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Racing on a Sunday is a sin


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Note to self: Never discuss politics or religion on a forum, via email or social platform.



No it does not and I wasn't offended.




Would you say you are interpreting what the bible says here?




Let's ask ourselves this: in all the years that The Hub's been going how many threads have there been where Muslims, Hindi's, Krishna's, Buddhist or Jews debated, without end, their point?


In most of these threads when the religions you quote above were questioned, like the so called "peacefullness" and intolerance towards women and the Christian Religion these threads were locked, yet the bashing of Christianity can go along unabated.

Edited by eccentric1
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If you are religious you will most likely be of that faith that your community adheres to, So if you were born in Arabia you will be a Muslim, or from most of India a Hindu, from Spain a Catholic or Northern Ireland a protestant. If you originated in Tibet you will be a Buddhist who believes in re-incarnation, whereas a western Buddhist will not have any belief.

All of the faithful will tell you they have strong evidence to support their often conflicting beliefs.

The Bible is a collection of works written by men who were often describing events that took place generations earlier. They lived in a highly superstitious age when almost all events were ascribed to the gods. Most natural events were seen as miracles. (In our more rational age miracles don’t happen anymore)

Over the years the Bible has been much modified and edited mainly for political reasons, two such notable events were in about 70BC in Alexandria and 327AD by the a Roman dictator who removed all reference to the total destruction of Jerusalem by the Romans in 70AD.

I do not have any belief in an after-life, as I know from my own experience and observation that all things are impermanent. I see change about me every minute of the day. Death is inevitable and while it may be comforting to belief that you may somehow escape the fate of every living organism on this planet, the evidence is against it. The result of this realisation is saviour every moment of this life.

We are burying in the next hour an old lady (98) of the town who is described in our paper to-day as a “ legend in her own right” Someone said to me yrsterday “How can she be buried from a church - she did not believe?” I replied that a funeral service is not for the deceased, it is for the living, and if her friends will get comfort for a church service they have the right to the comfort.


Indeed, what you say pretty much go's along with my comments all along. Where we differ is really my belief in a savior and a life after death.


...and Yes, how true, a funeral is for the living, my wife's father was buried recently, he had a hard life and escaped communism with nothing but a suitcase, due to his background, throughout his life he did not believe, it worried my wife and I but we accepted it was his decision and we sought solace in the belief we could pray for him.


Then with barely hours to live, he asked about God........he asked how to pray,- it gives me goosebumps still, for 80 odd years he denied Gods existence, but hours before he passed on he accepted there was a God.


I believe God answered our prayers, he knew we were concerned and he knew we were worried that he may die not believing, so he changed things, and a funeral that could so easily have been only for us, was now for him as well as we believe he accepted God.


So yeah, Nice comment Guy in Pink, perhaps we are not that far apart.

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If you are religious you will most likely be of that faith that your community adheres to, So if you were born in Arabia you will be a Muslim, or from most of India a Hindu, from Spain a Catholic or Northern Ireland a protestant. If you originated in Tibet you will be a Buddhist who believes in re-incarnation, whereas a western Buddhist will not have any belief.

All of the faithful will tell you they have strong evidence to support their often conflicting beliefs.

The Bible is a collection of works written by men who were often describing events that took place generations earlier. They lived in a highly superstitious age when almost all events were ascribed to the gods. Most natural events were seen as miracles. (In our more rational age miracles don’t happen anymore)

Over the years the Bible has been much modified and edited mainly for political reasons, two such notable events were in about 70BC in Alexandria and 327AD by the a Roman dictator who removed all reference to the total destruction of Jerusalem by the Romans in 70AD.

I do not have any belief in an after-life, as I know from my own experience and observation that all things are impermanent. I see change about me every minute of the day. Death is inevitable and while it may be comforting to belief that you may somehow escape the fate of every living organism on this planet, the evidence is against it. The result of this realisation is saviour every moment of this life.

We are burying in the next hour an old lady (98) of the town who is described in our paper to-day as a “ legend in her own right” Someone said to me yrsterday “How can she be buried from a church - she did not believe?” I replied that a funeral service is not for the deceased, it is for the living, and if her friends will get comfort for a church service they have the right to the comfort.


Each time a new translation of the Bible is done in Afrikaans it is done from the Hebrew and Aramaic. This excludes ideologies.

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I vote we ban religion on the hub, all it does (on the hub!) is cause argument with no positive result.

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I vote we ban religion on the hub, all it does (on the hub!) is cause argument with no positive result.


Then we better ban 29'ers as well :D

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I vote we ban religion on the hub, all it does (on the hub!) is cause argument with no positive result.

I usually find topics on religion quite interresting. I vote we ban people who participate in topics against their will?....

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Sorry, cant resist. Lets start with Moses....


There is absolutely no historical evidence for this greatest Jewish leader of all times. No inscriptions on stone, bone, bronze, clay tablets, papyri or any mentions in place names or in traditional legends in the area, other than in the Bible.






Uhm, chap, sorry can't resist.


I think you need to do a bit of research. Start with The Quran....


:oops: :blush:

Edited by The Drongo
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Uhm, chap, sorry can't resist.


I think you need to do a bit of research. Start with The Quran....


:oops: :blush:


Your joking right? The Quran .... the one that says Jesus is only a prophet, not divine? You accept that truth? That Mohammed went to heaven on a winged horse? That all infidels must die?


Show me one archeological reference to Moses? One piece of solid evidence thats not in a religious text. The Jews have been digging up the Holy land stukkend and they have found what .... nothing, nada nyet!


The Egyptions must have come off the Ark surely? Rather odd that these meticulous record keepers dont have a single (not one) reference to Jewish custom or history recorded for the entire exodus period or earlier.


In short I have done the reseach, thats how I know there is no evidence. Now show me your evidence

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