's a question to all you animal lovers. Is it selfish to own only one dog and leave it alone day by day when you are at work? Surely that can't be good for a dog as they are pack animals.


In no way am I judging just want to hear your honest opinions.


I would think it's best to have two - space, finance, etc permitting. Hate seeing bored dogs.

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Here's a question to all you animal lovers. Is it selfish to own only one dog and leave it alone day by day when you are at work? Surely that can't be good for a dog as they are pack animals.


In no way am I judging just want to hear your honest opinions.


I'm not going to answer that question directly......


I'll just mention that there is a "doggy day care" place in the Cape Town City Bowl. You drop your dog off in the morning, they play with it, feed it and take it for walks. After work you pick it up again, somewhat like your kids. It cost about as muck as primary school, but I don't think they teach your dog anything. ;)


Personally, I have too little room for more than Labrador, but I make sure that my children or myself take it out for a walk or a run daily. I also do a lot of specific training with it, which stimulate it mentally. If I don't do that, it chews stuff, normally starting with my own cycling kit! :D

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I think it would depend on how much time you can spend with your dog. Ie if you can exercise the dog properly and stimulate it mentally as DJR said, also I think socializing with people and other animals is important as well. With that in mind I don't think there's any issues with owning just one dog.


I actually would love to get a pet, but unfortunately my schedule is too hectic for me to be able to spend sufficient time with any furry friend :(

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Here's a question to all you animal lovers. Is it selfish to own only one dog and leave it alone day by day when you are at work? Surely that can't be good for a dog as they are pack animals.


In no way am I judging just want to hear your honest opinions.


We had 1 Bassett and now we have 2.

The older one is much more lively and seems to enjoy the company.

From owners point of view it is a bit more work but well worth it.

My wife wants 7!!! thankfully our complex allows 2 max. & would be utter chaos I think!!!!!

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We had 1 Bassett and now we have 2.

The older one is much more lively and seems to enjoy the company.

From owners point of view it is a bit more work but well worth it.

My wife wants 7!!! thankfully our complex allows 2 max. & would be utter chaos I think!!!!!

Hehe, 7 bassets.... :eek:
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A common sight at home (Poor Ming)



Congo banging out some tunes



Because he's musical, you should change his name to Conga!


Cool pics!

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Gemma the Great Dane with her squeaky Prime-rib toy, she runs around all day with that toy in her mouth. (She is 6 years old but acts like a puppy and lap dog).


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Here's a question to all you animal lovers. Is it selfish to own only one dog and leave it alone day by day when you are at work? Surely that can't be good for a dog as they are pack animals.


In no way am I judging just want to hear your honest opinions.


Yeah I think so.....years ago when we got married we adopted a little lap dog (ok a toy poodle), and both of us used to work, we left him in our townhouse garden during the day and he used to howl (our neighbors told us) when we left him. Later on we adopted another little mutt and since then the howling stopped.

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